Chapter 82
"It's a good sentence, you can't do it, ask yourself! It's a confusing sentence!" Chu Changtian laughed suddenly, and slapped the dragon chair, "General Lu is so courageous!"

That is the spirit of a ruler!It is the supreme power of the imperial power!Ling Ran is inviolable!

This unknown praise or criticism shocked Lu Zhaolin into a cold sweat, but he was willing to believe in Master Summoner!

He continued to follow the enchanting lines: "I believe in the emperor's sageness, and I will never let appearances blind my eyes! I beg the emperor to see clearly!"

"Okay, okay..." Chu Changtian laughed heartily. According to this, if he didn't see clearly, he wouldn't be wise?This trick is really high!
Chu Changtian knew that although Lu Zhaolin was unparalleled in battle, it was impossible for him to come up with such a trick to stop him. He was very interested in the person behind him who was making plans.

If I can meet this person, I would like to treat him generously with the courtesy of a national scholar!

After investigating the situation on Boyin Island, the edict to recruit security came down soon.

"Is this true? The imperial court is really willing to reduce or exempt the taxes of Boyin Island, and investigate and deal with corrupt officials and salt merchants?!" When Liu Zi heard the news, he still couldn't believe it.

Everyone in the cave was very happy. They thought that the officers and soldiers outside were here to kill them, but they didn't expect that they were here to recruit security!

Mu Kuangge was also a little skeptical at first, but later it was confirmed that it was true, and he was also ecstatic.

"Mei Gu, the imperial court gave us a severance package, what are your future plans?" Liu Zi asked Yao Yao, if she said she had no plans, he actually wanted to ask her if she would go back to Boyin Island with him.

"I have my own place." Yaoluo and the others walked to the fork in the road, and waved to everyone, "We will meet later everyone!"

Seeing the enchanting leaving back, Liu Zi suddenly had a feeling that if she just left, there would be no such person as Mei Gu in this world.

"Mei Gu!" The six sons called out to her by accident.

"What's the matter? Brother Liu." Enchanting turned her head, did she say something was wrong?

On the delicate face, a pair of clear eyes looked at him with doubts.

The six sons suddenly felt that perhaps he should say thank you to her, and always felt that it was because of Mei Gu's appearance that they were able to escape unscathed.

"Thank you!" Liu Zi desperately waved at Yaoluo, with a big smile on his face.

At first, Enchanting almost thought that she had exposed her identity, but now it seems that it is very possible...

Well~ It doesn't matter, Enchanting suddenly responded with a bright smile: "I should thank you all!"

Looking back and smiling at each other, the mountains and mountains are boundless.

Flowing Clouds and Water Pavilion
"You did a good job in calming the chaos this time." Chu Qianchen was very satisfied with Yaoluo's performance this time.

Enchanting has long since turned into a ten-year-old girl, she blinked her eyes: "Master, you are absurd, this time it is General Lu's advice, I am just going to find out."

Chu Qianchen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, it's all thanks to General Lu."

Through the enchanting innocent smiling face, he seemed to see that stunningly beautiful woman smiling at her.

Soul from another world, who are you?

Not long after the cause of the banditry was announced and the Announcement of Encouraging Security was issued, everyone praised General Lu for his outspoken honesty, Emperor Shenwu's wise judgment, loyal ministers and wise emperor, and it was quickly spread as a good talk.

Prince Chu Haotian secretly clenched his fists: Originally, he planned to use the bandits to get rid of Yu Yaoluo, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway!Lu Zhaolin... must have been instructed by the ninth brother!
He wanted to see, without Chu Qianchen's protection, would a young girl like her be able to turn the world upside down?

The Shenwu royal family holds autumn hunting every year, which is not only an outdoor entertainment activity for the royal family, but also a great opportunity for the children of the royal family and princes and nobles to show off their talents.

Because the prince and Chu Qianchen were sent to monitor the completion of the river project, they failed to catch up with Qiushou this time.

I heard that whoever hunts the most prey this year will get a pair of top-quality flint.Enchanting is fortunate to be among the invitations.

The best fire spar, that can improve the cultivation of fire magic, enchanting can't help but feel a little eager to try.

"Wait!" While Yao Yao was secretly rejoicing, a woman's voice came, damn it, it was that annoying Su Wan'er.

"What advice does Princess Qingping have?" Yaoluo deliberately put the accent on the word "advise".

"I don't dare to teach you, but the summoner has the backing of monsters. Wouldn't that be unfair to other people?" Looking at Su Wan'er's expression, it seemed that she was really thinking of other people.

Isn't it just that there is no need to summon Warcraft?Su Wan'er looked down on people too much.

It doesn't matter if you use Xiaolei or not. This hunting ground is full of relatively docile elementary monsters and ordinary beasts, and there are many masters among the royal family and princes and nobles. Just for this point, this hunting ground is already better than other places. Much safer.

Enchanting agreed, and summoned Xiao Lei to come out and put it aside: "Do you wait here obediently for me to know?"

Although Xiao Lei was a little bit dissatisfied that he couldn't participate in the hunt, but seeing that Su Wan'er's haughty look made him angry, she was so enchanting, even if she didn't summon a monster!
"Okay, you have to be careful." Xiao Lei warned in a low voice.

"I will." She didn't ignore the calculating look in Su Wan'er's eyes, she was just waiting here, if there is any challenge, let her go!
The hunting competition started, and each group of people galloped separately in the hunting ground. Because he was a little worried about Enchanting, Chu Mingzheng followed closely behind Enchanting.

"Why are you following me, hurry up and go hunting, let's compete and see which of us has the most prey?" Enchanting turned her head and smiled.

"That Su Wan'er, you have to be more careful." Chu Mingzheng rode his horse and Yaoluo went hand in hand.

Su Wan'er doesn't like Yu Yaoluo, Chu Mingzheng has heard about this for a long time, which makes him even more worried, after all, Yaoluo is one of the few friends he can talk to here.

The children in the royal family are tired of intrigue and hard work when interacting with each other. He is close to the minister's children and is suspected of forming a party for personal gain.

Those prime ministers and ministers are not easy-going lamps, and they do everything possible to make their daughter and granddaughter a princess. Chu Mingzheng has long been attached to him, so he feels very disgusted with these.

Knowing that Chu Mingzheng cared about her, Yu Yaoluo smiled knowingly, and she accepted this kindness.

At this time, everyone seemed to have discovered some large prey, and one or two gathered towards the west of the forest.

Chu Mingzheng rode his horse past, but didn't notice that Yaoluo didn't keep up.Yu Yaoluo is not interested in this kind of situation where there are so many heroes chasing one prey, and even if the prey is caught in the end with so many arrows stuck in it, whose head should the prey be counted as?
A black figure hidden behind the bushes couldn't help but be delighted to see that Yao Yao was alone. It's time for him to show his loyalty to His Highness the Crown Prince.

 ~Moe Theater~
  Nanfeng made a summoning pose: Someone is urging you to change, Mr. Luo Yan, come out quickly!

  Luo Yanjun (appeared helplessly): You are the one who was urged to change, what did you call Benhu?
  Nanfeng (with a straight face): I made it!But I can't satisfy the readers in terms of numbers for the time being, so I have to pull you out first to satisfy the Luoyan Party.

  Luo Yanjun pondered for a while: Benhu is fine, but aren't you afraid that if this continues, Benhu's popularity will overwhelm the male lead ╮(╯_╰)╭?
  Nan Feng secretly slandered: (ˉ▽ ̄~) Huh~~ You have covered it a long time ago... Are there still one or two chapters left?
(End of this chapter)

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