I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 265 Dragon Domain

Chapter 265 Dragon Domain
Qu Gengzhao was reminded by her, and said happily: "Yes, Xiaozhen said that if I solve this labyrinth of organs, no matter what, then I want Xiaozhen to marry me!"

Yu Yaoluo cast a sideways glance at Li Zhen, who had a blushing face, and said with a chuckle, "Did you shoot yourself in the foot with a rock now? If you say something, you can't go back on your words."

"Hey," Yu Yaoluo whispered in her ear, "This kid is still very responsible and responsible. He has studied mechanism techniques for many years in order to save you. This is commendable."

"He was originally going to be the owner of the Duobao Pavilion, so it's no big deal to be proficient in organ techniques." Li Zhen said disapprovingly.

"But for you, he exhausted his mental strength and was in a coma for so many days, so he is sincere, right?" Yu Yaoluo reminded, "When I just escaped from danger, I saw you crying." Fortunately, she Lingquan in Lingzhi's space helped him warm Yang Yuanshen, otherwise this kid might not be able to wake up.

"Master!" Li Zhen turned his face away in embarrassment.

Alas, it seems that the result is not bad. Her apprentice is not only the younger sister of Hall Master Wandu, but also the wife of the master of Duobao Pavilion.

Chu Qianchen and the others found a way to find the Nuwa stone, that is to use the Lost Formation.

However, at least three ancient artifacts are needed to set up the Lost Formation. In addition to the Xuanyuan Sword in Chu Qianchen's hand and the Shennong Cauldron in Yu Yaoluo's hand, another artifact is needed.

Youdu City

"Enchanting, I am using the Haotian Tower, Xuanyuan Sword and Shennong Ding to send you to the location of the Nuwa stone, but in this way, I have to stay here. After you find the Nuwa stone, I will use this The Lost Formation will teleport you back," Chu Qianchen said.

"Going to find the Nvwa Stone here, you may encounter some dangers. If your life is at stake, don't be brave. You should summon me to send you back, you know?" Chu Qianchen urged.

Yu Yaoluo nodded and stood inside the Lost Formation.

Chu Qianchen poured spiritual power into the Lost Formation, Xuanyuan Sword, Shennong Cauldron, and Haotian Pagoda emitted faint blue light, and then the entire formation spun and rose into a huge vortex, sucking Yu Yaoluo into the teleportation inside the space.

Yu Yaoluo felt the world spinning for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she was already in a place full of yellow sand, similar to a demon realm.

She thought she was teleported to a wild land, but the aura in the air here has not disappeared, it seems that this is not a wild place.

Not far away came the sound of Qing Yue's dragon chant, and Yu Yaoluo was extremely surprised. Could it be that she was teleported to the territory of the Dragon Clan——Longyu?
Seeing several flying dragons approaching, Yu Yaoluo hurriedly found a boulder to hide, and held her breath. She came here to find Nuwashi, so she couldn't expose herself, but attracted the attention of the dragon clan.

Three giant dragons fell from the sky, one was white, one was red, and the other was black.

Yu Yaoluo knew that the dragon race was diverse, among which white dragons, red dragons and black dragons were the most numerous, purple dragons were very rare, and golden dragons were the most noble.

Those few dragons turned into human form as soon as they landed, at least equivalent to the eighth-level human master. Even if she has Luo Yan, Xiao Lei and Feng Yu protecting her now, she still has to be careful. The dragon race is very repulsive to foreigners. Woolen cloth.

I saw them draw a magic circle in the air. After a while, the magic circle disappeared, and two huge cloud pillars broke through the ground and rose to the sky. A colorful barrier was formed between the two cloud pillars. into the barrier.

Yu Yaoluo was a little curious, what exactly were they doing?Could it be that that barrier can lead to another place?
She decided to wait patiently. After a long time, the colored barrier reappeared, and the three of them reappeared, with expressions on their faces that seemed a little aggrieved.

Now she is even more curious, what is on the other side of the barrier?

After they all turned back into the dragon body and flew away, Yu Yaoluo came out from the hiding place, walked around the place where the cloud pillar appeared just now, and found nothing unusual.

Since she was here to find the Nuwa stone, she always had to explore a few more places. There might be clues about the Nuwa stone in that place just now.

Yu Yaoluo imitated the method of those dragon clans just now, drawing an identical magic circle in the air, and then pouring in spiritual energy.

In fact, she was just holding the attitude of giving it a try. She didn't expect that the cloud pillar that disappeared just now broke through the ground again!
Yu Yaoluo stared dumbfounded at the colorful barrier that gradually formed in front of her eyes, and then stretched out her hand to poke forward.

Release the spiritual sense induction, there should be an empty secret passage in front, and at the end of the secret passage is a stone room.

Yu Yaoluo didn't sense any danger, so she walked forward boldly. She was very curious, what was being protected and what was being imprisoned in this stone room?

A few cold arrows flew towards her, but Yu Yaoluo nimbly dodged them. Suddenly dense bayonets emerged from the walls on both sides, gradually pressing on her. She quickly supported the wall and flew away.

In this way, wouldn't the way out be blocked?Yu Yaoluo frowned, turned around and looked at the end of the secret passage, now, she could only go forward, hoping to find an exit ahead.

When I came to the door of the stone room, the lock on it was actually a gossip black iron lock.

As a thief, is it not a trivial matter to deal with this kind of lock?Yu Yaoluo took off her hairpin, poked left on the gossip black iron lock, twisted it right, and after a while, pried the gossip black iron lock open.

When she pushed open the door of the stone chamber, she was almost stunned by the sight in front of her.

A cyan dragon hovered over a huge altar at this time, his eyes were closed, his body was covered with runes, candles were burning under the altar, it looked like a sacrificial ceremony.

She opened her eyes wide, reflecting the weird green candlelight under the altar, what is going on? !
In the sacrificial ceremony of the dragon clan, is it used as a sacrifice?
She raised her hand to tear off the rune on it, but was bounced away by a burst of golden light. The cyan dragon woke up, and looked at her with a pair of deep green eyes, as if crossing endless time and space, a huge burst The coercion came to her.

Yu Yaoluo quickly mobilized all the coercion in her body to fight back, but she didn't expect to counterattack his coercion easily.

what happened?Seeing the pained look on the blue dragon's face, Yu Yaoluo quickly restrained her imperial coercion: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, how are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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