Chapter 712
Yuanyou was a little embarrassed: "But..."

"I can't do it if I don't go in? The first patriarch was kind to me, and he was good to your parents. Back then, the first patriarch promoted your parents. Have you forgotten?"

After the third elder finished speaking, his expression darkened: "Forget it, you were still young at that time, so you probably don't remember anything."

Yuan You pursed his lips: "I remember."

The third elder raised his eyes and stared at him, Yuanyou said seriously: "I always remember the kindness of the former patriarch back then, so I took the initiative to invite Ying to guard Lanyue Peak here, just because I didn't want people to get their hands on the benefactor's residence."

Seeing his sincerity, the third elder showed relief on his face, "You are a good boy, don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you, I will just hang around here, if you are worried, just follow me, or some of you can come and follow me, Let's go around together, so we won't delay anything, how about it?"

The third elder's eyes were burning, and he looked at Yuanyou longingly. He felt sorry for Yuanyou, a young man who had no deep experience in the world. He didn't know what he was thinking. After being watched for a while, he was defeated. Going around, with them watching, there shouldn't be anything wrong, not to mention that the third elder is not an outsider, so he won't do anything bad.

After comforting himself like this, Yuan You felt a lot better. He hesitated and finally nodded, "Okay, but the third elder can't stay too long, or the patriarch will find out when he comes back, and we will all be punished."

"Don't worry, it's impossible for me to see the darkness here. Your patriarch has gone to Long Island now, and he won't be able to come back."

The last bit of doubt in Yuan You's heart was also dispelled. He said to the guards around: "You guys follow me to accompany the third elder to take a look here, and the others continue to stand guard."


Yuan You ordered seven guards to join him, and there was a big gap in front of him.

The moment the guard turned around and followed the third elder, a crack suddenly appeared in the void. The third elder noticed it, and suddenly bowed, "Ouch!"

Yuan You stepped forward immediately, "What's wrong?"

The third elder waved his hand, his face was painful, "Oh, tsk, I suddenly have a stomachache, you—"

Yuanyou's face was blank for a moment, "This..."

The seven guards also looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

After the fluctuations in the void passed, Yuan Liyue, Feng Lan and Chu Rong appeared, and after glancing at the third elder, Yuan Liyue immediately moved his lips quickly, uttering an obscure secret phrase, and the protective cover of Lanyue Peak suddenly disappeared. It disappeared, and these guards didn't notice, because Lanyue Peak was closed after they took over, and they had never seen Lanyue Peak open.

This protective cover is transparent, basically invisible, and you can't see any difference if you don't look carefully after opening it.

Yuan Liyue's eyes lit up, and she exchanged a glance with Feng Lan. She grabbed Chu Rong's wrist, and the three of them immediately tightened their grip on Lanyue Peak. After they entered, the protective cover instantly returned to its original shape.

No one noticed this subtle change, but Yuan Liyue in Lanyue Peak was already sweating nervously.

"Huh~ The third elder's acting skills are really good. I didn't expect it to be so smooth this time."

"I didn't expect that either. After all, in my previous impression, he was a very rigid person."

Feng Lan thought of how the Third Elder pretended to have a stomachache just now, and wanted to laugh.

Chu Rong raised an eyebrow, "Where do we find it?"

Yuan Liyue stretched out her finger, and surrounded by mountains in front of her, a gorgeous and exquisite palace loomed.

(End of this chapter)

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