Chapter 144 Distress
When he was still ten feet away from the soul-destroying stick, Xu Feng couldn't take another step forward, because he had reached his limit, and the strong nausea and dizziness made him feel that as long as he took another step forward, he might die. Passed out directly.

But Dementor was clearly right in front of him, and he was already close at hand. He was unwilling to give up like this, so he could only use his head to search all the memories, and began to think of a solution.

Judging from the current situation, it is not impossible to get close to this dementor. It seems that as long as the cultivation level is high enough, it can resist the "power" it naturally emits.

But now there is still a foot to go. In the final analysis, my cultivation is not enough, so I can only improve my cultivation quickly or in a short period of time.

Suddenly, Xu Feng remembered the last world - in the wind and cloud, there were only two blood bodhi left. This blood bodhi has the effect of bringing the dead back to life when seriously injured, but taking it when it is not injured will also greatly improve people's skills.

Now I can't care much about it anymore, as long as I eat it to improve my skills again and persist in getting the soul-destroyer, after having the soul-destroyer stick, my strength will be greatly improved again, and everything will be worth it by then.

Xu Feng withdrew first, went to a place outside the open space that was not affected by the dementor, then took out two blood bodhi from the portable space, and swallowed them all at once.

After eating, the whole body began to surge with heat, like in a sauna, and the energy rushing through the meridians was like magma.

Of course, Xu Feng would not waste a single iota of it. He used Taiji Xuanqing Dao to guide the energy from the Baihui Point, through the Niwan Palace, through the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and finally into the Dantian.

Week after week, energy was guided, tamed, and absorbed, and Xu Feng felt that his strength was also growing rapidly.

Two hours later, all the energy contained in the blood bodhi had been absorbed. Xu Feng felt it for a while, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao had reached the fourth floor!
And according to what Master Tian Buyi said when he taught him Taiji Xuanqing Dao, once he cultivated to the fourth level of Yuqing Realm, he would have the foundation of ten thousand dharmas, and he could start to practice other thaumaturgical techniques and cultivate his own at the same time. magic weapon.

Now because of this coincidence, he actually broke through to the fourth floor, Xu Feng is really very happy.

Standing up, he walked towards the Dementor Rod again, step by step, and came to a distance of one foot away from it again. Sure enough, he hadn't reached the limit this time, and Xu Feng felt that he still had enough strength.

Breaking through for a foot, slowly approaching, and finally successfully walked to the side of the Dementor Rod, and carefully reached out to grab it.

There was a tingling pain in the palm, a drop of blood flowed out, and was absorbed by the dementor. Its dark stick body flashed red, and then suddenly, all the negative feelings, nausea and vomiting disappeared.

Xu Feng's whole body relaxed for a while. He held the Dementor stick, looked at it carefully and stroked it. There was a strange feeling in his mind. There seemed to be a spiritual connection between himself and it.

He knew that he had obtained it successfully, and it could already be regarded as his magic weapon.

Xu Feng could feel its past in the spiritual connection faintly transmitted from Dementor, where it was full of blood red, full of thoughts of killing, mountains of corpses and oceans of blood, blood flowing across oars.

These all mean that it is an "evil" magic weapon, but Xu Feng is not afraid. He believes that there is no such thing as an evil magic weapon. A magic weapon is a weapon after all, and what happens to it depends on the person who uses it.

It is meaningless and ridiculous to characterize a weapon as evil because of the sins of its former owner.

But the people in Qingyunmen might not think so. Xu Feng played with the soul-destroyer for a while, and finally put it away. He decided to return to the Big Bamboo Peak, and never expose it to others unless it was the most dangerous time. in front of you so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

It was already afternoon at this time, Xu Feng didn't stay, and left the pool, he went on the way he came and went. If he didn't leave in time and it got dark, no one knew what would happen.

After walking for a while, the forest suddenly began to fog up, and the fog was getting bigger and bigger, and soon it was impossible to see anything two or three meters away.

Xu Feng was completely unprepared. The sudden fog made him completely lost his direction and he couldn't see the front. It would be foolish to go out in such a primeval forest.

After several attempts, Xu Feng had to give up. The fog prevented him from going back to Dazhufeng temporarily.

As a last resort, after searching around, I could only choose the tallest tree nearby and climb up, planning to wait until the fog cleared before trying to get out.

But while he was waiting, a gust of wind hit, and Xu Feng was shocked all over. He knew something was wrong, something should have come.

With a thought, the Longquan sword appeared in his hand. Although Dementor had been subdued, but its function had not been studied yet, Xu Feng could only use the sword in his hand first.

Grasping the Longquan sword in his hand, he looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

But the sense of urgency was getting closer and closer, and he was so pressed that he couldn't breathe.

He raised his head suddenly, and met a pair of lantern-sized eyes.

It is really a pair of lantern-sized eyes, red, especially conspicuous in the fog.

Most of its body was hidden in the mist, and without time to see what it was, Xu Feng slashed at the thing in front of him with a single sword.

The sword energy drove the mist, and slashed fiercely on the unknown creature in front of him, but the sound of gold and iron clashing followed. With the sharpness of the Longquan sword and his own full blow, he unexpectedly Even the defense of this unknown creature in front of him can't be broken!
Xu Feng was really taken aback, he knew that he might really be in big trouble.

And the creature froze for a moment, obviously it didn't expect Xu Feng's attack to be so sudden, but it just froze for a moment, and it moved instantly, Xu Feng only felt that the entire fog with a radius of tens of meters seemed to be stirred by it, bringing A gust of wind hit him!
The blow just now had already measured the strength of the creature in front of him. Facing its attack, Xu Feng certainly didn't dare to take it head-on, so he jumped down from the tree, trying to avoid it.

But he didn't land as expected, instead he was in mid-air, his whole body tensed up, and the bones all over his body felt like they were about to shatter.

Xu Feng was in mid-air, and he finally saw the whole picture of the thing that attacked him clearly. It turned out to be a huge snake with a length of more than ten feet. Its waist was as thick as a bucket, and the lantern-like eyes were its eyes.

Such a huge snake was obviously a mutated species, and Xu Feng was entangled by it, making it impossible to move.

The giant snake's head stretched out slowly, and the snake stammered, apparently waiting for Xu Feng to die, it was about to open its mouth to enjoy a delicious meal!
 It's Chinese New Year, there are a lot of things, please forgive me, there will be at least one update every day, and thank you for your rewards, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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