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Chapter 154 Immeasurable Jade Bi

Chapter 154 Immeasurable Jade Bi (Fourth Change)

The little monk brought Xu Feng to the guest room, and he went to report. Xu Feng looked at the room and found that although the whole room was simple, the profound heritage of Tianyin Temple could be seen in every detail.

The room is quite spacious, the four corners are big red lacquered pillars, the floor is paved with green bricks, the door is made of paulownia wood, with a window on each side, also painted with red lacquer, it looks very solemn.

On the other side of the wall, there is a wooden bed, simple and solid, without any more decorations, presumably the monks don't care about such things.

There is a round table in the middle of the room, surrounded by four round stools, the table and chairs are all black, and there are teapots and cups on the table, which are plain porcelain.

Xu Feng sat down at the table, poured a cup of tea and drank it himself. An hour later, the little monk came back, clasped his hands together and said, "This benefactor, the old master asked me to take you there."

So Xu Feng put down his teacup and followed the little monk out. He had expected that with Puzhi's obsession, he would definitely receive him when he heard that he was from Qingyunmen.

Xu Feng followed the little monk all the way, without saying a word, he passed the Daxiong Hall, and there was still a long string of temples and temples behind him.

It's just that the little monk walked back with Xu Feng all the way, but he didn't stop at any of the palaces and pavilions, he just walked towards the back mountain.

In the end, they led him out of the back gate of Tianyin Temple and walked up a small mountain road to the top of Mount Sumeru.

Xu Feng was not surprised by everything, because he knew that although Tianyin Temple was open to the world, monks needed to be pure after all. The real Buddhist practitioners in the temple lived in the small temple on the top of the mountain, commonly called "Little Tianyin Temple" .

Although Mount Sumeru is not as towering as Qingyunmen Tongtian Peak, it is definitely not low.

The Tianyin Temple they came out of just now is already in the middle of the mountain, but they went up this time and walked for half an hour before they saw the plaque of the Little Tianyin Temple.

From the outside, the Little Tianyin Temple really can be called a small character, a courtyard that can only be entered and exited three times, it is far from the magnificent Tianyin Temple on the middle of the mountain.

But here is far away from the mundane world. I can only see the surrounding pines and bamboos, dense forests, the mountain wind blowing, loosening the bamboos, the indescribable tranquility and elegance, compared with the bustle at the bottom of the mountain, it is another feeling.

After entering Xiaotianyin Temple, the little monk led Xu Feng through the central Buddhist hall, turned two turns to the right, and walked into the back hall, where there are three pure meditation rooms.

The little monk walked up to the door of the meditation room on the left, and said softly, "Master, I have already brought that benefactor."

Immediately, an old but capable voice sounded in the Zen room, saying: "Please come in!" "

The little monk turned his head, made a gesture of invitation to Xu Feng, and then went on his own.

Walking into the Zen room, Xu Feng took a look around. The Zen room was unpretentious, and all the furnishings were similar to the ones he had just seen at the foot of the mountain. On the futon in the middle of the room, sat a benevolent monk, holding a bunch of Rosary, looking at him with a smile on his face.

This monk should be that universal wisdom, he clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, are you from Qingyunmen?"

"Exactly, Xu Feng, a junior Qingyun disciple, is paying a visit to Master Puzhi."

Puzhi looked at him carefully from top to bottom, his eyes shone with a strange light, and the rosary in his hand turned slightly, and he said after a while, "I don't know why the benefactor asked to see me?"

Xu Feng pondered for a while, and finally decided to get straight to the point and explain his intentions, "Master Puzhi, I have always heard that you are committed to integrating Buddhism and Taoism to comprehend the law of longevity. You have also visited my Qingyun several times. ,Not bad right."

Puzhi just nodded slightly, waiting for the next word.

"And I know that the master has actually failed to get his wish several times. Today I came here to teach you, Master, my Qingyun's Taiji Xuanqing Dao, and help you fulfill your wish."

Puzhi's eyes lit up when he heard Taiji Xuanqingdao's words, and finally his face showed a trace of excitement, but he soon calmed down.

After all, he is a monk of a generation. Although it is related to his lifelong wish, he can still control himself very well.

"Anituofo, I don't know why the benefactor taught me the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao? For you, this is considered a betrayal of the teacher, and you are so young, do you have a complete Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao formula? "

Xu Feng smiled calmly and said: "You don't have to worry about this master, I do have complete formulas and exercises. As for betraying the master, I don't think it counts, because in fact, I have the same philosophy as the master. , I also think that there may be places where Buddhism and Taoism can learn from each other.

Besides, I know what Master is like, even if I teach you Taiji Xuanqing Dao, you won't let it out again. "

Putting his rosary on his head, Puzhi said after a long while: "It seems that you, the benefactor, have really investigated the poor monk. Even if it is as you said, you will teach me the Taiji Xuanqing Dao, then what do you want the poor monk to give you in exchange?" ?”

"Master really understands people. As I said just now, like Master, I am also interested in both Buddhism and Taoism. However, I know that my ability is low and my vision is limited. I still can't integrate it like you, Master. Two kinds of exercises.

But I am really interested in Buddhism. I heard that there is a spectacle in your temple called "Wordless Jade Wall", which is over seven feet high and smooth like jade. It is said that the founder of Tianyin Temple enlightened Buddhism , I have been admiring the name for a long time, so I want to take this opportunity to watch it. '"

Puzhi proclaimed the Buddha's name and began to think seriously. He went to Qingyun many times to seek Taoism, but was rejected by Daoxuan Daoxuan.

But the young man in front of him was about to peek at the "Jade Bibi without Words" as soon as he opened his mouth. This jade bibill is the treasure of Tianyin Temple, so it is not easy to show it to outsiders.

Various thoughts surged in his mind, but Puzhi finally couldn't resist the obsession in his heart, and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Thank you Master for making it happen."

In the following time, Xu Feng lived in the small temple on the top of the mountain, and he began to teach Puzhi, Taiji, Xuanqingdao the cultivation method.

As a generation of eminent monks, Puzhi naturally kept his word, so Xu Feng was not worried at all that he would renege on his debts after the teaching was over.

The cultivation method of Taiji Xuanqing Dao, in the beginning, actually conflicts with the Dafan Prajna of Tianyin Temple.

Fortunately, Xu Feng just passed on the exercises to Puzhi, and asked him to memorize them first. Although Puzhi is old, he still has a good memory. It took a day and a night to teach all the formulas.

After Pu Zhi finished learning all of them, he already knew that this was indeed the true Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, so he fulfilled his promise and asked a young monk to take Xu Feng to the "Wordless Jade Bi"!
(End of this chapter)

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