Chapter 45

"Crack..." Press the shutter, and the fleeting scenery outside the car window is instantly frozen in the small space.

A gleam of relief flashed across her face, and Mu Yan lowered her eyes to appreciate the photo she had been taking just now.

Seeing her snapping pictures one after another, Lin Xia couldn't help asking, "What are you doing taking these pictures for?"

Looking back, she smiled brightly, "It must be a souvenir."

"To commemorate?"

"Yeah, I'm graduating soon, if I don't shoot anymore, will I still have a chance?"

After graduation, she will return to City A.Maybe, I will never go to that city in my life, that city with special meaning.

Holding her waist, he smiled and said, "We will go back to T City when we have time in the future. Let's relive that period of college together, okay?"

She smiled happily and leaned against him, "However, the feeling was different at that time."

The vicissitudes of life have changed into mulberry fields, and the mulberry fields have become vicissitudes of life. The scenery is constantly changing, and people's hearts are also constantly changing.The same scenery, appreciated at different times, has a different mentality.

Lin Xia didn't answer, but silently looked out the window with her.

From wheat fields to cities, from brick houses to tall buildings, they have witnessed one beautiful picture scroll after another.

Suddenly, Mu Yan took another photo, she stared and smiled slightly, "Look, Lin Xia, this is a photo I took last year, the same location, but the scenery has changed differently."

Comparing the two photos carefully, Lin Xia really found some differences.He returned the camera to her, and said calmly, "I always feel that I have experienced too many things in the past four years."

"Yeah, the changes caught me off guard." Leaning quietly on his shoulder, she closed her beautiful eyes, and quietly recalled the past few years, the people she met and the things she experienced, like a A movie usually keeps appearing in her mind.

Suddenly, she raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly, "However, no matter how it changes, it is enough to have you by my side."

Looking back, she whispered in his ear, "I wish to have one heart and one heart, never leave each other."

Just this one sentence made him hug her tightly.

No matter how many years passed, no matter how many people she met, at least having him by her side was enough.


Finally, in the season of blooming flowers, they ushered in their own graduation season.Witnessing the departure of one level after another, the four have different personal views on graduation.

Time is too hasty, before it is too late to catch its tail, life has already turned a new page.

The news of Chen Xuanlin and Shen Yiru's breakup was told by Yang Xiao to the other two.Although Shen Yiru didn't explain the situation to the few people, they still understood that this was the so-called breakup wave of seniors.Because the two families are not in the same province, their interests, desires, families, and backgrounds are different, which will lead to the final separation of the affectionate couple.

Flying from the east to the shrike and flying from the west to the swallows, they just rub shoulders if they don't have a chance. This is the best way to describe this situation.

The first two mature couples in the dormitory faced the end of separation when they finally graduated.The remaining two will not have such worries.Mu Yan and Lin Xia, Dong Fangjing and Lu Yuhang have known each other since the age of the cardamom willow, and have passed through the unforgettable green years. They have gone through the wind and moon, washed away the vicissitudes of life, and they are finally together.People often say that the relationship in high school is vulnerable, but so far, it seems that the relationship in high school is often the strongest.

In order to refresh Shen Yiru and Yang Xiao, and to commemorate their friendship, they decided to hold a graduation trip at the last moment.

From the snow-covered northern country to the scorching summer south, from the Gobi desert where the desert is solitary and the long river is full of sunset, to the Jiangnan water town with small bridges and flowing water, or the famous mountains and rivers chanted by literati for thousands of years.They chose one after another as a place to commemorate their youth.

Finally, under Shen Yiru's suggestion, they chose the most beautiful village - Wuyuan.

After agreeing on the destination of the graduation trip, they got on the train and started their own journey.

As the song sang, their youth will start again.

Jiangnan in April, where the grass grows and the warbler flies, is misty and rainy, and the green willows are pink.They came to this picturesque Wuyuan.Spring in Wuyuan has a special scene. Apart from willows, bright green trees, singing and dancing butterflies, it also has scenery that is not found in other places, and it belongs to its own scenery.

The endless golden rapeseed field from the top of the mountain, together with the distant mountains, near water, powder walls, and black tiles, forms a beautiful picture of the unity of man and nature, which makes people linger and forget to return.

After a day of sightseeing, the few of them lay on the bed in the hotel and started their exclusive sleep meeting.

Resting her chin with one hand, Shen Yiru looked at the few people who were still interested in the beautiful scenery, "I really never thought that this place would be so beautiful."

"Yes, it is indeed the most beautiful village. The sky is full of golden rapeseed flowers. I really want to live here for the rest of my life." Suddenly, Yang Xiao said, "My hometown is on the Songhua River in the northeast, where there are mountains and fields of soybeans. Sorghum... oh... my home is in the northeast."

After singing a song, her singing immediately won the applause of everyone.

Dong Fangjing clapped her hands and shouted with a smile, "Pure man, the highest."

"Go, you are pure man and your whole family is pure man." Yang Xiao joked, "The Lun family is an authentic female silver, pure female silver."

"That's right, pure female silver."

Several people immediately laughed and made a fuss.

Suddenly, Shen Yiru stood up and looked at the people with a smile, "Hey, let's go to Mount Lushan tomorrow. Since we are here, let's go to other places to play. How about it, it's hard to come here Now that I have arrived at my hometown, no matter what, I will do my best to be a landlord.”

"Mount Lu?" Mu Yan murmured softly, "It's also a beautiful place."

"That's right..." Shen Yiru said excitedly, "When I was in elementary school, I remember that the first poem I memorized was the one written by Master Su describing Mount Lushan. It looks like a mountain from a horizontal angle and a peak from a side, with different heights from near to far."

"That's right, I remember that too." Yang Xiao also regained his spirits, "Later, I also learned an article written by Li Bai "Looking at the Lushan Waterfall". , It is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days."

"Master, what you said reminds me of the gray nursery rhymes that were popular when we were young." Dong Fangjing chuckled, and then read, "Rizhao censer smoked purple smoke, Li Bai came to the roast duck restaurant, and his saliva flowed three thousand feet. , I found no money in my pocket."

"Haha, so you guys are also reciting it. It seems that everyone's childhood was the same..." Yang Xiao seemed to be recalling, "In fact, besides this one, there are some very interesting nursery rhymes. For example, there is another one that is also About Lord Shixian."

"What, what?" Several people became interested.

Yang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and read with a smile, "Li Bai didn't pay for the boat ride, so he kicked him off the boat. Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, so if you don't know how to swim, you'll be done."

"Haha..." They finally couldn't help laughing out loud.The pure and innocent childhood memories came like a tide.

After a good night's dream, they left the most beautiful village, and a few of them took a car to the famous mountain that is famous both at home and abroad.

Standing at the door, looking at the continuous mountains, their inner turbulence is beyond words.

Lushan Mountain is well-known at home and abroad because of the favor of literati in the past dynasties. From Tao Yuanming and Xie Lingyun to Su Shi, Wang Anshi and many famous figures in modern times, they have left many famous stories about this mountain.However, what made Lushan famous was the movie "Love in Lushan".

A movie "Love in Lushan Mountain" gave Lushan Mountain the reputation of the mountain of love.Many lovers come here especially, hoping to make a lifetime promise here.

From Wulaofeng, Sandiequan, to Hanpokou, Longshouya, and then to Xianren Cave and Donglin Temple, they left their own imprint of youth.

Finally, they stood on the top of Hanyang Peak, the highest peak of Lushan Mountain.

The four looked at each other and laughed, and shouted in unison, "Our youth is immortal..."

Our youth is immortal...

Our youth is immortal...

The echoes of each sound echoed in the mountains, hearts, and seas of clouds.

No matter from the first meeting or the final separation, they all freeze the time at this most beautiful moment, because their youth is immortal.

The four people on the top of the mountain wrote a hymn of youth that will always belong to them.


Bern, Switzerland

The pouring sunlight fell on a handsome figure, creating a circle of brilliant light and shadow.

The man sitting in front of the window was drooping his eyes in meditation, staring at the smiling girl in the photo. Suddenly, the corners of his lips drew a perfect arc.

Her child should be as cute as her.

How long has it been since I saw her?

Suddenly, a male voice sounded beside him.

"whatabeautifulgirlsheis! (what a beautiful girl)"

You Zimo turned his head, only to see his roommate Werner staring at the photo in his hand.In broken Chinese, he asked, "Is this your girlfriend?"

Shaking his head, You Zimo smiled charmingly, "No, it's my sister."

"Sister, sister?" Werner repeated in doubt.

"Yes, my dearest sister. (My dearest sister)"

Putting that photo into a notebook, You Zimo got up and walked out.

As soon as he went out, he saw the sunshine that belonged to him alone.

"Jin Yan." He called softly.

The woman ran over from under the tree, smiled and took his hand, "Zimo, you are going back to China soon."

"Well, there's still a month left, and I'm going back." He felt a little embarrassed, "It's only now that I realize how time flies like this."

"That's right..." The woman smiled sweetly, "The so-called 'life between the heaven and the earth, if there is a gap, it will be all of a sudden'."

"It's too late." You Zimo smiled and shook his head.

"Zimo, I will go back with you." The woman stared at her, smiling softly, "I will accompany you."

"Okay..." He smiled and took her hand and walked forward.

This is the last month of his stay here.

Study room, library, coffee shop, riverside, church, he has been everywhere.

In a few years, he also visited Vienna, the capital of music.

On the banks of the Danube, he listened to a blue Danube. The ethereal sound of the violin and the sound of the gurgling water brought an extraordinary impact to his soul.

In the wonderful country of Switzerland, he completed all the courses, which also allowed him to meet Su Jinyan, the other half of his life.

Looking back at the woman beside him, he unconsciously squeezed her hand tightly.

He will go through this life hand in hand with her.


The plane flew across the clear sky, taking away not only a longing, but also a protection.

On the wide expressway, in a speeding car, a woman sitting in the passenger seat is teasing a child in her arms.

The woman's face was serene and beautiful, she patted the child in her arms, and called softly in a sweet voice, "Han Yu is so good, so good, I'll be at the airport in a while."

The woman was teasing the baby in her arms, and seeing that the speed of the car slowed down a lot, she suddenly turned her face and complained to the man who was driving on the left, "Lin Xia, can't you drive faster?"

Hearing this, the man's expression was very helpless, "My dear wife, I want to drive faster, but there is a traffic jam ahead."

Looking up, Mu Yan really saw several cars parked in front of her, she curled her lips, "I'm sorry, I blamed you, I just focused on playing games with Han Yu."

Lin Xia smiled slightly, "Maybe there was a car accident ahead. But if it continues like this, it will be a bit troublesome."

Mu Yan sighed, "It's really blocked, but it's blocked at this time, and the roads in City C are not very familiar. What should I do?"

After saying this, she lowered her head again, teasing the tender child in her arms, "Our Han Yu is so good, since there is a traffic jam ahead, let's play with mom for a while."

"Hanyu, tell me, who is the person you love the most? It's my mother, right, right, haha... My Hanyu looks so pretty when she smiles."

The child giggled in Mu Yan's arms, and Mu Yan couldn't help but kissed him hard on the pink cheek, "Han Yu, my son, be good, be good, mom loves you the most .”

Looking sideways at them, Lin Xia stretched out his right hand and tapped Lin Hanyu's forehead, "I don't even think about whose son it is."

After giving him a blank look, she said angrily, "Yes, it's your son."

Looking down, she began to tease the baby in her arms again, "Hanyu, let's ignore daddy and just play with mommy, okay? Dad is a villain, so we ignore him."

Lin Hanyu smiled in Mu Yan's arms, and after a while, he even spat a bubble at Lin Xia.


Seeing Mu Yan treat him like this, Lin Xia smiled helplessly, "Mu Yan, since you have Han Yu, your attitude towards me has dropped exponentially."

Since having this lovely baby, the two have less lingering sweetness before marriage, and more of a mutual dependence.

"No, don't think about it." She smiled, "You are also very important to me."

The two most important men in her life, her husband, and her son.

Suddenly, a warm current surged into his heart.

"Come here, Han Yu, let Dad give you a hug." Lin Xia took the child from Mu Yan.

Letting go, Mu Yan asked worriedly, "Is it okay to do this, you are driving."

"It's okay, I won't be able to leave for a while anyway." Lin Xia and Lin Hanyu played a game of wide-eyed and small-eyed, "Hanyu, you must be filial to your parents in the future, do you hear me? If you are not filial, Dad will I can't forgive you."

"Hey, why do you say that?" She looked at him very dissatisfied, did she say that about her son?

"Because he almost killed you." Lin Xia's expression was very serious, but his words made Mu Yan's heart tighten.

She understood the meaning of his words.Because when giving birth to Hanyu, she encountered the most dangerous situation for a woman to give birth, which is dystocia.For this, she almost lost her own life.

"Han Yu, if you don't listen to your mother in the future, your father will never forgive you."

He knew very early on that Mu Yan's health was not very good. He already knew that she had dysmenorrhea when she was in high school, but he never thought that it would be even more so when she was giving birth.

When the doctor asked him whether to protect the child or the adult, his mind suddenly went blank, and he said without thinking, "My lord." No matter what, he must protect the adult.

And when he signed his name on the operation sheet, he felt that his heart was empty in an instant, and he was the only one left in the whole world.

However, Mu Yanfu's life was in jeopardy, and the mother and child were safe in the end.

When he hugged Mu Yan tightly, his face burst into tears, and he burst into tears like a child.

With the woman he loves the most and having a child with her, his life is enough.

If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?
Suddenly, the phone rang, and Mu Yan picked up Lin Xia's phone, and Lin Qiao's name was displayed on the phone.

"It's my brother's call."

She picked it up with a smile, "Well, brother, we are outside."

"He's driving..."

"We're heading to the airport in City C."

After a few minutes of bombarding her ears, Mu Yan hung up the phone abruptly.As soon as she pressed the end call button, she laughed out loud.Seeing her laughing happily, Lin Xia hugged Lin Hanyu, and asked casually, "Is he complaining to you about his sister-in-law and Xiao Mingxuan again?"

"Yes, he said that my sister-in-law had dinner with Xiao Mingxuan again. How should I put it, they have business contacts, so they must have dinner at the same table."

Lin Xia smiled lightly and said, "Forget about the uneasy couple, I'll deal with him when I get back."

Mu Yan just smiled and said nothing.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, she suddenly said lightly, "I don't know what kind of person Zimo's girlfriend is?"

"Huh?" Lin Xia hugged Han Yu and glanced at her, "What's wrong with You Zimo?"

Mu Yan smiled slightly, and turned her head, "He met a Chinese student there, and the two should be getting married soon."

Suddenly thinking of something, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "I just hope he can be happy."

Hope that girl can bring him happiness.

Lin Xia smiled lightly, "He is so good, his wife should be pretty good too."

Eh?Mu Yan was slightly stunned, he would praise You Zimo, this guy must have had a brain twitch.

Lin Xia once told her that before You Zimo went to study in Switzerland, You Zimo talked to him.

She wanted to ask what they said, but Lin Xia didn't say anything.

From the expression on Lin Xia's face, she deduced that the two should have reached an agreement.

But about what agreement they reached, Lin Xia didn't say anything, no matter whether she used bitter tricks or beauty tricks, he just made up his mind, that is, 'I won't say anything if I'm killed, or I won't tell you if I can't be killed. '

No matter what, just don't speak.

She had no choice but to slander secretly in her heart, then you just wait to take it to the grave.

After graduating from T city, they returned to A city. With the title of high-achieving students from a prestigious school, coupled with Lin Xia's father's relationship, the two quickly found a job that suited them.

Lin Xia got her wish and was admitted to the Intermediate People's Court of City A and became a people's judge.And she also got a stable translation job in the Tourism Bureau.

Dong Fangjing and Lu Yuhang also entered the palace of marriage with the blessings of everyone, and had the crystallization of love.

Mu Yan still remembered the scene at that time.

Dong Fangjing held her hand tightly, her excitement was beyond words, only her tears expressed how turbulent her mood was at the moment.

As a bridesmaid, she watched the bride cry. She had no choice but to cry with Dong Fangjing.

You cry, I cry too, I cry with you.

The tragic scene at that time... She didn't even want to think about it.

The two who were crying like pear blossoms and raining, the person who touched up the makeup was very depressed, who is the bride, who is the bridesmaid, and who is the protagonist of today's wedding banquet, they are completely dizzy.

Is it because the groom ran away or for some other reason, otherwise, how could these two people cry so shockingly?

There was no other way, but in the end, Lu Yuhang stepped forward, took Dong Fangjing into his arms and comforted her softly, and finally resolved the crisis.

In the end, the two embraced each other, and under the blessings of everyone, they made a promise to join hands for a lifetime.

He had her, and she had him.

Seven years of waiting, three years of waiting, one year of precipitation, a long-distance love race spanning 11 years, the relationship between the two finally bears the sweetest fruit.

Shen Yiru returned to her hometown, and under the persuasion of her seven aunts and eight aunts, she married a civil servant in this city.Soon after, a lovely boy was born and she became a full-time housewife.The lively and cheerful Shen Yiru transformed into a gentle housewife, and the three of them couldn't accept such a change for a while.But looking at the photos of her intimate with her husband and son, several people still understood.

She has found her own happiness.

Only Yang Xiao was left, and he still kept Cumin.During the party, several people advised her to quickly find a man to marry so that she could enjoy the warm life of her husband and children. Watching the members of the dormitory get married and have children one by one, Yang Xiao made an agreement with several people that she would not find another man when she was 30 years old. If it's the right person, then she will go on a blind date.

They have all found their home.

Finally, during the long wait, the road ahead was gradually cleared.Taking the sleeping Han Yu from Lin Xia's hands, Mu Yan looked at the galloping scenery outside the window.

Has he changed?
The imagination in her mind could not withstand the impact of meeting her in reality.

At that second, thoughts of him flooded her like a tide.

At the moment when she saw You Zimo, a bright smile bloomed from the bottom of her heart.

He hasn't changed, he is still the same as she is familiar with.

"Brother Zimo..." A whisper came from the depths of his soul.

"Mu Yan..." He also smiled and lowered his eyes.

She stared at him quietly, he had already shed the youthfulness of a boy, and replaced it with the restraint and maturity of a man, elegant and elegant, like a banished fairy.

Just like when we first met, he smiled lightly at her and said, "I'm back."

And she responded with a smile, "Welcome back."

She gave him a simple hug and returned him a greeting that was a few years late.

Finally, he came back.

Suddenly, a baby's crying sounded in her ears, and Mu Yan suddenly turned her head, only to see Han Yu in Lin Xia's arms crying loudly.

She quickly took the child and comforted him softly.

Looking at the baby in Mu Yan's arms, a strange light flashed in You Zimo's eyes, "Is this Han Yu?"

Mu Yan smiled, "Yes, brother Zimo, do you want to give me a hug?"

You Zimo smiled and looked at the pink baby in her arms.

"Hanyu, let uncle give you a hug, okay?" She teased the baby in her arms, and smiled softly, "Hold me, give me a hug..."

Suddenly, Lin Hanyu, who was in his mother's arms, laughed through tears, and giggled, turning his head to look at You Zimo who was standing beside him.

"Brother Zimo." She raised her arm.

You Zimo took the child from Mu Yan's hand in a daze, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips unconsciously.

This is her and his child.

"Han Yu..." With a soft call, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face.

Suddenly, Lin Hanyu giggled.

"He can understand..." Su Jinyan who was standing beside him couldn't help but admire, "What a cute child, Han Yu, Han Yu, really looks like my little nephew."

"Little nephew?" Mu Yan asked with a smile.

"Yes, Su Yichen." Su Jinyan smiled lightly. Her brother Su Jinnian and sister-in-law Chen Yujia also received good news this year.

After packing their luggage and getting into the car, they left the airport.

After sending You Zimo and Su Jinyan back to Zixin Garden, they returned to the hotel.

Gently put down Han Yu who was already asleep, and Mu Yan lay on the bed, enjoying the hard-won peace.

Staring at the white ceiling, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "Brother Zimo's girlfriend is really excellent. They will be happy."

Suddenly, she stood up, resting her chin on one hand, and looked at the person beside her, "Lin Xia, you said that if I hadn't agreed to you at that time, but had gone to Switzerland with brother Zimo, what would we be like now?"

Lin Xia was taken aback, then smiled, "Maybe I'm the one at the airport today."

She understood the meaning of his words.In his senior year, Lin Xia's mother really wanted him to study abroad, but in the end Lin Xia still refused.Lin Xia said that his future is up to him, and it is his freedom to stay or not to study abroad.

"Lin Xia..." Mu Yan paused, "If it really becomes like that..."

He turned his eyes and stared at her calmly, "Then maybe I will follow my mother abroad, meet different people, maybe hold another person's hand, and enter the palace of marriage with her. Do you want that to happen? ?”

His rhetorical question made her suddenly fall into deep thought.When she saw him smiling at the girl named Yao Jia, she felt very uncomfortable.And when he hugged the girl unintentionally, it made her collapse even more.

"Absolutely not allowed." Smiling and twisting his handsome face, she jokingly said, "But I see that those single female colleagues in your court seem to mean something to you... What is that name? The one who keeps walking around you."

"How do you remember so clearly?" He gave her a funny look.

"I saw it..." Mu Yan snorted softly, "She said, Judge Lin, your wife and you are high school classmates, right? You look so affectionate. Oh, I'm so envious."

The breath of dissatisfaction from under the tip of Yingrun's nose was vividly conveyed to the person in front of her.

"Hmph, what does it have to do with her whether we are in love or not?"

Seeing that she learned so well, Lin Xia hurriedly embraced her, and couldn't help smiling, "Are you jealous?"

"No." A certain woman was still insisting, and she said in a muffled voice, "Why should I be jealous of you?"

"That's right, it seems that my side is more dangerous." Caressing her long hair, he said softly, "Those male colleagues in your bureau clearly know that you are married and have children, don't you still Is there anyone who is courting you for nothing?"

"That's because I'm very attractive." Mu Yan couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, "You jealous husband..."

Lin Xia whispered in her ear, "To each other..."

Lying in his arms, suddenly, she chuckled, "Calculate carefully, it has been ten years since the day we met."

ten years……

From the first meeting of the two to the hand in hand into the palace of marriage, he was always by her side.

And beside him, there is also her figure.

She slowly broke away from his embrace, staring at her with a slight smile, "Lin Xia, I suddenly remembered a sentence you said before."

"Huh?" Lin Xia looked at her with some amusement, "Which sentence?"

Opening her lips lightly, she murmured every word, like a veil gently touching his heart.

"I will always be by your side."

Suddenly, he smiled lightly and hugged her tightly, "Honey, I will walk with you all the way."

"good husband……"

Regardless of wind, frost, rain, snow, or sunset, he will accompany her on the walk, and keep on walking.


(End of this chapter)

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