The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 141 Little Lolita

Chapter 141 Little Lolita

On the Big Bamboo Peak, the back mountain is a whole piece of bamboo forest.

And everyone's buildings are in the front peak, the largest and most important is the main hall Shoujing Hall, where Tian Buyi, his wife and daughter live in the back hall.

Next to the Shoujing Hall is the corridor courtyard where all the disciples live, but because there are too few people, there are more rooms than people, everyone lives in a room alone, even the newcomer Xu Feng has a room.

The only thing left is the Tai Chi hole for practicing Kungfu, the kitchen and the dining room.

Taiji Dongtian also told Xu Feng that it is located in the back mountain, and only disciples who have cultivated Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the third level or above can go in to practice.

Before that, you can only practice in your own room.

Xu Feng left Master Tian Buyi's room, returned to his hut, and began impatiently preparing to practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, walked slowly to the bed, meditated according to the posture taught by his master Tian Buyi, closed his eyes, and thought through the first level of the method of Taiji Xuanqing Daoyuqingjing from beginning to end.

The first level of Yuqing Realm is the most superficial and basic practice method in Taiji Xuanqing Dao, and its function is only in two words: Qi training.

Practitioners, sit quietly, let go of their minds and restrain all kinds of troubles, lead the aura of heaven and earth into the body and perform the great cycle of heaven and earth, so as to take a breath with the heaven and the earth, and then feel the creation of the heaven and the earth.If you can introduce spiritual energy to run 36 consecutive heavenly circles in your body, your own meridians will be stabilized and you can cultivate to a higher level.

Xu Feng didn't know if this qi training was the same as the qi training period in a broad sense, but if he just sensed the qi between the heaven and the earth, and then circulated for 36 weeks, it seemed that there was no difficulty at all.

Following the exercise route taught by Tian Buyi, he really felt the spiritual energy in the sky and the earth within a short while. In this world, the concentration of spiritual energy in this world was already thicker than in the real world.

After feeling the aura, I tried to introduce it into my body again, and it succeeded again very smoothly.

Next, he continued to run Zhou Tian, ​​and there was no blockage at all. Xu Feng's tendons had already been opened up when he was practicing martial arts.

Everything went smoothly. After a few hours, Qi circulated through the meridians for 36 cycles. Xu Feng only felt a stream of pure energy flowing into his dantian.

In this way, he successfully cultivated the first level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!
Such a speed, if the people in the Qingyun sect know about it, their jaws will drop in shock. This speed can be said to be unprecedented in the Qingyun sect. Even the genius Aoba Patriarch at the time may not be able to do it. It takes a few hours to practice Qi successfully.

But Xu Feng knew that the reason why he reached the first level so quickly was related to the martial arts he had practiced before.

I am originally a late-innate cultivation base, and I have also practiced Zixia Divine Art and Daowei Jue before, both of which are also methods of practicing Qi, so it is easy to practice this first level.

But Xu Feng understood the truth of shooting the first bird, so he planned to go to Tian Buyi to learn the second level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao after half a month.

It took half a month to complete the first floor, so it shouldn't be so eye-catching.

Now that the first floor has been completed, Tian Buyi didn't teach the formula for the second floor, so Xu Feng had no choice but to go out of the room, ready to take a stroll around the houses of the Big Bamboo Peak, to get acquainted with the environment.

There were few people in Dazhu Peak, and the other disciples were all cultivating in the house, so they didn't see anyone.

When we came to an open space in front of the peak, the sun was shining and it was noon. As practitioners, everyone in Dazhufeng only ate one meal a day, and that was dinner.

Xu Feng is a bit hungry, he has not reached the strength of Bigu, in fact, he needs to reach the third level of Yuqing to overcome his hunger.

Therefore, there are probably only a few people in the entire Big Bamboo Peak who can bear to eat one meal a day. Xu Feng doesn't know how the rest of the people can solve the hunger problem, especially Tian Linger is only less than five years old at this time. Could it be that he also eats one meal a day? ?
Shaking his head, he didn't think too much about it, and looked left and right, but there was no one there, so Xu Feng took out the food from his portable space and started to eat.

Since I have a portable space, preparing food is a must every time I enter a different world.

Of course, the food I brought was also jerky, which was easy to preserve, and the taste was not bad. I was eating happily, and suddenly felt as if there were eyes staring at me from behind.

The hair on Xu Feng's back exploded, and he turned around suddenly. He thought it was some senior brother or master, but he didn't expect that it was a big yellow dog that appeared in front of him.

This dog was much bigger than ordinary dogs, almost the size of a calf. At this moment, a pair of eyes were fixed on the jerky in Xu Feng's hand, and his mouth was wide open, almost drooling.

Xu Feng was stunned for a while before he remembered that this dog might be the dog that Tian Buyi raised since he was a child. Like Tian Buyi, it also lived for more than 200 years, so it can be said that it has become a spirit.

Xu Feng didn't dare to offend it, so he smiled slightly, and carefully stuffed the jerky in his hand in front of Rhubarb, "Rhubarb, these are for you to eat."

Rhubarb glanced at Xu Feng, then lowered his head and swallowed the jerky without hesitation.

It seemed to think the taste was good, licked its mouth, and then looked at Xu Feng with its dog eyes.

"Hey, do you want more?"

Xu Feng had no choice but to take out more jerky from the portable space, tear open the bag, eat a piece for himself, and feed rhubarb a piece, and the two enjoyed themselves happily.

But when he was eating happily, suddenly a little girl's voice came from behind, "Ah Huang, what are you doing here?"

Xu Feng turned around and found a little loli standing there, staring at him and the big yellow dog. Her eyes were big, and she was the master's youngest daughter Tian Linger.

Xu Feng smiled helplessly and said, "We are eating, do you want to eat?"

Xiaotian Linger ran forward cheerfully, grabbed Xu Feng's hand, and said in a childish voice, "What are you eating? I want to eat! I want to eat!"

"Okay, okay, Ling'er, I'll give it to you right now."

Xu Feng took out a piece of jerky and handed it to her. Xiaotian Ling'er took it and stuffed it into her mouth. Unfortunately, the jerky was very strong, and she couldn't chew it with her newly formed teeth.

After biting for a while, I found that I couldn't bite, so I threw the dried meat away, pouted and said: "You are lying, what kind of food is this, it doesn't taste good at all, Linger bites it Don't move, hum."

But Rhubarb rushed out, caught the jerky before it hit the ground, let out a happy cry, and swallowed it.

"It's delicious, Ling'er, you are too young to bite, how about this, you can eat this."

As Xu Feng said, he took out a big lollipop from his portable space and handed it to her.

After Xiaotian Linger took it, she stretched out her little tongue and licked it. Sure enough, her little face showed joy, and she said happily, "It's so sweet~"

He raised his head and smiled at Xu Feng, "Thank you, Brother Feng."


Xu Feng stretched out his hand and couldn't help touching the little Lolita's hair. I have to say that Xiaotian Ling'er is so cute!
Playing with the big yellow dog and Xiao Ling'er all afternoon, the day passed like this.

Early the next morning, Song Daren appeared in Xu Feng's room.

(End of this chapter)

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