I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 264 Finally Saved You

Chapter 264 Finally Saved You

Qu Gengzhao looked at her, the bangs on his forehead were gradually soaked, and the sweat dripped from his chin. He leaned against the black iron wall, panting to calm his breath, and said, "I told you not to come here, I was worried that I would not be able to control my body and told you not to leave me, because this place is full of traps, I can't protect you if I can't see you, and if you are not careful, you will be injured."

Hearing what he said, Li Zhen didn't know what to say for a while, looking at this young man who was working so hard to protect himself, he said, "I see."

He looked at her with a gentle light in his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I will never let him control me again!"

His words unexpectedly gave people a sense of peace of mind. Li Zhen looked at him, as if he was no longer the frivolous boy he used to be, but had grown into a responsible and responsible little man.

Seeing that Qu Gengzhao's face was getting paler and paler, Yu Yaoluo knew that his mental power was exhausted, so she quickly summoned the Shennong Cauldron. Now that things have happened, she can only try it!
She patted the body of the Shennong Ding with one palm, poured magic power into it, and urged the Shennong Ding to spin and release its breath, sweeping towards the mechanism maze.

Qu Gengzhao felt that the divine consciousness was not suppressed so much, so he quickly forced him out.

After Hei Luosha's avatar consciousness was forced out, seeing that the situation was not right, he quickly ran away.There is no way, the maze of organs is surrounded by the Ding Qi of Shennong Ding, if he does not escape, when the Ding Qi approaches, he will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

Shaking his head, Qu Gengzhao knelt down on one knee. After his consciousness stabilized, he finally showed a smile: "This level of mechanism maze can still be solved by this pavilion master."

He took out a purple compass and a black and white Tai Chi instrument from the space ring, facing the nine grids on the black iron wall, and began to arrange and combine them.

The key to breaking the formation lies in the center of the maze. As long as you can find the center of the maze, you can use the maze method to leave. When he came in, he had recorded the direction of these mazes, so he knew the general solution.

Although he was sweating profusely, he was still calmly solving the Nine Palaces Formation of the mechanism maze. He had just fought against that unknown divine consciousness just now, and his mental energy was a bit exhausted. To solve this mechanism labyrinth, the requirements are terrible. It's not an ordinary technical difficulty.

After he untied a mechanism formation, he turned to her and said, "Follow me."

Li Zhen stared at him blankly. At first she thought he was just talking, but she didn't expect him to be able to solve it.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Anyway, I am also the second-generation Pavilion Master of Duobao Pavilion No. 40. I must be recognized as the second in the martial arts world. Who dares to recognize the first?" Qu Gengzhao said unhappily, thinking I am a little proud of my unique skills, especially when I see the surprised expression of my sweetheart.

Yu Yaoluo suddenly looked at this little kid with admiration, she didn't expect this little kid to be really talented.

After the last mechanism was unlocked, Qu Gengzhao took Li Zhen out. During this period, he took her to avoid the trap mechanism several times. He had already exhausted his mental strength and passed out as soon as he came out.

Before fainting, he murmured weakly: "Great, I finally saved you..."

There were tears in Li Zhen's eyes, she looked at him, wiped her tears and said: "Why are you working so hard, the master will find a way later, and naturally he can save us, what are you trying to do here? "

These two little guys seem to have a story?Yu's enchanting eyes swept over the two of them.

It seems that if you don't understand what happened between these two people, there is no way to help them untie their knots. Yu Yaoluo carefully carried out the soul-searching method to check the memories of Li Zhen in his mind. .

A few years ago

A little boy is leading a little girl to Duobao Pavilion.

"Hey, what are you going to take me to see?" Li Zhen followed Qu Gengzhao, half anticipating and half excitedly saying.

"You'll know when you get there." Qu Gengzhao said triumphantly.

Originally, he wanted to show her the miraculous mechanism in Duobao Pavilion, the majestic scene where the gears rotate at the same time, and the wonderful scene where the whole space changes instantly, but he didn't expect to trap himself in it.

The space changed instantly, and the two were separated by the mechanism wall, imprisoned in two claustrophobic spaces respectively.

"He also said that he is the next owner of the Duobao Pavilion, and he can't even solve the mechanism building of his own house." Li Zhen slapped the wall, annoyed and annoyed, "It's so dark and cold here."

The more Li Zhen talked, the more sad he became, and finally he couldn't help sobbing and said: "Woooo... this is good, we can't get out..."

"I'm sorry, Xiaozhen, I didn't mean it." Across the trap wall, Qu Gengzhao could only comfort her with his voice, "You...don't cry, Daddy will definitely find out that we are gone soon, come and save us." We went out."

Seeing this, Yu Yaoluo smiled faintly, so it turned out that Qu Gengzhao had always been brooding over the fact that he failed to rescue Li Zhen when he was a child, so now he wants to rescue her with his own hands.

Bai Jingnian had already been invited over at this time: "The Palace Master is in such a hurry to invite Jingnian over, why?"

finally reached?Yu Yaoluo turned to look at him, suddenly smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to introduce you to a master of mechanism art, are you interested in getting to know him?"

Bai Jingnian's eyes lit up, could it be that he is a fellow-walker?
"How is this person's organ skills?"

"Well, the one who can unlock your labyrinth..." Yu Yaoluo thought for a while, then turned to look at him, "Shouldn't he be under you?"

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a match for chess, Bai Jingnian was a little surprised.

After Qu Gengzhao woke up, he found that Li Zhen was taking care of him, and suddenly felt that he should be in a dream, so he quickly closed his eyes: "Let me dream for a while."

Li Zhen threw the handkerchief on his face, and said angrily: "Since you are awake, get up quickly, how long do you want to stay in the master's enchanted palace?"

"I'll wait as long as you lie." Qu Gengzhao simply acted like a rascal.


"Okay, okay, you two Huanxi enemies, stop making trouble," Yu Yaoluo couldn't help joking when she saw the two people bickering as soon as she came in, "Remember to prepare an extra dowry gift for Pavilion Master Qu, don't forget this The Palace Master is Zhen'er's master, if you want to come to Pavilion Master Qu, you won't be stingy?"

"Master!" Li Zhen blushed, "Who said you're going to marry him?"

"I remember someone said before that if Pavilion Master Qu unlocked the labyrinth, he can do whatever he wants. Who is this person?" Yu Yaoluo pretended to have a bad memory, "I can't remember."

(End of this chapter)

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