Wanli 1592

Chapter 377

Chapter 377
The tribal leaders are very concerned about what Xiao Ruxun said "what they are asked to do". If they guess well, it is probably similar to a certificate of honor, asking them to do something to express their loyalty to the Ming Dynasty. Back then Mang Yinglong They have also been asked to do this before, and they don't find it strange, but they just don't know what the Ming Dynasty needs them to do to express their loyalty-nowadays, paying tribute and paying tribute to verbal obedience can no longer meet the needs of the big bosses.

"I don't know what Admiral Daming needs us to do? As long as we can do it, we will definitely do it."

These headmen expressed this meaning through two foreigners.

Xiao Ruxun smiled and said: "It's very simple and not difficult. It's just that after the Ming Dynasty captured this land, in order to prevent the recovery of Mang Yingli's power, it decided to occupy it once and for all, and restore the territory of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty. Reincorporate into the rule of Ming Dynasty, establish government jurisdiction, and build the local area to give you a better life and more security, so in order to build this place, you need to change your tribal resident."

The leaders immediately understood two things - first, Da Ming wanted to officially rule here, instead of leaving after the fight, and second, Da Ming didn't trust them, and was worried that they would become the second Mangyingli, so, through This approach strengthens supervision and control.

Although they are barbarians, how many fools can become the leader of the tribe?When it comes to the issue of interests, no matter whether they are educated or not, they are all equally vicious and cunning. There are no fools. They quickly understood Xiao Ruxun's calculations, and then they were unhappy, and then they were afraid.

In order to subdue them, Mang Yinglong mobilized troops and fought several battles to kill them all. Only then did they subdue them, obediently provided the Burmese with food, grass and military resources, and now the Ming Dynasty is far stronger than the Burmese , if people like myself violate the wishes of the Ming Dynasty, will the Ming Dynasty use this reason to attack them?

None of them dared to be sure that the Ming Dynasty would not do this. In fact, Xiao Ruxun did have such a plan, but considering the issue of future rule, Xiao Ruxun still planned to use the method of using barbarians to control barbarians, so as not to let the Ming Dynasty be established. Swaps and divisive schemes let these people fight themselves.

He guessed right, all of these chiefs were frowning, and it was obvious that they were not willing to do this, but at the same time they were very worried about the powerful force of the Ming Dynasty, so they were quite entangled.

Xiao Ruxun didn't intend to give them more time to think.

"Of course, if you do this, the Ming Dynasty will not treat the hero badly. During this conquest of Mangyingli, the governor captured tens of thousands of survivors of Mangyingli. These are all sinners, and the Ming Dynasty will not let sinners go easily. However, any tribe that is willing to move to a new location according to Da Ming's wishes can get a thousand young men and a thousand young women as compensation from the governor, and at the same time, Da Ming will also give you a settling silver tael, Let you build a new station, what do you think?"

Matteo Ricci looked at Xiao Ruxun in surprise, he didn't expect that Xiao Ruxun left those men and women for this purpose.

Xiao Ruxun looked at Matteo Ricci, frowned, and asked, "Why don't you translate?"

Matteo Ricci nodded quickly, and said, "I see!"

Matteo Ricci quickly translated it to Brown. Brown was surprised, and then translated it to the leaders. When the leaders heard it, everyone swept away the previous depression and suddenly became very energetic.

Population is a very important strategic resource at any time. These tribes cannot compete with the Burmese because of their small population. Now that the Burmese regime is over, they are still a vulnerable group, and they will continue to be ruled. Rule is rule Well, I have to change places. Is it so easy to change a place where I have lived for decades?Will you be happy?

Obviously not.

But everything is negotiable, as long as there are enough interests, there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

One thousand strong men and one thousand strong women are still very tempting for these large and small tribes with a small population. Perhaps a large tribe with tens of thousands of people is not greedy for this population, but it is very attractive to those 10 people. + A small tribe with a population of tens of thousands is fatally attractive. Men can use it to work, and women can do more other things. More importantly, they are Burmese.

The Bamar people who have been riding on their heads for decades are full of hatred for these people. For decades, they have dreamed day and night to give these Bamar people a little look, and now they finally have The opportunity, how can you let it go?
Not to mention the temptation brought by the increase of 2000 population to the small tribe, the venting of hatred is also very necessary. After being bullied for decades, how many people can avoid such temptation once they turn themselves into masters?This was especially true for the chiefs who were under greater oppression and mental pressure. Therefore, the breathing of these chiefs began to become more rapid.

Xiao Ruxun hung up a map.

"From this area to this area, it is a better place to live that Daming chose for you. It is warm and humid, with fewer people and more land. If you go east, you can touch Daming, and if you go west, you can touch more other countries. On the main road, the future development will be very good. This is an area in exchange for your original residence. This area will be designated as your autonomous region. You only need to pay taxes and tributes to Daming, and Daming will provide you with protection. Do justice to you."

Xiao Ruxun explained in this way: "If you want, you can come to my place to sign up now, and when you go back to the tribe, you can take away two thousand survivors and get a settling fee."

The purpose of Xiao Ruxun's move is mainly to target a group of people living in the south near the sea, such as the dozen or so tribes living near Yangon. These must be relocated. When the Han immigrants come, they will They mainly live around the three cities of Sunshine Bago and Nay Pyi Taw, creating a commercial and trade route from Yunnan to the sea, allowing Daming to formally contact the Western world.

This is an exchange of civilizations and civilizations. Xiao Ruxun does not intend to involve those indigenous people, just let them remain ignorant. They are not needed or allowed to come into contact with more advanced civilizations to start the evolution of civilizations. For today's For the tribes that have the idea of ​​evolution and can refuse the temptation, Xiao Ruxun will set about eradicating them!

Looking at the appearance of these tribal leaders, it seems that some of them have already been moved. A few are whispering with the people around them, probably discussing the pros and cons of doing so, and some people have their eyes closed, thinking about something. What, Xiao Ruxun was not in a hurry, drinking tea, waiting slowly for them to make a choice.

In fact, for these leaders, the choice is not difficult to make. When the interests have reached the requirements, the choice is actually very easy to make, and it also depends on whether the relationship with the Ming Dynasty can be good in the first step. If they can get along well, they will be able to lay a solid foundation for the future. If they go against the Ming Dynasty at the beginning, will the Ming Dynasty give them a good face in the future?
Seven or eight small tribes stood up one by one and came to Xiao Ruxun, bowed their heads to Xiao Ruxun to express their surrender, and expressed their willingness to change their residence and live in a new place. Xiao Ruxun was overjoyed, Immediately announced that they would be rewarded with enough slaves and property, and a private reward of a batch of silver as encouragement, and welcomed them to actively move closer to the Ming Dynasty and become the first batch of henchmen of the Ming Dynasty.

Then someone raised a different opinion at this time. A tribal leader stood up and murmured. What Ricci said probably meant that their tribe had a larger population and it was very troublesome to migrate, and these tens of thousands of people Of course it is easy for small human tribes to migrate, and we are willing to migrate too, but if the things given to us are the same as those given to them, how can these leaders explain to their own people when they go back?
This shows that these leaders are unwilling to fight against Daming, but they really don't have enough interests, and they can't be allowed to go back to persuade the people in the tribe. , asking for different treatment, Xiao Ruxun asked, the tribe of this tribal leader has a population of more than 20 people, and the other three or four big tribes also have three 10,000+, 10,000+ and 20+. It is much more than the [-] small tribes just now, and it is true that they cannot be treated uniformly.

Xiao Ruxun just said, that’s fine, you tribes with a population of less than 20 have 20 men and 30 women, 30 to [-], [-] men and [-] women, [-] to [-], [-] One hundred men and two thousand and five hundred women, more than [-], three thousand men and three thousand women, and those who are willing to migrate will be rewarded!

Among these tribes, the only headman with a population of more than 30 is the target of the heavy reward. This headman, who is about 40 years old, blinked and said that this matter is too big. Asked his clansmen, and said to go back and ask now, Xiao Ruxun did not make things difficult for him, and allowed him to leave immediately to ask.

Just kidding, six thousand slaves, Xiao Ruxun moved out all his old books, including the batch of prisoners of war who had been handed over to the Siamese to take care of them. To mobilize troops.

This is a large tribe living in the west of Yangon. Its population is second only to the Burmese. It was the key target of suppression in the Mangyinglong Mangyingli era. It was suppressed miserably and hated the Burmese regime very much. Xiao Ruxun was not very willing to send troops to destroy them either.

It would be best to talk about it, throw them to the border with India, and move from the south to the west. Daming mainly builds from south to east to north, and builds a buffer zone between Southeast Asia and South Asia. If there is any connection in India, it would be good to place these natives there as a buffer.

Those who are more sincere and willing to obey Daming’s instructions, and actively move closer to Daming, can give some benefits in the future, and then recruit soldiers, and when appropriate, they can also win over Daming, engage in intermarriage or something, assimilate, give Daming's bachelor soldiers have a little welfare, and those who are willing to obey are good children, and Daming's father will not beat them.

But some disobedient thorns need to be dealt with properly.

For example, there was a tribal leader who was a little young, who looked about 30 or [-] years old. He stood up and said that their tribe had lived there for decades. As soon as they came, they were asked to leave their homes. What is the difference between this and the previous Mang Yingli?Isn't this the same as the group of people in Mang Yingli?

The heads of seven or eight tribes in the surrounding area agreed with it, and they should be a group of people.

Xiao Ruxun explained calmly.

"The biggest difference between Daming and Mang Yingli is that you can still stand here and talk to me. If it was Mang Yingli, you would be dead now."

After taking a sip of tea, Xiao Ruxun smiled slightly. Such a smile made the young leader feel a little shuddering, but he still insisted on his own ideas and did not agree to relocate. Like him, there were five tribes who insisted not to relocate. A tribe with 10,000+ people and three tribes with tens of thousands of people added up to six who were unwilling, and four who said they would go back to discuss with the tribe, and there were only twelve tribes who directly agreed.

That night, Xiao Ruxun kept the heads of the twelve tribes who agreed to relocate their clansmen, and received warm hospitality. Xiao Ruxun encouraged them to actively move closer to Daming, so that they could get more rewards and more favorable policies from Daming. The leaders also expressed their joy and encouragement that they were willing to unite around the Ming Empire with the Emperor Ming at its core, and serve the Empire.

After drinking for three rounds, seeing everyone a little drunk, Xiao Ruxun let out a long sigh and started his own routine.

"You are all favored by the Governor. You are willing to surrender to Daming. The Governor sees it and remembers your loyalty. But what the Governor is very dissatisfied with is that there are some people who block the Emperor Ming's decision for their own selfish desires. According to the rules, if this kind of news is sent back to the Ming Dynasty, once the Emperor of Ming is angry, you people will not be able to get any benefit, and once the Emperor of Ming is angry, the governor will not be able to stop him."

The leaders looked at each other and suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

Some people in the territory that was just conquered were assassinated, and they were unwilling to cooperate with Daming. They dumped the face of the Emperor of Ming and the admiral. These obedient citizens will not be implicated.

They honestly wanted to live a good life with Daming, but those thorns were unwilling.

Xiao Ruxun also said that he heard that there seemed to be marriages among the various tribes. If His Majesty made an order to sit together, none of you would be able to escape, and the governor would be powerless!

Looking at Xiao Ruxun's slightly drunken face, the leaders didn't think he was telling lies, so they hurriedly asked about countermeasures.

"The countermeasure is to destroy their tribe and divide their property and population!"

Under the icy moonlight, Xiao Ruxun's eyes were as piercing as ice piercing into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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