I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 81 Who Will Be a Bandit?

Chapter 81 Who Will Be a Bandit?

"No, it's nothing." Yaoluo quickly pulled down her sleeves, "I was scratched by a stone when I rolled down the slope."

"Let me see." Liu Zi stretched out his hand to help her see the injury.

"No need, it's much better after applying the ointment." Yaoluo pretended to be shy, "Besides, men and women... can't kiss each other."

The six sons also felt a little embarrassed, although Mei Gu was a down-and-out orphan, but she was still a girl of Huanghua after all.

"By the way, brother Liu is here?" Yaoluo hurriedly changed the subject.

"Oh, we are discussing that everyone will vote by showing their hands together to see if everyone agrees to fight or retreat. Although you just joined, Gu Mei, the leader said that since it is a vote, of course it is necessary to ask for everyone's opinions. I'll come in and call you out."

The cave is now clearly divided into two factions, one is the main combat faction, and the other is the anti-war faction.

"I don't want to go back to that backcountry again. I'm going to die anyway. Rather than being exploited to death by cruel officials, it's better to die in battle in the Liuguang Mountains. With the big bosses around, the officers and soldiers of the imperial court may not be able to beat us." This is the main point of view of the main combat faction.

The anti-stand faction is also not happy: "We came out with hard work, isn't it just to earn some money and go back to honor the elderly? Now we have to risk our lives, what about the family members?"

Enchanting understands it. The main point of opposition between the main fighters and the anti-stand factions is whether they have relatives. The old and the young are the pillars of the family.

Yaoluo thought that the six sons would choose the anti-war faction, but she didn't expect that the six sons were from the main war faction, which surprised Yaoluo a little.

"I don't want to either." The six sons bowed their heads helplessly, "Every time the people in the caravan come to exchange some things that the villagers can't produce by themselves, such as salt and iron. The salt industry is a huge profit industry. It is against the law to dry seawater to make salt on Boyin Island, and the imperial court expressly prohibits the sale of private salt or the private production of salt.”

"Those salt merchants tried their best to curry favor with local officials for their money. Even the monopoly of official salt is very serious. People's money is used to buy salt. How can they buy other things?! Bo Yin The island is getting poorer and poorer, because all the money has gone into the pockets of those corrupt officials and salt merchants!"

"Since the imperial court doesn't care about us, why should we give face to the imperial court?!" At the end of the six sons, he almost spoke to Yaoluo in a persuasive tone.

It seems that the exploitation of the people by local officials is more serious than she imagined.Seeing that Liu Zi turned his head suddenly, Yaoluo pretended to be frightened: "Brother Liu...you, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Zi also realized that he had lost his composure, and turned his face away: "It's nothing, I just feel that sometimes there is no way out under patience, maybe resistance is the best way."

"But... maybe you can tell the court that the court will consider reducing taxes and punishing local officials and salt merchants. Then everyone can return to Boine Island without being robbers." Enchanting pretended to be "naive" "Like said.

"Hahaha, I finally know why you were kidnapped and sold here by the toothmaid..." Liu Zi laughed angrily at the enchanting innocence and cuteness. Simple is enough, where do those rulers have time to listen to the voices of us little people? Are they all busy with sensuality?"

"If we dare to write a letter to the emperor, we will be stopped halfway if we don't keep it in order. What's more serious, if the whistleblower is found out, we will give you a pot. Officials protect each other, and those corrupt officials are all in the same gang!" Six sons said at the end, holding tightly fist.

"Isn't there still an upright official? Is it okay to find an upright official?" Yaoluo continued to listen.

"Integrity officials? Integrity officials are generally low-key, how can they have the ability to help us get justice?" Liu Zi kicked a stone far away under his feet.

"Then, if someone can help you... If we write a letter to ask for orders, will we not have to be robbers?" Yaoluo said slowly, with some expectations.

"Mei Gu, don't be stupid. There won't be such a day." Liu Zi patted her on the shoulder, "I know that you, a woman, will be afraid, don't worry, it will be a battlefield for us men!"

The moonlight was slightly cold, and when everyone in the cave fell asleep, Yao Yao quietly got up, touched the outside of the cave, and gestured to the night watchman: She wants to urinate.

The night watchman nodded and let her out.Yaoluo walked towards the bushes, making sure that the people behind couldn't see her, so she took out the sound transmission jade talisman.

"General Lu, I have changed my mind. It is not a good way to suppress bandits and maintain stability. It is not a good way to use violence to control violence. The right way is to find the root of their hatred and resolve conflicts. Please help me write a letter to the emperor, requesting tax relief on Boyin Island , to rectify the local salt merchants and corrupt officials, and the policy is appropriately tilted to support." Yaoluo said to the sound transmission jade talisman, "And..."

"Remove the bandit suppression notice and replace it with a security notice!" On her delicate face, her eyes were as clear as snow.

Shenwu Palace
In the early morning, all civil and military officials worshiped: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!

"If you have a book to play, you can't leave the court without a book!"

"There will be a memorial at the end!" General Lu Zhaolin came out and asked for the memorial.

The memorial was presented, and after Chu Changtian finished reading it, he slapped the table angrily: "Lu Aiqing, do you want me to replace the bandit suppression notice with a security notice?!"


"Everyone in Beijing knows that bandits are brutal and vicious, and everyone can punish them. The notice to suppress bandits has already been posted. Are you trying to make me lose my trust in the world?" Chu Changtian said displeased.

"The area around the Liuguang Mountains is infested with bandits. General Lu doesn't want to exterminate them, but instead wants to speak for those bandits. What is his intention?" Chu Haotian knew that General Lu was Chu Qianchen's confidant, and he didn't mind saying goodbye when his father was angry. Add a fire.

Lu Zhaolin originally thought that this plan was unreasonable, but Yu Yaoluo told him not to let go: "The general's proposal of this memorial will definitely cause the emperor's dissatisfaction. When the time comes, please remember..."

After listening to the words of remonstrance, General Lu knew that she had put in good intentions, so he continued enchantingly: "If possible, please admit that this strategy and strategy are all the general's idea! I am ten years old, it is impossible to have such a mind. Bravery, enchanting and presumptuous, the general must agree!"

When he heard that she was going to put all the credit on him, Lu Zhaolin was even more embarrassed, so he could only respectfully say: "Please rest assured, Master Summoner, I will definitely deliver the holy hearing in the end, and live up to expectations!"

"A gentleman cherishes morality, a villain cherishes his soil, flees his hometown, and leaves his wife and son. Who is willing to become a bandit? If you can't do what you want, you ask yourself. Are the authorities really confused? Fake confused?" Lu Zhaolin said. The words carried strong spiritual power and resounded throughout the court.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

 What I spread here is not positive energy, it is obviously political energy... No wonder you can't see it ╮(╯o╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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