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Chapter 143 The Dementor Rod

Chapter 143 The Dementor Rod

In view of Xu Feng's genius, Tian Buyi decided to teach him the second, third, and fourth levels of Taiji Xuanqing Dao at one time.

Of course Xu Feng was very happy. It took him a day to write down all the content, and asked Tian Buyi about everything he didn't understand.

After returning to his room, he began to practice with all his strength. He got up early every day to chop bamboo, and spent the rest of the time practicing.

Tian Ling'er is still too young at this moment, she hasn't started doing her homework yet, but in fact Tian Buyi is also teaching her the first level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

But now she doesn't need to cut bamboo like Xu Feng, but she will go to the back mountain every day to play with Xu Feng.

There were few people in Big Bamboo Peak, and the other disciples were much older than Tian Linger, and they all practiced with bored heads, basically no one had time to play with her.

But Xu Feng chopping bamboo seems to be the most interesting, and he is also the youngest, so every time Tian Linger rides rhubarb to the back mountain to watch him chop bamboo for fun.

Although Xu Feng also wanted to practice, Tian Linger was by his side when chopping bamboo, so he couldn't chop too fast, he could only do it deliberately and slowly, and play with Tian Linger by the way.

Time passed slowly like this, and the days of cultivation, living on this mountain far away from the world, one's heart will really calm down slowly.

As for Xu Feng, Song Daren and other senior brothers, as well as the master and wife, the relationship is getting deeper and deeper, and everyone is more and more like a family.

The second level of Taiji Xuanqing Dao is much more difficult than the first level, and it took Xu Feng three months to complete it.

However, the difficulty of the third floor is exponentially multiplied compared to the second floor. Xu Feng understands what Tian was not easy to say back then. People with poor talent may be stuck in the bottleneck of the third floor for the rest of their lives.

During the process of cultivation, Xu Feng also felt that there were many obstacles. For the first time, he realized the difficulty of cultivation.

It's a pity that at this time, he no longer has the system currency, and there is no way to use the system currency to speed up.

In the end, relying on his own hard work, Xu Feng reached the third level of Taiji Xuanqing Dao when he came to the world of Jade Immortals for a year and a half!

Of course, Xu Feng didn't tell anyone else on the Big Bamboo Peak about the progress of his cultivation. If he had to say it, probably only Xiaotian Ling'er had seen his strength.

That time, he accidentally cut off a bamboo thicker than the mouth of a bowl without controlling his strength.

Although Tian Linger is only five or six years old, she usually sees Xu Feng chopping very hard, and understands his extraordinary strike. At that time, she blinked her big eyes and asked.

In the end, Xu Feng had no choice but to buy the little girl with three lollipops, telling her not to tell her father when she went back.

On this day, Xu Feng came to the back mountain, he deliberately got up very early, and in the past few days, his wife Suru took Tian Ling'er back to Xiaozhufeng to leave her mother's house.

Suru was a disciple of Little Bamboo Peak back then, and she is a teacher and sister with the current Master Shuiyue of Little Bamboo Peak, and they have been friends for many years, so she would take Tian Linger to live in Little Bamboo Peak for a few days every once in a while.

Xu Feng took advantage of this opportunity, and his cultivation base had reached the third level, so he was ready to implement the original plan - go to the deep valley to find the Dementor Rod!

When he came to the place where he cut bamboo every day, Xu Feng began to walk deep into the bamboo forest. In fact, in the past year and a half, he used his usual time to explore slowly and found the cliff deep in the bamboo forest.

So this time, the route was very familiar. In less than half an hour, he passed through layers of bamboo seas and came to the edge of the cliff.

Looking down from the cliff, the bottom is completely a sunken basin. In the distance in the valley, there is dense fog, which makes it difficult to see clearly. However, on the nearby valley wall, there are no longer black knotted bamboos, but various wild trees, pines and cypresses. mostly.

At this time, Xu Feng had already cultivated to the third floor, and his strength was already extraordinary. Although the cliff was very high, Xu Feng climbed a vine, his figure was more flexible than a real ape, and he descended to the bottom of the valley without any danger.

Once entering the valley, the open sight is gone, all you can see are various unknown trees, but Xu Feng knows that it is definitely the valley, and the pool should be in the center of the valley.

He found a direction and began to walk forward, holding the Longquan sword in his hand, splitting all kinds of thorns, and always paying attention to the dangers around him.

Because this forest is not as beautiful as it looks on the surface, after all, since Zhang Xiaofan was able to meet the three-eyed monkey here, of course there may be other beasts in the forest, and these beasts are not necessarily good.

Walking carefully like this, I also encountered some strange animals along the way, but finally found the water pool without any danger!
Walking out of a forest, the eyes suddenly brightened, it was an open space, the ground was full of gravel, and there was a small green pool in the middle, with rippling water, flowing westward.

It was a small pool with a small area and no source. It was probably formed by an underground spring.

The water in the pool is emerald green, and you can’t tell how deep it is from here. There is a gap on the west side of the pool, and the water flows out from there, converging into a small stream, winding away.

In the center of the pool, there is a pile of rocks of various sizes and shapes, only a small part of which is exposed on the water.

Among the chaotic rocks, a short black stick was stuck obliquely, protruding a foot above the water surface, the rest was submerged in the water, the whole body was black, and it was hard to see what material it was, very ugly.

When Xu Feng saw it, he was very happy in his heart. He really found it—the Dementor Rod!

But Xu Feng didn't act rashly when he was excited. After all, he knew that this Dementor Rod was a little weird, and it might take some effort to get it.

This open space is about ten feet in diameter, and there is no grass growing. Xu Feng tried to step into it slowly.

But as soon as his feet stepped into it, there was a "boom" in his head, and his body shook twice involuntarily. A nauseating feeling rose from the five internal organs and rushed straight to the forehead, and his whole body trembled in a moment.

Xu Feng quickly withdrew his foot, and the nauseating feeling disappeared immediately.

"This is troublesome, how can I overcome this annoying feeling of nausea?"

After thinking for a long time, there was still no solution. Xu Feng knew that this nausea must be caused by the Dementor Rod. It seemed that if he wanted to get it, he had to pass this test.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped out again, and the nausea struck again. Xu Feng began to operate Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and the spiritual energy circulated all over the body, and the nausea gradually weakened.

Xu Feng was overjoyed, and continued to practice the exercises. After his body got used to it, he took the next step.

One step, one step, slowly approaching, but as he got closer, the disgusting feeling became stronger and stronger.

Xu Feng could only hold on, five feet, three feet, two feet,... "Persist for a while, and we'll be there soon...!"

(End of this chapter)

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