Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 524 I have someone I like

Chapter 524 I have someone I like

Maybe it's because she has been thinking about this all the time, Yang Sisi's personality has become more and more well-behaved and quiet, and she has really become a good kid who doesn't make people worry about it.

However, what she didn't know was that her two elder brothers would rather her be arrogant than being bullied with her soft temper.

It's okay now, but if she gets married in the future, this submissive nature will suffer.

Therefore, when Xun Qing appeared beside Yang Sisi, they really tested her as a brother-in-law.

Because Yang Sisi knew that her brothers had something on their minds, it must be because of a problem with the family business, so she also became a little depressed. When she was basking in the sun in the yard with Xun Qing, she was still a little worried: "My brothers must have something to hide from me."

"..." It won't work if you don't hide it, right?

"Wu Qi, go and inquire about what happened at home recently." Yang Si thought about it, and finally pinned his hope on Wu Qi: "Be careful, don't let my brother find out, you know?"

"Okay." Wu Qi agreed and left.

"Brother Dou, Wu abandoned me for a while, and I will return it to you soon." Yang Sisi said a little embarrassedly.

Xun Qing hurriedly said: "This is your person, use your own person, why did you tell me?"

Seeing that Xun Qing really didn't mind, Yang Sisi was relieved: "Wu Qi is very powerful, although he doesn't talk much, but as long as he is told to do things, he can handle them well."

"It is indeed a calm temperament." Xun Qing said.

"Yes, yes." Xun Qing's approval made Yang Sisi happier, as if he was happier than himself: "My brother said, when I get married in the future, I will let Wu Qi follow me. In fact, this time I go out, brother They also want Wu Qi to follow, but I refused, always living under the wings of my brothers, I also want to be independent for a while, but it seems that I have such a personality that I can't be independent."

Having said that, Yang Sisi's face collapsed, a little discouraged.

"How could it be? You are kind and cute, the most likable." Xun Qing comforted.

Yang Sisi blushed, and looked at Xun Qing with watery eyes: "Brother Dou, do you really think so? Do you really think I'm likable?"

Xun Qing's face was a little stiff for a moment, no matter how big her heart was, she seemed to have realized a problem, this little girl, wouldn't she like her?

If so, wouldn't she become a hooligan who deceived the little girl's feelings?
"That..." Xun Qing hesitated and said, "Sisi, you probably don't like me like this?"

Yang Sisi's face turned even redder. She didn't even dare to look into Xun Qing's eyes. She didn't expect that the person she liked would ask her such a question directly. like you."

How can you not like it?Unrestrained, handsome, with eyes as indifferent as snow, and a wicked smile.

When Xun Qing asked that sentence, he heard footsteps at the gate of the courtyard. When Yang Sisi spoke, the footsteps stopped. She should have put this matter aside, but as a woman, she knew too well During the time of letting go, Yang Sisi would think of where to go. In order not to let the misunderstanding continue, she had to bite the bullet and say: "Sisi, I have something very important to tell you about this, but you have to promise me Keep it a secret for me."

Yang Sisi nodded: "Brother Dou, tell me, I will keep it secret for you."

"Actually, I have someone I like. The person I like is in Tianyu. This time, I'm here to find him." Xun Qing avoided the serious and did not tell Yang Sisi that he was a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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