The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 145 The power of magic weapon

Chapter 145 The power of magic weapon
Of course Xu Feng wouldn't sit still, he swung his sword desperately and stabbed at the snake's body, the flames shot out, but he couldn't break through its defense.

As a last resort, he had to use the most powerful move of the inexplicable swordsmanship, pouring the whole body's power into the sword body, and stabbing at the big snake's eyes. The snake couldn't dodge it in time, and a left eye the size of a lantern was stabbed blind by Xu Feng. .

Under the pain, it let go of Xu Feng, threw him far away, flicked its tail, and lashed towards him fiercely.

Before the body landed, the snake's attack had already come. With the strong wind, Xu Feng had to speed up and retreat, and defended with all his strength. With the power of the snake's tail, he flew far away to a tree.

The snake was blind in one eye, but it was still very agile. It missed a single blow, and quickly twisted its body to catch up.

Various thoughts quickly turned in Xu Feng's mind. He knew that his speed was much slower than that of the giant snake in this dense forest. He couldn't run away, and it was unrealistic to expect someone to rescue him.

Now the only thing left to do is to fight it head-on. This is a life-and-death struggle.

But the sword still couldn't hurt it, so Xu Feng had to put away the Longquan sword, and then remembered that he had already successfully cultivated it, and had never used it before.

So he recited the mantra silently, "Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law", and he waved his hands in turn like butterflies wearing flowers, and blasted energy balls at the big snake one by one, with extraordinary power.

The giant snake was bombarded and dodged in a hurry. Obviously, it could no longer ignore this level of attack. The snake's body was slowly covered with scars.

This is the first time Xu Feng has used it since he succeeded in practicing Qiankun. He did not expect that the power is really extraordinary, and it is also very simple to use. Seeing that it can hurt the giant snake, he waved his hands tirelessly, as if Like a mobile turret, it is bombarding the giant snake from a long distance.

Xu Feng is equivalent to occupying the supremacy of the air, the giant snake can only be bombarded, and cannot be approached at all.

While he was rejoicing about all this, he thought that the snake would be dealt with after a while.

But unexpectedly, when he waved his hand again, there was no energy ball blasted out.

"It's over, I have borrowed all my mana."

Xu Feng knew something bad was going to happen, and sure enough, the giant snake, which had been crushed and couldn't lift its head just now, had a fierce light in its eyes, and the one eye had completely turned blood red.

It opened its mouth wide and killed it quickly, so Xu Feng had to run away quickly. Now that the sword and palm techniques are useless, the only thing left is the Dementor Rod that he got just now.

Xu Feng took out the soul-destroying stick while running, and communicated with it with his mind, then suddenly stopped and turned around, the giant snake was following him closely, but at this moment it bumped into it.

Gritting his teeth, he gripped the soul-destroying stick tightly, and poked it out. The body of the snake hit the stick. Originally, with its huge kinetic energy, Xu Feng's move was definitely no less than a mole shaking a tree and a mantis turning a cart.

But in fact, the giant snake just stopped in the air, and time and space seemed to stand still for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the Dementor Rod suddenly glowed red, and the red light broke through the layers of fog, illuminating the entire forest, and under this weird red light, the body of the big snake suddenly began to shrink rapidly.

Soon, the whole body of the snake turned into a skeleton, and all the flesh and blood disappeared. It was already too dead to die, and the crisis was over like this.

The red light slowly faded away, and the Dementor returned to a normal black twig. Who would have thought that it would be so powerful?

Xu Feng was very happy. This trip was full of dangers, but the power of soul-stirring in the end really didn't waste his efforts.

After killing the big snake, Xu Feng didn't waste the whole bones of the snake, but coiled them up and put them into his portable space.

This giant snake has obviously become a spirit, and its skeleton will be used to refine magic weapons or other things in the future, which are rare treasures.

Strange to say, after the big snake died, the fog in the forest disappeared, and it was not long before dark, so Xu Feng didn't dare to stay, and continued on the way he came.

After more than half an hour this time, he walked out of the forest smoothly and came to the bottom of the cliff when he came down.

It didn't take much effort to climb up, and then finally arrived before dark and returned to Dazhufeng.

When it was time for dinner, Master Tian Buyi and others naturally had no doubts.

Xu Feng was eating, thinking about today's process, he was afraid for a while, if he hadn't lost his soul in the end, he might fall on the big snake.

From the second day on, Xu Feng still went to the back mountain to chop bamboo every day. Now that his strength has entered the fourth level of Yuqing Realm, it is even easier to chop bamboo.

Xu Feng spent the extra time studying how to control the magic weapon.

On the fourth floor, you can already start refining and using the magic weapon, not for anything else, once you learn to use the magic weapon, you will be able to control things at that time, which is what Xu Feng looks forward to the most.

The Longquan sword is not yet at the level of a magic weapon, so of course it cannot be used for practice, and can only be used as a ready-made magic weapon, the Dementor Rod.

There is also a set of formulas for controlling the magic weapon, but it is not complicated. When Tian was not easy to teach the fourth level, he taught it by the way.

Xu Feng has been practicing silently like this. He cuts bamboo in the back mountain alone, and no one will disturb him. Of course, Xiaotian Linger sometimes comes to cut bamboo with him.

One month later, on this day, Xu Feng held the magic formula with his hands as usual, and used all his willpower to control the black soul-destroying stick in front of him.

Before, no matter how hard he tried, the Dementor Rod lay motionless on the ground, but this time, it actually shook, and then slowly floated up from the ground bit by bit, and finally stopped in the midair in front of him.

It was the first time Xu Feng managed to control it with his mind, and he was extremely happy, but as his mood fluctuated, the Dementor Rod popped again and fell to the ground.

But after one success, the next step will be very easy. Xu Feng began to practice continuously, constantly strengthening the control and operation, and controlling Dementor to make various actions.

After practicing like this for a few days, he is already fully proficient at controlling the object, and can control the dementor to attack others. Of course, there is still a distance limit. At this stage, he can only control it at a distance of about ten feet around his body.

However, Xu Feng believed that with the improvement of cultivation base and the strengthening of mental power in the future, the distance that can be controlled will become farther and farther, and finally it is not impossible to achieve the legendary decapitation of thousands of miles away.

Another aspect of Yuwu is the flying of Yuwu, which is another cool skill, and Xu Feng is naturally yearning and looking forward to it.

After practicing the imperial object attack, Xu Feng officially began to try the imperial object flying.

Of course, this process is continuous practice. The days go by slowly like this. Immersed in cultivation, people's troubles are much less. Xu Feng really likes this kind of life.

(End of this chapter)

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