Wanli 1592

Chapter 376 Meeting the Admiral

Chapter 376 Meeting the Admiral
All the resistance forces in Bagu City were wiped out, and what remained was only a group of quail-like resigned people. The Ming army did not continue to kill, but imprisoned them all, because they had a greater role.

Xiao Ruxun wants to negotiate a business with some people.

Looking at some military and political maps found in the Burmese royal palace, Xiao Ruxun roughly drew a territorial area for the entire Burma according to his own memory, and then sent Zhao Hu, Wang Hui and the Ma family boys each to bring a team to the dynasty. He continued to attack the city in the three directions of north, south and west, occupying villages and cities, clearing up the uncaptured Burmese in the local area, and making room for his immigration filling plan.

In addition, according to the informant, the troops of Deng Zilong and Liu Ting also wiped out the last Burmese border guards in the Yunnan border regiment, and they are crossing the mountains to the capital of Burma. It wasn't as difficult to deal with as Xiao Ruxun imagined. These two people still didn't get much credit this time, but it's okay. Xiao Ruxun also sent orders to the north to send orders to these two people, asking them to take troops to attack the city and capture people.

Only the land that was conquered by soldiers and established a military stronghold can be counted as the land that is truly controlled. This is not like drawing a large circle on the map and saying that the land in this circle belongs to me. The territory of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period is so divided Big, especially the land of Chu State occupies almost half of Jiangnan in the textbook. Please, what is the total population of Chu State?Need half of Jiangnan to resettle?

In many places, an outpost is set up, and even the surrounding area is considered territory, but can an area that is completely unoccupied be considered national territory?

In Xiao Ruxun's view, if you occupy it, you must actually occupy it, regardless of whether it is useful or not, you must actually occupy it.

This time, Xiao Ruxun wants to play a little bigger.

"Isn't it inappropriate to do this? These people were born and raised here, I'm afraid it's not easy to move away, and you start fighting when you disagree, is it too much? Ji Xin, the old man didn't say you before , those of you... oh! Let’s not talk about it! You yourself have said before that you are not afraid of killing if you are a general, but you must not be bloodthirsty, otherwise you will bring disaster to future generations, have you forgotten?”

It seems that Yuan Huang is a little dissatisfied with Xiao Ruxun's recent large-scale killings.

"Yuan Gong, of course I will never forget what I said. If I were bloodthirsty, I would not keep these men and women, but kill them together to prevent future troubles. Killing the elderly and young children is not a waste of food. Forced, killing soldiers is to prevent resistance and deter civilians, Yuan Gong, everything is based on Ming's interests, this is my style of action, a little killing is not in my eyes."

Yuan Huang didn't say anything, and he also knew that what Xiao Ruxun said was true. The Ming army didn't have much food. After Siam destroyed Phitsanulok's granary, his own food was also affected, so he had to reduce the supply of the Ming army. Now Xiao Ruxun wants to give most of the food to the army, and also has to conquer the city. It is true that there is not much food left to feed the idlers. In order to avoid future troubles, killing is the best way.

He sighed.

"Furthermore, these barbarians are different from China. Our ancestors have grown up here for hundreds of thousands of years. They have already taken root in the local area, and their homeland is hard to leave. How long has it been since this small country was established? How long have these people settled and multiplied? Multiple rural complexes? If you don’t want to leave, it means that you don’t have enough benefits, just give more. If you still don’t want to leave, it’s cheap, just kill them, and you have nothing to say to these uncivilized barbarians.”

Xiao Ruxun looked at the map and explained his method expressionlessly.

"But they all came here because of Da Ming's reputation. In order to make a confession to Da Ming, Da Ming's reputation is very important!"

"Da Ming's best reputation is that those who make meritorious deeds must be rewarded and those who have done wrong must be punished! And there is no need for Da Ming to take action on this matter. Mr. Yuan, at least some of these tribes are willing to leave their original living places and enter the places we stipulated. Those who are unwilling to leave, call on those who are willing to leave to attack and carve up all their population and property, isn’t that enough? Daming can solve it without firing a single shot.”

Yuan Huang was taken aback for a moment, then worriedly said: "What you said is reasonable, but under the oppression of the Dongwu people, those tribes may have already formed a union, and they have been in contact with each other for a long time. Is there any effect? ​​If one is not good, they will inform each other and form an alliance against Daming, won't there be another dispute?"

"Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu are still righteous father and son, why don't they turn against each other? Now that the Dongwu people are gone, the alliance of these people is meaningless. Now what they should think about most is how to get closer to Da Ming, so as to get Da Ming's support and a lot of benefits. In the face of sufficient interests, these tribes and countries have no credibility at all, otherwise why do so many crude divorce schemes in the world succeed repeatedly?"

Yuan Huang had nothing to say, he knew what Xiao Ruxun said was right, as long as he wanted, he could throw out the benefits of making these tribes beat each other bloody, and reap the benefits himself, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"Then, Ji Xin, are you really ready for Yongzhen to be here?"

Yuan Huang looked at Xiao Ruxun very seriously.

Xiao Ruxun nodded.

"It's decided. Since they don't want me to go back, I hope they will always satisfy me. Even if I don't have credit, I have hard work. The more than 1000 million taels of silver is considered the cost of buying an official. Land, they won't be unwilling, right?"

Thinking of those Taoist officials in the capital with unimaginably low integrity values, Yuan Huang shook his head helplessly.

"Ji Xin, after this time, no matter what you do in the future, you must think carefully before making a decision!"

Xiao Ruxun laughed.

"Where do I have so much time to think on the battlefield? It's just a matter of going all out and working hard to create a bright future. Yuan Gong, if you think twice before you act, you will be robbed of your meat!"

Yuan Huang burst out laughing and was amused.

He knew that he couldn't stop Xiao Ruxun who made up his mind, and he also decided to put his future and the little hope left on Xiao Ruxun. From Xiao Ruxun, he could see the innocence of his young self. You can also see the changeable heart and cold heart that the young self does not have. Since ancient times, the great career has never been done by mothers-in-law and mother-in-law.

Yuan Huang still remembers that after the battle with the Japanese pirates, an old soldier pointed at him with a sword and scolded him-when the troubled times came, all the motherfuckers were beasts everywhere, and the competition was who was more beast than whom!Who the hell don't pretend to be human!I have eaten Japanese pirate meat and drank Japanese pirate blood, so I am not a human anymore! ?
Those words at the beginning brought a huge shock to the young Yuan Huang, but Yuan Huang also thought about it, fearing that if he really turned into a beast, he would not have the chance to turn back into a human again. The final winner , must be the "beast" who has never forgotten that he was once a person from the beginning to the end.

Yuan Huang only knew that he was human from beginning to end.

On the first day of October in the 21st year of Wanli, the heads of the major tribes in Myanmar brought their brave men and precious specialties as tribute to the admiral of the Ming Dynasty, and rushed to the Daming military camp outside Bagu City. Looking at the ruins of Bagu City, I feel a little happy, sad and afraid.

The gratifying thing is that the brutal ruler who has been on his head for many years is finally finished. I heard that the whole family was wiped out, and none of them survived. They deserve it!Let them be so arrogant and bullying, how many of our clansmen have been killed over the years, and we have been robbed of so much food every day, so that we can't have enough food for ourselves. Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally found our savior.

What is embarrassing is that a country and an army that were once so powerful were wiped out, so simply, do you think this is retribution?

Then I started to fear—would Da Ming be more cruel and tyrannical than Mang Yingli?Will Mang Yingli ask for more annual tribute and taxes?Will it oppress us more severely than Mang Yingli?We can't even beat Mang Yingli, can we wrestle with Daming?

All in all, there are all kinds of ideas, twenty or thirty tribes came to Daming's military camp with their own thoughts, and asked to see the admiral of Ming Dynasty Xiao Ruxun.

With Xiao Ruxun's order, the Ming army lined up to welcome friends!

A burst of war drums sounded, rumbling, making these tribal leaders feel the ground under their feet trembling, and then accompanied by a distant sound of horns, the gate of the Daming barracks opened, and two teams of soldiers and horses walked towards them with bright weapons in their hands. Standing in line on both sides of the two sides, it was clear that they were here to welcome them, but in the eyes of these leaders, there was a little more thought that Daming was showing his military power.

If such a well-equipped army really fights, it probably won't be able to fight.

The heads of many relatively large tribes felt their hearts beating when they looked at the serious-faced Ming soldiers on both sides.

Then, they were taken into Daming's barracks and met with the admiral of Daming.

Due to the language barrier between the two sides, two foreigners were responsible for the translation this time, one was a Portuguese missionary and the other was Matteo Ricci.

This Portuguese missionary mixed among the captured Portuguese soldiers, and found Matteo Ricci to reveal his identity after he was confirmed safe. Matteo Ricci was still very surprised, and told Xiao Ruxun that he knew this man, and his name was Brown. Yes, it seems to be a colleague of Matteo Ricci. He was going to India to preach, but somehow he ended up here. According to this Brown himself, he was captured by the Burmese during the war...

Anyway, this Brown has been in Myanmar for more than ten years. Based on the concept of preaching wherever he is, he has learned some local ethnic languages ​​and can communicate with the local people. Xiao Ruxun feels that this buddy’s heart is true. Big, are preachers all monsters?How many languages ​​can each master?

Matteo Ricci himself is a language genius, and Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. It is still difficult for foreigners in modern times, let alone the Ming Dynasty when intellectuals widely used classical Chinese and there was no unified standard language. Matteo Ricci can master everything, and now there is another Brown, but fortunately with this guy, Xiao Ruxun can communicate with these tribal leaders.

The specific method is that Xiao Ruxun speaks and conveys it to Matteo Ricci, and Matteo Ricci translates it into Portuguese for Brown, and then Brown translates it into the local language for these leaders to listen to. Matthew waved back to Xiao Ruxun again.

The method seems to be effective, but I just don't know if these leaders can understand and communicate in three languages. Thanks to Ricci and Brown who have mastered multiple languages ​​at the same time, how can they communicate?
But the communication did start, but this brought a little worry to Xiao Ruxun——when I talked about private matters with some of these guys, I would also need to go through Matteo Ricci and Brown. Is there a possibility of a leak?And can these two people really be sure to use it for themselves?Won't it leak information to other related tribal leaders?

If only there was a Han Chinese who knew these languages.

Of course, Xiao Ruxun just thought about it. These days, English, which has almost become the universal language of the world, is still a lowly language. Chinese is the supreme and dominant language in the East Asian cultural circle. Only others learn Chinese and write Chinese characters. No scholar-bureaucrat has to learn foreign languages. Even if it is learning, it is because of the need for diplomacy. Of course, these days, it is basically others who come to learn Chinese and then communicate with Daming. It is rare for Daming to take the initiative to learn the other party’s language to communicate with the other party. Yes, um, Mongolian must be learned.

Not to mention the local aboriginal language of these small tribes, apart from these missionaries with abnormal brains who deliberately learn it in order to preach, will anyone else learn it?

I just don’t know if there are any Han people doing business with the aborigines in these places. If there are, there must be Han people who know the language of this place. Businessmen are not scholar-bureaucrats. What’s the point of learning a language in order to make money?
Xiao Ruxun couldn't find this kind of person, right now, let's use Matteo Ricci and Brown!

These leaders knelt down and kowtowed one by one, and then murmured their names and tribe names, as well as their leader status, and then described the gifts they brought one by one to show their sincerity. Xiao Ruxun couldn't understand the squeaking native language, nor could she understand the squeaking Portuguese, but she could understand the Chinese translated by Matteo Ricci.

"This is XXX, the leader of the XX tribe, sent XX a box, XXX a car, XX a box, XXX ten cars..."

What I hear are all boring things, gold, silver and jade products are fine, and local specialties such as meat are also very boring, but occasionally I can hear some things worth paying attention to, such as "cow's genitals ", "Tiger's genitals", "Elephant's genitals" and so on, these things are probably the only common treasures that all men in the world know, and they are definitely worth a lot...

Finally, the boring greeting session was over, Xiao Ruxun sat upright and rubbed his face that was a little stiff from smiling, took a sip of tea, and spoke slowly.

"I am very happy that you can come here. The governor accepted your gift on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, and decided to accept you as a member of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, I will ask the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to give you official titles. You guys Don't worry, but before that, the governor needs you to agree to one thing."

After Xiao Ruxun finished speaking, he signaled Matteo Ricci to translate, and Matteo Ricci was not puzzled. The translation was given to Brown, and Brown also translated to the leaders. The leaders looked at each other, and then looked at Xiao Ruxun together.

(End of this chapter)

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