Rebirth of the strongest doctor girl

Chapter 538 Give Me a Kiss

Chapter 538 Give Me a Kiss
"It's been so many days since you left, I'm worried about you." Xun Qing replied honestly.

The girl lowered her eyes, her slender eyelashes fluttered uncomfortably, and there were faint tears, coupled with the soft words, Huo Shen was not willing to speak harshly, and softened his tone: "It's not safe here. Go back, I will go back immediately after finishing the business here."

"You have become the head of the family, so it's not so easy to go back." Xun Qing flattened his mouth: "Huo Shen, don't fool me."

Huo Shen was delighted: "When have I ever fooled you?"

Xun Qing stopped talking, and Huo Shen made a promise that she had never been fooled.However, just because she hasn't been caught before doesn't mean she won't be in the future.

Thinking of Huo Shen walking away without saying a word for so long without even a word of news, Xun Qing felt aggrieved: "Huo Shen, do you not like me and won't let me be your wife?"

"What are you thinking about in your head every day?" Huo Shen raised his hand and flicked Xun Qing's little head with his fingers, and said helplessly, "Why don't you like you?"

"Take this back." Huo Shen took out a small box, and from the fact that he could take it out casually, it could be seen that it must be something he cherished very much.

Xun Qing took it, shaking it curiously in his ear: "What is this?"

Hearing Huo Shen said that he still likes her, Xun Qing's mood improved a lot.

"Be careful, don't be shaken to death." Huo Shen said.

"It's alive?" Xun Qing became more and more curious. When he opened the box, he saw that it was a fat, transparent and white bug.

She hurriedly closed the box again, goosebumps all over her body: "Huo Shen, are you disgusting? You always carry a bug like a baby in your pocket all day long. What's your hobby?"

"This is Gu, Yin-Yang Gu. In the whole world, only the Huo family has this kind of Gu. It is extremely precious and difficult to feed." Huo Shen looked at Xun Qing with his dark and deep eyes: "Although I don't know why, your Yang Soul It will be missing, but this Yin Yang Gu can replenish the soul."

Xun Qing was extremely surprised: "You, you know everything?"

"So, you came to Tianyu suddenly to get spiritual Gu for me?" Xun Qing couldn't tell what it was like, she threw herself into Huo Shen's arms all at once, "Why didn't you tell me? If you tell me, I... "

"The spirit Gu has been obtained, I will come back after dealing with the next thing, you go home and wait for me obediently, do you understand?" Huo Shen said.

"Why don't you ask me why I'm missing a soul?" Xun Qing took a deep breath, and she wanted to tell Huo Shen everything about everything in her previous life, she wanted him to know too.

"If you're willing to speak, I'm willing to listen anytime. If you don't want to speak, I don't want to embarrass you anytime." Huo Shen said solemnly.

Xun Qing's eyes shouted with water vapor: "I'll tell you everything, I'll tell you everything."

"Then you are obedient, go back first, and tell me well when I come back." Huo Shen hugged Xun Qing into his arms, but what he took was not the soft body, but the hard man's body, the corners of his mouth were undetectable Twitching violently, he let go of Xun Qing unnaturally, almost without seeing: "Hurry up and go back."

"Well, Huo Shen." Xun Qing shyly glanced at Huo Shen: "Then, why don't you give me a kiss?"

Huo Shen can only see Xun Qing's appearance when he looks into Xun Qing's eyes, no matter who's voice or appearance, Xun Qing looks like a man at this moment, kissing.
(End of this chapter)

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