Has the princess petted her husband today?

Chapter 713 Where the hell is it?

Chapter 713 Where the hell is it?

The three of them flew to the palace, Yuan Liyue looked at the snow-white palace, and felt pain in her heart. This was her home, which carried all the memories of her previous life.

Carefree in childhood, ambitious in teenage years, until...

The end of her eyes was touched lightly suddenly, she turned her head in doubt, Chu Rong had already changed back to Luo Liufeng's appearance, he withdrew his hand, there was a little crystal on his fingertips, he looked at it, and said softly: "Liyue, it's all over."

Yuan Liyue realized belatedly that she had just cried.

She wiped her face, "It's okay, I just fell in love with the scene for a while, let's go, let's look for it separately."

"Liu Feng, you go to the east, brother, you go to the west, I will look for it in the main hall in the middle."


The three of them had a clear purpose and separated immediately.

Yuan Liyue entered the palace through the main entrance, the things were still the same, nothing changed at all, the moment the door was opened the sun shone in from outside, the floating dust jumped in the air, the dusty gears of time finally turned slowly.

Yuan Liyue didn't look much, afraid that she would think about the past again, so she only focused on looking for things.

This is the main hall usually used to receive guests. There is no place to hide things, vases, paintings on the wall, Duobao Pavilion, she searched all the places she could find, but there was nothing, and there were floor tiles under her feet. I closed my eyes and checked with my spiritual sense, and found that there were no secret rooms or anything wrong around me.

Similarly, Feng Lan and Luo Liufeng also found nothing there, the three of them looked at each other after leaving the door, and their gazes all fell on the bedroom behind.

The sleeping hall is very big, on the left is Yuan Liyue's parents live, on the right is Yuan Liyue and Feng Lan live, one room per person.

Feng Lan took the initiative: "I'll search for my parents, Liyue, you'll search for yours, mine..."

He glanced at Luo Liufeng, and said angrily, "Look at Sou."

Then strode away.

Yuan Liyue smiled helplessly, "Let's go."

The three of them split up again and stepped into their room again. Yuan Liyue hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand and opened the door. Everything she knew came into view. She suddenly had the illusion of going back in time. There is an indescribable intuition that Shenling is nearby.

Although this intuition is unfounded, it is not true for everything.

Even though she is very familiar with this place, she still checks everything by herself, for fear of missing something.

It's a pity that even the carpet has been turned over, but nothing is found.

Yuan Liyue frowned: "It shouldn't be, could it be that I feel wrong?"

"Did you find it?"

Feng Lan's voice came from outside, Luo Liufeng responded: "No."

The footsteps of the two stopped at the door, and they didn't come in. "Liyue, did you find anything here?"

Yuan Liyue shook her head, stood up from the ground, her eyes still fell on the surrounding objects, "I didn't find it either, brother, what did your parents say back then, you can say it again."

Feng Lan frowned and pondered, "Mother said that Shen Ling is hiding in the most dangerous and safest place. I think this danger refers to this palace. As for safety..."

"I really can't think of a safe place."

"If you say it's dangerous, it's indeed more dangerous than being in a holy place. If it's safe, it's safe if you can't get in at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This sentence seems to be understandable in any way."

Luo Liufeng turned around and looked at the yard outside, "If it's not in the room, maybe it's hidden outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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