Chapter 140

Hearing Xu Feng's choice, a bright smile appeared on Tian Buyi's chubby face, while the real Longshoufeng Cangsong, whose face was supposed to be a winning one, slowly disappeared at this moment. Staring at Xu Feng in disbelief, his face was covered with frost.

Xu Feng seemed to have not seen it, and selectively ignored it. It is said that the resources of Longshou Peak must be much better than that of Dazhu Peak, but Xu Feng is very clear about Cangsong's personality. Maybe choose Longshoufeng.

Reverend Daoxuan smiled slightly, "Since you have made your choice, you will be a disciple of Dazhu Peak from now on, so everyone should leave today."

After speaking, he stood up first and left, and the others also stood up. Tian Buyi walked in front of Xu Feng, looked him up and down, and said with satisfaction: "Very good, very good."

Xu Feng looked at Tian Buyi, felt a sense of kindness in his heart, and shouted: "Master!"

"Well, follow me back to Dazhufeng."

Tian Buyi went out of the main hall, summoned his accompanying sword Chiyan, and brought Xu Feng Yujian to the Big Bamboo Peak.

Looking at Dazhufeng from the air, you can see that most of it is shrouded in mist, and some buildings on the top of the mountain are looming.

After getting off the flying sword, Tian Buyi led Xu Feng directly to the main hall of the Big Bamboo Peak.

After a while, several disciples from Dazhufeng came out one after another, lined up, tall or short, strong or thin, a total of six people looked at Xu Feng curiously.

Finally, a beautiful woman came out from the inside. She looked to be in her 30s, and she was graceful. Standing beside her was a little girl, about four or five years old, with delicate features, and a pair of bright and watery eyes. , arousing affection.

After everyone arrived, Tian Buyi introduced Xu Feng to them, and his wife Suru and everyone including Song Daren got to know Xu Feng one by one.

That little girl is Tian Ling'er, Tian Buyi's daughter, she is only less than five years old at the moment, and her big eyes are also staring at Xu Feng curiously.

After getting acquainted with everyone, Tian Buyi let Xu Feng first
Salute to the first portrait of Dazhufeng in the main hall.

After saluting, Xu Feng knelt down and kowtowed nine heads to Tian Buyi and Suru, Tian Buyi was smiling all over his face.

His Big Bamboo Valley has been dying of talents, so he was very happy to accept such a talented student as Xu Feng today. Although Xu Feng is older, he is still confident that he can train this disciple well.

That night, above the lobby, the brothers from Dazhufeng gathered together and had a lively dinner, which was regarded as a cleansing for Xu Feng.

As Xu Feng ate, he really felt that everyone was like a family, and he was grateful for his correct choice.

After the meal, Tian Buyi asked Song Daren to take Xu Feng to his residence, and explained that starting tomorrow, he would personally teach Xu Feng Taoism.

Xu Feng was naturally very happy when he heard it, but he remembered that when Zhang Xiaofan was getting started, Tian Buyi only let his big disciple Song Daren teach it on his behalf.

After thanking the master, Xu Feng followed his senior brother Song Daren to the residence. Song Daren was a very kind person. When he took Xu Feng to the residence, he enthusiastically introduced every detail of Dazhufeng.

"Junior Brother, this will be your home from now on, we are all a family, if you have anything to do, just call me."

Xu Feng smiled gratefully: "Thank you senior brother, how long have you been with Master?"

Song Daren touched his head, and smiled honestly: "I have been with Master for seven or eighty years, but I am not talented enough, and my progress has been too slow."

"Where, big brother, you are very powerful, but you are too humble."

Arriving at the residence, it was a very simple room, Song Daren said: "Junior brother, you will live here from now on, we cultivators don't talk about enjoyment, so everything is very simple, you have to get used to it slowly. "

"Okay, thank you, big brother."

It was really late when Song Daren was sent away, Xu Feng tidied up and lay on the bed, thinking that he was really lying on the Big Bamboo Peak at this moment, he knew that he had succeeded!
The next thing to do is to seriously settle down and learn the most authentic Taoism.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Tian Buyi brought Xu Feng to the back hall, sat down, took a sip of tea, and began to teach Taoism.

Let Xu Feng sit down at the table, first teach him how to meditate and meditate, then roughly talk about the human body's meridians and the movement of essence, and finally pass on the first-level practice method of "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao".

After passing it on, Tian Buyi carefully introduced to Xu Feng the general situation of practicing this method in Qingyun Sect.

"'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' is the root of all kinds of miraculous arts of Qing Yun Sect. It was comprehended by the patriarch Qing Yunzi in an unknown ancient scroll 2000 years ago. It is an unsurpassed Taoism that surpasses the heavens and the earth, and is unparalleled in mysteries."

"Taiji Xuanqing Dao has three realms: Yuqing, Shangqing, and Taiqing. In Qingyun Sect, there are nearly a thousand people, but those who can break through the Yuqing realm and enter the Shangqing realm, headed by the senior brother Daoxuan, are no more than ten people. Just getting started."

"But with only a few dozen people, my Qingyun Sect is one of the most powerful and deepest sects in cultivation today."

"As for the legendary Taiqing Realm, it is said that only Patriarch Qingye, a rare genius born in the past, has been able to cultivate it."

Tian Buyi said a lot in one breath, Xu Feng has been listening carefully, this information is very important, he is very curious about how strong this Jade Qing realm will be after cultivation.

Seeing Xu Feng listening fascinatedly, Tian Buyi couldn't help talking about it, talking eloquently:

"The practice process of Taiji Xuanqing Dao becomes more and more difficult as it goes on. Most people in the first level of Yuqing Realm can complete it in the first year, but when it starts later, the difficulties will appear. After five years of practice, the third level is even more of a watershed, those with slightly lower aptitude will stay here for the rest of their lives, and it is not uncommon for those with better qualifications to practice for five or sixty years."

Xu Feng was not intimidated by these statistics. He believed that with his talent, it would definitely not take three to fifty years.

Tian Buyi saw Xu Feng's face remained unchanged, smiled slightly, and continued talking.

"The main practice method of Taiji Xuanqing Dao is roughly taught at the third level. In the future, it will be more dependent on the level of aptitude and self-cultivation. Disciples and teachers with advanced practice may give some pointers, and that is only an individual. Let the disciples avoid some detours."

"Of course I believe in Feng'er's aptitude. Given time, it's not a problem to cultivate to the top three levels. You can come to me anytime if you have any questions."

Xu Feng quickly got up and saluted, "Thank you, Master, I will work hard to practice."

Tian Buyi nodded in satisfaction, and said: "After the third level, those who have cultivated Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the fourth level of Yuqing Realm will have the foundation of ten thousand dharma, and can start to practice other thaumaturgy and magical methods as well as cultivate their own magic weapons at the same time." up.

As far as magic treasures and secret weapons are concerned, they have a long history. In myths and legends, most of the gods in the sky have their own magic weapons, which are extremely powerful.In the human world, it is also very powerful for those who practice Taoism to master the creation of the world with it.I will give you a detailed introduction to these later when I have time.Do you have any questions for Master? "

Xu Feng hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Master, what level have they cultivated to?"

"Well, among your senior brothers, Daren has the deepest practice, he has cultivated Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the fourth level of Yuqing Realm, followed by the fourth brother He Dazhi, who has cultivated to the third level.

As for the second child Wu Dayi, the third child Zheng Dali, the fifth child Lu Daxin, and the sixth child Du Bishu, they were all struggling on the second floor of the Yuqing Realm. "

Xu Feng nodded, and said, "The senior brothers are all very good, I have to practice quickly so that I can catch up with them."

Tian Buyi said: "It's good that you have this idea. To cultivate is to calm down and endure loneliness. Then you go down first."

(End of this chapter)

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