Wanli 1592

Chapter 447

Chapter 447
Why Matteo Ricci asked to see Xiao Ruxun, and why he was so persistent, Xiao Ruxun knew very well, and it was precisely because of this that Xiao Ruxun did not see him.

He wants to spread Christianity widely in China, which Xiao Ruxun absolutely does not allow anyway. Matteo Ricci essentially wants to use Xiao Ruxun, but over the years, Matteo Ricci has gradually blurred his original intention , but in Xiao Ruxun's place, Xiao Ruxun never for a second forgot that he was using Matteo Ricci.

Sooner or later there will be an irreconcilable conflict between him and Matteo Ricci, but this conflict is not at this time.

The reason he wants to go to war with Spain is not Christianity, but spices, which is completely different from Matteo Ricci's reason that Xiao Ruxun completely rejects Christianity, but at this time, Xiao Ruxun needs to beat Matteo Ricci so that he will not Forget that permission is just a matter of one's own words.

Matteo Ricci still has value to use, Christianity also has value to use, now is not the time to tear up his face, so Xiao Ruxun asked the kitchen to send Matteo Ricci a lunch, making him think that he was just too angry, not really Disappointed and distrustful of Christianity.

Give him a little hope, and he can continue to persevere.

I don’t know when it started, Xiao Ruxun has become more and more proficient in playing political means, not only in the administration of mutual checks and balances and mutual supervision, but also shaped the Myanmar model, which is currently running smoothly. In the army, Xiao Ruxun also has his own model .

After the establishment of the Burmese army, Xiao Ruxun deliberately divided the officers in charge of the military into three factions, which were well distinguished from each other.

One group is his old team, who have followed Xiao Ruxun's old subordinates since Pinglu City, and there are even a few people who are the old generals of the Xiao family, such as Zhao Hu and Chen Xie. The team has great military exploits, many records, and profound qualifications, which has won Xiao Ruxun's trust, so most of them are senior officers, and they belong to the Pinglu faction, with the smallest number.

One group was Xiao Ruxun who joined his forces on the way to conquer Qi Bai, and followed him to fight against Ningxia City, North Korea, and Mangyingli. The people from the northwest frontier town headed by the Ma family's children were the backbone of the army. Most of them are middle and high-level military officers, numbered in the Northwest faction, and the number is slightly larger.

The remaining faction is the few southerners who voluntarily left to join Xiao Ruxun’s army after the Burmese War and a large number of newly recruited officers from refugees. They are called Haipai because of their combat exploits at sea. Most of them are middle and low-ranking officers.

These three factions are easy to distinguish in the army. They can be easily distinguished by their accents, and they have many scruples about each other. In addition, there are [-] police forces independent of the army. The Burmese The military forces maintain a delicate balance with each other.

The Pinglu faction has the highest status, but the number is the smallest. Although they are all high-ranking officers, they are not the ones who command the army directly in front of the battle. The Northwest faction is the backbone force. The lieutenant general of the Pinglu faction boss, but has direct access to the army.

As for the formation of the final Shanghai faction, their status is the lowest, but the number is the largest. Basically, the grassroots officers are composed of the Shanghai faction. The low-level soldiers are not outstanding individually, but they are strong as a whole. With the passage of time, they are enough to compete with the other two factions.

This distinguishes the difference between each other, then the core leadership of the army is in the hands of Xiao Ruxun, only Xiao Ruxun has enough prestige and power to command everyone in this army, his soul is the soul of this army, he It is the Marquis of Zhennan, and this army is the Zhennan Army, the Zhennan Army that guards the southern border sea area for Daming.

To be honest, if the army is not allowed to have a mountain, the ruler is really worried, for fear that which faction or person has too high prestige and high achievements.

This is terrible. The army is a purely violent machine, advocating the strong, and they will follow whoever is the strongest. Even after the suppression of the Song and Ming dynasties, the army is still an army, and it still respects the strong.

This is very scary. If there is a super strong man who is unanimously convinced by the army, won't this guy definitely become the emperor?
In fact, the Ming Dynasty was such a model. Zhu Yuanzhang set up a military model such as the military system of nobles and nobles. One of the basic requirements is that the emperor needs to have prestige in the army, be able to command the army, and be able to lead troops to attack.

Zhu Yuanzhang himself will not talk about it. Zhu Di is also an emperor on horseback. He robbed Zhu Yunwen of the world. Renzong Zhu Gaochi followed Zhu Di to fight the world, and he is no stranger to military affairs. , is Zhu Di's good grandson who was trained by himself, and he also personally visited and judged the Hanwang Rebellion.

So far, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty can lead troops to fight, and the bad things happen to Yingzong Zhu Qizhen. If you want to talk about courage, he also has the courage. His grandfather and his father have done it before. There is no reason for him not to dare It's just that the level is really bad. Obviously Zhu Zhanji didn't educate his son well how to lead troops to fight.

But at the very least, Zhu Qizhen knew the importance of the emperor's personal conquest in the military system of the Ming Dynasty.

After the Tumu Fort, everyone knew it, so I won’t talk about it. Except for Zhu Houzhao who forcibly broke through the civil servants’ obstruction and led the troops to the expedition and was hacked half to death, none of the other Ming Dynasty emperors had personally conscripted. Then the emperor was allowed to have direct contact with the army, not even the Imperial Forest Army.

Xiao Ruxun is well aware of the drawbacks of the military system of the Ming Dynasty, but even the modern military system has not been able to eradicate the phenomenon of military hilltops, or it does not need to be eradicated at all.

The ruler does not need a highly united, unified and strong army. Such an army is very terrifying. It can fight outside in wartime, and can fight inside behind closed doors in peacetime. This is the army that the ruler looks forward to most.

Therefore, Xiao Ruxun not only did not stop the development of the small hills of the army, but even contributed to it. Even old people like Zhao Hu, Chen Xie, and Wang Hui, he could not allow them to fully control the real power of the army. This power must be in his own hands. Fighting among people requires him, the supreme authority who holds the right to arbitrate.

The Zhennan Army will not only have such a scale. Xiao Ruxun is training [-] troops as [-] officers, following the path of the German Wehrmacht after World War I, training [-] troops to the extreme.

When the army needs to be expanded, these soldiers can immediately transform into qualified corps leaders, centurions, and centurions, and an army several times larger than themselves will be pulled up.

Therefore, Xiao Ruxun needs wars, and needs constant wars to hone the will and combat effectiveness of the army, so that the struggle among the three factions will form a healthy competition, rather than a vicious competition model of "I will see death and not save each other". , to that point, the country will be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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