Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 525 He is a very good person

Chapter 525 He is a very good person
"Ah..." Yang Sisi was dumbfounded. Speaking of it, she never asked Brother Dou if he liked someone, but wishful thinking... Her face was pale and ashamed: "I'm sorry, I must have caused you trouble right?"

Xun Qing didn't expect Yang Sisi's first reaction to be like this, this kind and silly girl: "Don't say that, you deserve a very good person."

"I think, Brother Dou, you are a very good person. The girl you like must be very good. If there is a chance, I really want to see her." Yang Sisi suppressed her heart Sour, said with a smile.

Although Yang Sisi was smiling, there was a layer of water vapor in her eyes, her voice trembled a little, a little aggrieved, a little ashamed, and sad for the feelings that were stifled before they had time to germinate and develop.

This is the first time she has fallen in love with someone. He is excellent and very good. Although he looks very indifferent on the surface, he is very soft and kind in his heart. Otherwise, he would not have saved her that night. After all, at that time, they were just meet by chance.

Even afterward, it was she who tried her best to invite him to be a guest at home. Apart from being grateful, she really had other selfish motives.

Xun Qing thought of Huo Shen's kindness to her. Although that man always had a cold face to scare people, and he didn't discuss things with her, he just liked to make his own decisions, but he was indeed very good. She couldn't help but nodded sincerely: " He's a really nice guy."

"It seems that Brother Dou really likes her." Yang Sisi was disappointed and envious. If she could meet Brother Dou earlier, would he like her?

The footsteps that stopped at the gate of the yard just now sounded together, walking into the yard, it was Wu Qi who came back, probably because he felt that the topic just now was not suitable for him, so he waited outside before coming in.

Seeing Wu Qi, Yang Sisi hurriedly asked, "Wu Qi, have you heard about it?"

"Well, it seems to be because of the cooperation with Tianyu." Wu Qi was respectful and calm. He was different from other servants, because Miss Sisi was kind and soft-hearted, so he neglected her.

"Is there any cooperation between your family and Tianyu?" Xun Qing's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly.

"That's right, my family has been a businessman for generations, especially the medicinal material business. It is considered the only one in the prefecture. People in Tianyu need to practice, and all kinds of medicinal materials are indispensable. The rare medicinal materials in Tianyu are rare in the prefecture. It's quite rich, so Tianyu's medicinal material dealer came to my family, hoping that our family can provide them with medicinal materials, and the price offered is still reasonable, so my elder brother agreed." Yang Sisi explained.

"Isn't that good? To be able to cooperate with Tianyu, it can be regarded as a reputation for the Yang family." Xun Qing said.

Yang Sisi nodded: "Brother also said the same thing, but only in the first year, Tianyu's medicinal material dealers paid as agreed, and in the next three years, they not only did not pay a penny, but also demanded more and more medicinal materials. Even if the Yang family sends out all the herb pickers, they still can't meet their huge needs, this year, Big Brother intends to end the cooperation with them."

Then it's no wonder that Yang Hao and Yang Han are in misery. How can it be so simple to end the cooperation?From the fact that the other party has not paid for three years, it can be seen that he is a rogue, a free supplier, how could they let it go easily?

"So." Xun Qing looked at Wu Qi: "Is the medicine merchant from Tianyu here?"

Wu Qi looked at Xun Qing in surprise, he deliberately didn't say this, because he was afraid that Miss Sisi would be worried, how could he guess this person all of a sudden?

(End of this chapter)

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