Wanli 1592

Chapter 448 The edict arrives

Chapter 448 The edict arrives

After a period of time, Xiao Ruxun signed several orders, ordering the navy to prepare to deploy about forty warships to prepare for battle, to prepare about [-] sailors for drills and combat preparations, to transport supplies and firearms, and to be ready to go to sea at any time.

This time, Xiao Ruxun will personally go out to defeat Spain, and then negotiate with them.

Negotiation is the goal. As for the expulsion of Spain, it is not yet time.

Xiao Ruxun knew that the imperial court would definitely grant his request to attack the Philippines, for nothing but the 10 taels of silver.

In mid-September, news came from Guangdong that the envoys sent by the imperial court would come to Myanmar by sea boat from Guangdong to deliver the edict to Xiao Ruxun. ——Landed from Siam and brought envoys to Burma by detouring Siam.

After such a toss, the envoy finally arrived at Bagu City on the fifth day of October. Xiao Ruxun entertained the envoy with delicious food, drinks, cars and horses along the way. The real situation in Myanmar.

Xiao Ruxun asked people to mainly look for those desolate roads that had just been repaired a little, passing through the most desolate places, so that the envoys had the idea that Myanmar was still so desolate.

The prosperous area in southern Myanmar cannot be known to court officials now. Xiao Ruxun still needs more time to develop his own strength. For the time being, he doesn’t want the group of rats to focus on Myanmar’s business taxes. Otherwise, these guys have ten thousand ways Let Myanmar become their cornucopia.

On the sixth day of October, Xiao Ruxun met the envoy outside Bagu City, and then went to Zhennanhou Mansion with the envoy in the same car.

"The desolate place in Myanmar is really desolate. I was born in the northwest, so I am used to seeing desolate places. I never thought that this uninhabited place in Myanmar really existed. Xiao Zhennan really suffered! Back then , This envoy also looks down on those who are jealous of the virtuous and capable, and let the generals of the dynasty come to this kind of place to guard, it is really a sledgehammer!"

The envoy complained to Xiao Ruxun indignantly in the car, and Xiao Ruxun was a little surprised when the words stopped in Xiao Ruxun's ears—is this an official who sympathizes with him?
Xiao Ruxun knew that his outstanding military exploits made many civil servants uneasy, but there were not a few civil servants who appreciated him. When deciding whether to let him guard Burma, the officials in the court had a big discussion. The quarrel was so red that the neck was thick, and they almost didn't fight.

Many civil officials support letting them go out of Ji Town or Liaodong Town, so they feel that with their own abilities, they will be able to successfully contain the Jurchen and Mongolia within three to five years, and will be able to counterattack successfully within ten years, completely solving the northern border crisis .

There is such a general who does not need to be placed in a small place like Myanmar to guard southern Xinjiang. Can you not see whether the southern Xinjiang is the greatest threat or the northern Xinjiang is the greatest threat?

Of course, with the support of the Empress Dowager and Wang Xijue, Xiao Ruxun still went out of Burma, and Shi Zhen Burma lost the possibility of returning to the Central Plains in a legal sense, which made many officials sigh.

In recent years, every time something happened in Ji Town and Liaodong Town, some people proposed to transfer Xiao Ruxun back to Northern Xinjiang, and even proposed to let him stay in Liaodong forever, and change the guarding area, so that the Ming Dynasty will have no worries in Northern Xinjiang, but this kind of thinking is somewhat Naive, don't say whether the cabinet supports it, but Li Chengliang absolutely does not allow this to happen.

In the past few years, whenever this kind of voice appeared, Li Chengliang often jumped up and down to pull relations and object, but he didn't know that what he did was exactly what Xiao Ruxun expected. Xiao Ruxun's business in Myanmar was so good, once he moved, everything would be destroyed. He didn't have so much energy and time to start over after breaking up.

The current situation of guarding Burma is what he needs. Only when the sky is high and the emperor is far away can he develop his own strength well.

There is really no need to worry about exposure and other issues, let alone Myanmar, a place that does not need to be concerned at all. If the imperial court's monitoring power is really that strong, the corrupt officials and powerful locals will be really powerful. It's over, if Jinyiwei is really as scary as the civil servants said, will Ming Dynasty perish?

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, that is true, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Under the current traffic conditions, the news we get is really lagging news. Jinyiwei and Dongchang are indeed scary, but so far, they are mainly used to deal with civil servants , Xiao Ruxun is honorable, and the status of the two is different.

After figuring this out, Xiao Ruxun was able to farm in Burma with peace of mind. After the envoy arrived, he would fool around and ask the envoy to spread the suffering of Burma a little after he returned, which would also dispel the guard of many people.

This is the time that Xiao Ruxun has to fight for. Last time he won another three-year tax holiday, I don't know if he can still win it this time.

But in any case, the right to send troops was won.

After the incense case and tribute were ready, Xiao Ruxun knelt down to accept the order, and received the military right to send troops to conquer non-officials and military expenses of 10 taels of silver officially granted by the imperial court.

When Xiao Ruxun ordered the cash, he was surprised to find that no one had tampered with the money, and it was the real 10 taels of silver.

This is a strange thing, Qi Jiguang and Zhang Juzheng have such a strong relationship, they can only get [-]% to [-]% of the military expenditure, and I only have Song Yingchang, the internal secretary of the Ministry of punishment, how can I get the complete military expenditure?

The envoy saw Xiao Ruxun's doubts, and said that His Majesty the Emperor was furious because of this matter, and also said that the emperor personally summoned him and asked him to come all the way with the silver, and if he lost one tael of silver, he would lose his head. Xiao Ruxun repaired a book and gave it to himself as a proof, lest the emperor want his head after returning.

At the welcome banquet, Xiao Ruxun brought all the senior officers and senior civilian officials of the Zhennan Army to accompany him, and invited Yuan Huang, Yuan Yan and his son, as well as Chen Longzheng, to praise the envoys together, and let the three people with the highest education level under his banner accompany him. The drinking order naturally made him have a great time playing.

"Myanmar is poor, so the reception banquet can only be like this, please don't blame the angels."

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Xiao Ruxun personally poured wine to the envoy to "apology".

Yuan Huang and others immediately flattered him, so much that he couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

When the envoy was about to leave, Xiao Ruxun brought him a tray, which contained several hundred taels of silver.

"Myanmar is poor, and I don't know what can be obtained. I can only thank the envoy with 500 taels of silver. Please don't think too little."

The envoy looked at Xiao Ruxun with a righteous face, and resolutely declined.

"Myanmar is so poor, Xiao Zhennan still does not forget the country's grace, and serves the country with dedication. Such actions are better than those in the capital with countless wine pockets and rice bags. How can I ask for Xiao Zhennan's money? Xiao Zhennan please take back the money , comfort the soldiers for me!"

As he spoke, the envoy wiped away a few tears, turned around, got into the car and left.

Xiao Ruxun looked at the figure of the envoy going away, the corners of his mouth curled up, he looked back at his confidants, and smiled at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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