Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 537 How did you get along?

Chapter 537 How did you get along?
Ximen Shi already remembered who Huo Shen was, so he felt even weirder in his heart. How could Dou Twelve say that Huo Shen was his sweetheart?

That, that's a man!
He looked at Xun Qing's heroic figure in fighting, even though there were so many guards on the other side, he was not afraid at all, and he had no intention of retreating at all. With a sprinkle of silver needles, he swept across the area, not to mention being a man, he didn't seem like the kind of person who likes men. !

Even if he likes men, Ximenshi insists that he doesn't look like the one being pressed.

Could it be that the Patriarch of the Huo family was the one who was suppressed?

Ximenshi couldn't control his wild thoughts, some unsuitable images were already spinning in his mind.

"Ximen Shi, what are you doing? Why are you in a daze?" Xun Qing's short blade separated and attacked Ximen Shi's long spear. This man is 50 or [-] years old, how could he still show such an idiotic smile?

"Ah" Ximen style woke up like a dream: "Brother Dou, how did you get along with the head of the Huo family when you were together? I mean, hehehe..."

Ximen Shi was very curious about this, and when he was waiting for Xun Qing's answer, he felt that the people around him suddenly restrained their aura, and the short blade used for fighting did not know when it was put away. It is standing at the point of attack.

The guards formed a circle and surrounded them, each with a spear, stabbing them mercilessly.

Ximen was anxious: "Brother Dou, Brother Dou"

While shouting, he looked at Brother Dou, but he saw a dark expression of aggrieved look on his face, and his eyes were looking in a certain direction with mist.

This look, really, no matter how you look at it, what a mother.

I feel like I have been hit by [-] critical points in my heart, but Brother Dou actually suffered?

"Stop." Just when the guards' spears were within an inch of them, the man's deep voice sounded.

The guards stopped at the same time as if the pause button was pressed for a moment, and when they realized it, they put down their weapons and saluted the man.

The man's black eyes are deep and unpredictable, his figure is tall and straight, and his aura is fierce, which makes people unconsciously give birth to a sincere heart.

Ximen Shi thought, this is probably the side leak of the legendary domineering.

Xun Qing hadn't seen Huo Shen for more than two months. He blamed him and resented him, and missed him. Seeing him now, he felt extremely wronged.

She approached Huo Shen step by step, staring at him with eyes full of thousands of emotions.

Huo Shen recognized Xun Qing at a glance. No matter how easy she was alone, her breath and eyes could not be changed.

Xun Qing's eyes were clear and bright, and he could recognize them at a glance.

"Go back." Huo Shen opened his mouth, his voice was low and serious, and there was a bit of cold displeasure.

Xun Qing was even more aggrieved: "I won't go back."

"Come in with me." Huo Shen glanced at Xun Qing again, and after leaving these words, he turned and entered Huo's house.

Xun Qing moved to keep up.

"Look at you, let me say that we are not here to cause trouble, let's all take a break, haha, take a break." Ximen Shi said hurriedly, and walked towards Huo's house.

The guard is also wronged, you are not here to make trouble, why are you still saying those ridiculous things?Let’s talk about her sweetheart first, their lady is only 12 years old, how could she have a sweetheart?

Later, it became even more outrageous, and it was ridiculous to say that she was the owner's sweetheart.

However, the head of the family personally brought them in, so he probably knew each other.

Huo Shen led Xun Qing into a secret room, and after waiting for no one else, he took off his cold and serious mask, frowned and glanced around Xun Qing worriedly, and he was relieved only after making sure that he was not injured: "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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