Chapter 529 Who Are You?
Although Ximen Shi is a capable person, he is not invulnerable with copper skin and iron bones. When the purple clay pot hits his head, he immediately bleeds profusely.

It is said that beating someone does not slap people in the face, especially when a master fights with a face full of blood, he really doesn't even have the air of a master at all.

In this way, it affects the performance.

While Ximenshi was furious, he also felt strange, this is not right, why is this man who is so annoying that he is not afraid of his coercion?Could it be that he is also capable?
Also from Tianyu?

"Who are you?" Ximenshi covered his forehead with one hand, blood trickled out from between his fingers, and the powerful power he exuded dissipated at this moment.

The moment Wu Qi felt the coercion dissipate, he immediately put Yang Sisi on his shoulder to resist, his figure flashed, and he left the room.

Before Yang Sisi could react, she had already arrived in the downstairs hall. She opened a pair of confused eyes: "Wu Qi, why did we get down? What happened just now?"

"Ahem..." Wu Qi held back, but he couldn't hold back, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Yang Sisi was frightened, she worriedly grabbed Wu Qi's arm and asked, "Wu Qi, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Qi was protecting Yang Sisi just now, when the real air flowed into Yang Sisi's body, but he didn't care about himself, that powerful coercion was carried by his willpower, and at this moment his internal organs were burning with pain.

Is this the strong one?

Another mouthful of blood was spit out, and Wu Qi's face turned extremely pale in an instant.

"Miss, don't worry, I'm fine." Wu Qi raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Yang Sisi, "Miss, please go home immediately and don't worry about anything."

Once the masters of Tianyu get angry, it is very possible that they will be razed to the ground for several miles, at least the young lady cannot be allowed to take risks here.

Yang Sisi was stubborn: "I won't go."

"You have to leave." Wu Qi was also very tough, he always let Yang Sisi go, but this time it was about Yang Sisi's safety, he couldn't let her be in danger.

"I..." Yang Sisi's eyes were reddened by Wu Qi's serious and undeniable tone. Wu Qi had never been cruel to her: "I don't want my brothers, and Brother Dou, to face danger alone."

"If you were here, you would distract them and make them worry for nothing." Wu Qi paused, then said firmly: "I will definitely protect the two young masters... and Mr. Dou."

Yang Sisi wanted to say something more, but Wu Qi had already pushed him out of the restaurant.

She knocked on the door and shouted: "Wu Qi, you have to be careful."

Wu Qi's internal organs, which were originally in severe pain due to the injury, immediately reduced the pain a lot because of this sentence. After a long, long time, he could not understand this magical power.

Probably because Yang Sisi herself can give people strength, right?

Wu Qi returned to the room immediately, the two young masters were still in the room, it was impossible for him to escape.

In the room, Xun Qing smashed Ximen Shi with a purple sand pot, provoking Ximen Shi's fury, and Zhuang Xing, who was eager to protect the Lord, appeared in front of Xun Qing in an instant, and raised his hands, palms filled with A layer of mist suddenly shot towards Xun Qing's direction.

Because the opponent's speed was too fast, Xun Qing couldn't dodge in time, and was slapped on the shoulder by Zhuang Xing's palm, but the force was unexpectedly gentle?
gentle?Is it inappropriate to use this word?After all, he was fighting for his life now.

But the fact is that Xun Qing did feel that Zhuang Xing's moves seemed sharp, but they didn't hurt her when they hit her.

(End of this chapter)

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