Chapter 146 Duel
The difficulty of imperial object flying is much greater, and it cannot be learned in a short while. Xu Feng is practicing every day, and he is also slowly practicing the fourth level of Taiji Xuanqing Dao.

There is no time to practice, and more than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. Counting it, it has been more than two years in the world of Jade Immortals. Xu Feng began to think about when he would return to the real world.

After all, there are people he cares about in the real world, and things waiting for him to deal with. Although he likes the simple and pure days of cultivation, it is impossible to stay here forever after all.

But before leaving, Xu Feng still wanted to learn more about Taiji Xuanqing Dao. After all, it is really not easy to come here once.

And if you want Master to teach you some formulas, you must find a way to let him know that you have reached the fourth level.

After thinking for a while, Xu Feng realized that there was an opportunity right in front of him.

Tian Buyi and Suru would inspect the cultivation progress of the disciples once a year.

And the time of this investigation is usually set during the Chinese New Year. Although everyone in Dazhufeng is already a cultivator, they still retain many secular habits, such as the Chinese New Year.

Although they don't set off firecrackers and put up Spring Festival couplets like ordinary people, on New Year's Eve, the teacher's wife Suru will still cook in person and cook a table of delicious dishes for everyone to have a New Year's dinner together.

And this day all the disciples don't have to practice, taking this opportunity, Tian Buyi will personally check the progress of everyone's cultivation.

This day was the last day of the year. Xu Feng got up early in the morning. Ever since he came to this world, he got up at the same time as the sunrise every morning.

It's just that today he doesn't have to go to the back mountain to chop bamboo.

Arriving at the small square in front of Shoujing Hall, Eldest Senior Brother Song Daren, Second Senior Brother Wu Dayi, Third Senior Brother Zheng Dali, Fifth Senior Brother Lu Daxin, and Sixth Senior Brother Du Bishu were already there.

Xu Feng greeted them with a smile, and they returned the salute, but their expressions were not very good-looking, as if they were worried about something.

Xu Feng couldn't help being surprised, although everyone was very nervous about Master Tian Buyi's investigation, but they shouldn't show such an expression, so he could only ask, "Eldest brother, what's the matter with you, why are you so sad?"

Song Daren shook his head with a wry smile, glanced at Shou Jingtang, and said softly: "A disciple from Longshou Peak came to visit Master."

"Ah? That won't make you frown, will it?"

"Junior Brother, you didn't know that you have only been here for a long time. Master and his old man had a feud with the first Cangsong Master Uncle of Longshou Peak, so my Big Bamboo Peak and their Longshou Peak have always had a bad relationship."

"And Longshou Peak is much better than us in terms of the number of disciples and cultivation resources. Every year at this time, they will send a disciple to compete with us, in fact, to humiliate us."

Only after Song Daren finished speaking, Du Bishu, the sixth son on the side, interjected: "And every year, only the elder brother can hold on. The rest of us are too low in cultivation, and we are not their opponents, so we know that they are here to humiliate us." , but it is absolutely impossible.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the others shook their heads and sighed.

And Xu Feng probably figured out the twists and turns, and understood that today is not only a day for Tian Buyi to inspect their martial arts, but also people from Longshou Peak are here to play!

Without saying anything, Xu Feng prepared to wait and see what happened. He stepped forward and stood beside Du Bishu, lining up with the others.

After waiting for about a stick of incense, the door of Shoujing Hall opened from the inside, Tian Buyi walked out, and beside him stood a young man in blue clothes.

That young man with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes was a good-looking man, and he was talking and laughing happily with Tian while walking at the moment.

In front of the crowd, although Tian Buyi smiled, Xu Feng could see the anger hidden in his smile.

"This is nephew Liu Ming, the leader of the younger generation of Longshou Peak, he wants to compete with you, so please satisfy him."

After Tian Buyi finished speaking, he backed away and sat on the grand teacher's chair beside him.

That Liu Ming took a step forward and cupped his hands with a smile on his face, "Brothers, let's have a 'friendly' discussion."

Although he had a smile on his face and his words were considered polite, Xu Feng still felt his contempt and the playfulness that flashed from the corner of his eyes, although it was well concealed.

Song Daren didn't move, the sixth son Du Bishu stepped forward first, and said, "Let me, Du Bishu, first come and teach you, the genius of Longshou Peak, the moves."

As soon as the words fell, Du Bishu rushed up, he was still at the third level of Yuqing, he had no magic weapon, and he couldn't use it, so he could only fight with his hands.

But that Liu Ming stretched out his hand and summoned a sword, and controlled the sword to fight Du Bishu out of thin air. It was obvious that he was at least the fourth floor of the Jade Qing Realm.

Of course, there was no suspense in the result. After a few rounds, although Du Bishu gritted his teeth and fought hard, he was still defeated.

Next, the fifth child also failed, and the fourth child, the third child, ..., were all defeated by Liu Ming's flying sword one by one.

And every time Liu Ming defeated one, Tian Buyi who was sitting there would have an ugly expression on his face.

In the end, even Wu Dayi, the second child, lost. Only Song Daren and Xu Feng were left without playing.

But obviously neither Tian Buyi nor Song Daren counted Xu Feng in it, after all his time to get started is too short.

Song Daren walked forward slowly, and stood facing Liu Ming with a serious face.

And that Liu Ming finally put away his indifferent expression, with a rare seriousness on his face.

"I have heard for a long time that Senior Brother Song of Dazhufeng is extremely talented and his cultivation is unfathomable. Today, Liu Ming asked Senior Brother Song to enlighten him."

Song Daren didn't answer, but he pinched the sword formula and summoned a flying sword!
Du Bishu and the others couldn't help cheering, and Tian Buyi also showed a look of satisfaction on his face, he was always quite satisfied with Song Daren, his great disciple.

The two people on the field, after a stalemate for a while, began to control the flying swords and began to fight.

This battle was brilliant, with flying swords dancing on the field and auras everywhere, making it difficult to tell the winner.

Xu Feng was fascinated watching it off the court. This was also the first time he saw people fighting with his own eyes, and he could learn a lot from it.

After fighting for about a quarter of an hour, the situation on the court began to change. Song Daren seemed to be starting to run out of steam. Once the decline appeared, it was irreversible. In the end, Song Daren still lost to Liu Ming!
Putting away the flying sword, Song Daren walked down the stage with a bitter smile, everyone was silent for a while, and Tian Buyi's face was already ashen.

That Liu Ming put away his sword, folded his arms and made a bow, finally faced Tian Buyi, smiled and said: "Tian Shishu, I have accepted, this junior has successfully learned the brilliant moves of all senior brothers, so I am leaving."

Tian Buyi just kept a cold face, but didn't speak, Liu Ming was about to leave when he heard a voice behind him, "Wait a minute, you and I haven't defeated yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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