Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 528 No right to refuse

Chapter 528 No right to refuse

"What does this little brother want to ask?" Ximen Shi asked. When Xun Qing entered the door, he was sure that there was no trace of power circulation on this person, and he should not be from Tianyu.

Xun Qing shook his head: "I still know what comes first, first come first, you guys talk about it first."

"Twelve, you can talk to them, our side..." Yang Han paused with difficulty, and said, "It's already been discussed."

The moment he saw Yang Sisi enter the door, he decided to compromise.There is a saying in the Ximen style that is correct, you can't make a small loss for the sake of the external things you do.

It seems that this time the negotiation was not satisfactory.

Xun Qing saw the contract on the table, pointed to it, and said, "Would you mind letting me take a look?"

Yang Han nodded: "Why not?"

Why not?It's just a transfer contract.

Tianyu, Tianyu, is really an unattainable existence.

Xun Qing picked up the contract and looked at it. It was obvious that the contract was drawn up by Ximenshi. The medicinal materials were supplied unconditionally throughout the year, and all properties under the name of the Yang family were transferred to the name of the Ximen family, and the Yang family, as the name of the Ximen family. Stronghold, cooperate with any of their actions.

It's simply an overlord's treaty.

Xun Qing put the contract on the table, pressed it with his hands, and looked at Yang Han: "You don't agree?"

"They have no right to refuse." Ximen Shi replied for Yang Han, and he smiled: "Weak people have no right to refuse."

"What do you mean, you are a strong man?" Xun Qing sneered, tilted his head to look at Ximen Shi, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, resting his elbows on the table, resting his chin with his fingers, he looked at it for a long time before saying : "If you use your theory, the strong are king and can do whatever they want?"

Ximen Shi didn't like Xun Qing looking at him like this, knowing that he was a member of Tianyu, but still daring to be so rude, this was simply a blasphemy to him: "Perhaps, you want to try, what is a strong man? "

"Okay." Xun Qing nodded: "I'm really curious."

"Stupid mortal, then, let me let you know that you don't even have the right to say no in front of the strong." When Ximen Shi said this, his momentum was so strong that the room was suddenly gusted by strong winds, and the doors and windows of the room They were all shaken by the strong wind, closed and closed, and the sound was loud, and it seemed to knock into everyone's heart, making people unconsciously afraid.

Wu Qi immediately protected Yang Sisi beside him: "Close your eyes."

Yang Sisi closed her eyes obediently, and then, Wu Qi's warm palms covered her ears, blocking out the noisy sounds of the outside world, but the all-pervasive coercion still made her chest suffocate and writhe.

A warm breath entered her body bit by bit along the ears, slightly calming down the suffocation.

The aura in Xun Qing's body can only save people, but it has no attack power. Now Ximen style makes the room violently windy. She is helpless. How can she stop him?

Oh, by the way, knock this person down, and it will definitely stop.

Xun Qing looked around at the things on the table, and the only one that was a bit lethal was the teapot. She stretched out her hand to touch the teapot, and then smashed it directly on Ximen Shi's head.

How did Ximen Shi expect that Xun Qing would hit him with a teapot?They are masters, and they have always fought with weapons in a serious manner, or directly attacked with their abilities. How could they smash people's heads like street gangsters?I didn't notice it at this moment, and I was actually smashed for real

(End of this chapter)

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