The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 139 Apprenticeship

Chapter 139 Apprenticeship
After passing the test, Li Wen controlled the flying sword, soared into the sky, and flew towards the highest peak in the mountains.

After a while, it landed on the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is a large platform with squares and various buildings.

"Come with me."

Li Wen put away his long sword and walked ahead first, Xu Feng hurriedly followed, and asked doubtfully, "Senior Brother Li, what is the name of this mountain? Who are we going to see now?"

"This is Tongtian Peak, the main peak where our sect leader is. I, Qingyun, have seven main peaks, namely Tongtian Peak, Longshou Peak, Fenghui Peak, Chaoyang Peak, Luoxia Peak, Big Bamboo Peak, and Small Bamboo Peak.

And the ones you want to follow me to meet now are the sect master and the heads of the peaks. Your talent is so high, it is estimated that the uncles of the heads of the peaks will all be rushing to get you, haha. "

"Ah, thank you brother for clarifying the confusion."

Xu Feng felt a little uneasy, the chiefs of each peak were all people with great supernatural powers, and he had to perform well later.

Thinking of this, as Li Wen walked step by step, the square was surprisingly large. After walking for a long time, he was still at the edge of the square, and couldn't help asking:

"Senior brother Li, why don't we just fly the flying sword to the entrance of the main hall and walk instead?"

Li Wen smiled softly, "That's because there is a regulation in the gate. Except for the masters and uncles, when they come to this square, other people are not allowed to use flying swords. They have to walk to show respect for the master."

"Oh I got it."

Xu Feng walked and looked at it, and found that the scenery here is really beautiful, just like the legendary fairyland.

The ground of the square is entirely paved with white marble, which is shining brightly. At a glance, it makes people feel small.The white clouds in the distance, like a veil, are floating under your feet.

In the center of the square, a huge copper tripod is placed every tens of feet, divided into three rows, three in each row, a total of nine, arranged in a regular manner.From time to time, light smoke would rise from the tripod, and the taste would be clear but not scattered.

Li Wen introduced to Xu Feng while walking: "This is the 'sea of ​​clouds' among the six sceneries of Qingyun. The scenery is not bad."

Xu Feng nodded and said, "It's really not bad, like a fairyland."

Looking far ahead, at the end of the square in the distance ahead, behind the misty clouds, there seemed to be something shining. Xu Feng quickened his pace and walked forward.

Gradually, there was the sound of water, and occasionally there were one or two strange thunderous sounds, which came from nowhere.

The closer you get, the cloud is like a gentle fairy, gently surrounding you, gradually pulling away the vague veil, revealing a clear face.

At the end of the square, there is a stone bridge, with no seat or pier, which rises across the sky, with one end on the square, stretching straight up obliquely, into the depths of the white clouds, like a dragon leaping into the sky, with aloof and arrogant aura.

There is a slight sound of water, and under the sunlight, the whole bridge emits colorful colors, like a rainbow in the sky, falling into the world, gorgeous and beautiful.

Xu Feng was deeply attracted by such beautiful scenery, Li Wen smiled and introduced: "This is also one of the six scenic spots, Hongqiao."

After stepping on the stone bridge, Xu Feng realized that the water flowed continuously on both sides of the bridge, which was extremely clear, but the middle part was not dripping.

Sunshine shines on the bridge through the clouds, and is refracted by the water flow, forming a gorgeous rainbow.And under the bridge is the bottomless abyss, which is frightening to look at.

This Hongqiao is very tall and long. Walking on it, I feel that the white clouds on the left and right are gradually sinking to my feet. After walking for a while, the white clouds are getting thinner, and I actually walked out of the sea of ​​clouds.

And directly in front of it is the main hall of Qingyun Temple "Yuqing Hall" on the top of Tongtian Peak.

The green hills are emerald, and the temples are majestic. The "Yuqing Palace" is located on the top of the peak, surrounded by clouds, and sometimes there are a few auspicious cranes flying by with long calls, circling in the air, like a fairyland, which is admirable.

Walk down the Hongqiao and come to the edge of the pool. A spacious stone step leads up from the edge of the pool to the gate of Yuqing Hall.

The pool water is green, clear as a mirror, and the shadows of people and mountains are clearly visible.

Xu Feng knew that this was the 'Ling Zun' sleeping in the blue clouds, a water unicorn that had lived for thousands of years.In the book, when Zhang Xiaofan went to Yuqing Palace for the first time, he was startled by Lingzun.

But as Li Wen walked through the pool, the Spiritual Venerable inside did not move.

Before coming to the majestic hall, I saw that the door was wide open, and there was plenty of light inside.

In front of the god's seat, on the main hall, there are seven large sandalwood chairs, three on the left and three on the left and one at the front, on which sits the heads of the peaks.

Xu Feng didn't have time to take a closer look, so he bowed down with Li Wen, and Li Wen said in his mouth: "I have brought Xu Feng who has passed the trial."

A majestic old man sitting in the middle of the head, with snow-white hair, but no wrinkles on his face, said, "Get up, you can go down first."

"Yes." Li Wen then exited the hall.

Xu Feng stood up and was alone in the hall, facing the seven legendary characters in front of him, he felt a little uneasy.

He mustered up the courage to look at them one by one, and found that everyone had a terrifying power, which was completely unmatched by him.

Among the seven people, there was only one woman, who was in her early thirties from the looks of her face. She had a beautiful face, but her pretty face was frosty, with an expression of not getting close to strangers.

Xu Feng understood that this person should be the first Shuiyue master of Xiaozhufeng.

In addition, sitting next to him was a fat man with a kind face and a figure that stood out from the crowd. Xu Feng also recognized it at a glance. He was definitely the first field of the Big Bamboo Peak.

Tian Buyi noticed that Xu Feng was looking at him, and smiled slightly on Xu Feng's fat face.

Daoxuan Daoxuan, the leader above, continued to speak: "Your name is Xu Feng, right? Although this year is not the year for me to open my Qingyun door to accept disciples, but since you have passed the test, you can become my Qingyun disciple."

Daoxuan said with a slight smile, and said to the other six people: "Everyone saw Xu Feng's performance through the sky-gazing mirror just now, who wants to accept him as a disciple?"

After Xu Feng listened blankly, he felt a little nervous. He was afraid that no one would choose him!

But to his surprise, as soon as the head master Daoxuan finished speaking, two people said at the same time: "I want it!"

Xu Feng took a sneak peek, and found that one of them was actually Tian Buyi, while the other, sitting on Daoxuan's hands, had a majestic and righteous face, and his aura was second only to Daoxuan.

Tian Buyi laughed, and said: "Senior brother Cangsong, you have a lot of talents in Longshou Peak, why don't you give this one to me at Big Bamboo Peak."

It turned out to be the first Cangsong Taoist of Longshou Peak, Xu Feng was suddenly surprised.

After hearing Tian Buyi's words, Cangsong also smiled lightly: "Junior Brother Tian, ​​what you said is wrong, my Longshou Peak is indeed full of talents, but no matter how many talented disciples there are, I welcome them, there is no way too many It makes sense. Besides, Junior Brother Tian, ​​even if I give you a talented disciple, I’m afraid you won’t be able to teach him well, haha.”

Tian Buyi heard the ridicule, his face turned livid, he clenched his hands tightly, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing that the two men were at war, Daoxuan laughed and said, "You two juniors, Mo Zheng, don't hurt your friendship. How about this, let Xu Feng choose for himself."

As he said that, he looked at Xu Feng and said with a smile, "Xu Feng, now both Longshou Peak and Dazhu Peak belong to you, so you can choose for yourself."

Xu Feng has been standing in the middle of the hall, looking at everything, he already has some calculations in his heart, now he heard Daoxuan's words, he cupped his hands and said: "Report to the master, I choose Dazhufeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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