Chapter 155

The wordless Jade Wall is in the back of Mount Sumeru, Xu Feng thought it would be easy to find, but unexpectedly the little monk who followed the guide walked for more than half an hour without seeing him.

He was a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't say it out. He began to think about the information about the wordless jade jade in his heart along the way.

The reason why he asked to go to the wordless jade bi was because it contained the most powerful technique in the entire Zhuxian world - the Heavenly Book. There are five volumes in the Tianshu, and the fourth volume is included in this jade bi.

Zhang Xiaofan also got it in Wuzi Jade Bi in Zhu Xian, so Xu Feng also wanted to try his luck.

However, Xu Feng couldn't remember the detailed information about the wordless jade wall. Seeing the young monk leading the way, he asked, "Dare to ask my little master, how did this wordless jade wall come about?"

The little monk smiled and said as he walked: "It's a long story. When the wordless jade wall appeared, no one knows. We only know that thousands of years ago, when the founder of Tianyin Temple was still a wandering monk, he wandered all over the world. One day, for some reason, he strayed into the mountains of Mount Sumeru and lost his way, unable to get out again.

In desperation, the patriarch wandered among the mountains and forests. He was also born with the Buddha's fate, and he saw a stone wall as smooth as jade.At that time, the Patriarch was exhausted and rested under the jade wall.

It is said that the patriarch sat under the jade wall without words for three days and three nights. Somehow, he gradually became samadhi. Under this wordless jade wall, I suddenly realized the principles of Buddhism.

In addition, it is said that the patriarch actually realized the supreme true Dharma Dafan Prajna passed down from generation to generation in Tianyin Temple under the jade wall without words, thus establishing the Tianyin Temple's lineage in the world. position in monasticism. "

After hearing this, Xu Feng understood that the patriarch of Tianyin Temple probably also comprehended Dafan Prajna from the fourth volume of the Heavenly Book in the wordless jade disc.

I followed the little monk along the mountain road for another half an hour, zigzagging among the high mountains, and unknowingly left Tianyin Temple far behind and could no longer see it.

The terrain of the mountain range behind Tianyin Temple is much wider than imagined, but the peaks and ridges are verdant, and the mountain breeze is blowing. Along the way, there are strange rocks and strange things, or there are cliffs and waterfalls falling from the sky.

Suddenly I heard the little monk in front of me say: "It's just ahead."

Xu Feng heard the words and looked forward, but he saw that the mountain road ahead was still winding, with dense forests on one side and weeds and thorns growing on the other side, and a cliff was three feet away.

"Could it be that the jade wall is just under this cliff?"

The little monk smiled and folded his palms together: "Exactly."

Xu Feng walked to the top of the cliff and looked up, only to see that the fog below the cliff was filled with mist, like rolling waves, surging endlessly, like a valley.

The little monk said with a smile: "Donor, go down by yourself, I will wait for you here."

Xu Feng stood on the cliff, pondered for a moment, and jumped down.

Although he couldn't fly with a sword, he took out the soul-destroyer stick, and the soul-destroyer had recognized him as the master, and a blue light shone unexpectedly, covering Xu Feng's whole body, protecting him, and slowly falling down.

In the process of falling, Xu Feng looked at the mountain wall, but he saw a white mist in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

Soon, the fog gradually thinned, and the scenery under the feet suddenly became clear. It was a small stone platform, which was quite smooth, with a radius of three feet and sparse trees.

After falling to the ground, he turned his head to look at the cliff, and then raised his head to look around, only to see that the top of his head was filled with thick fog, and he couldn't see anything.

But Xu Feng knew that the wordless jade was definitely behind the thick fog, but he had no way to dispel the fog, so he could only watch the thick fog and wait for it to dissipate.

After staring at it for a long time, the wind suddenly blew up, and the thick fog finally drifted away, the sun shone brightly, and the sky and the earth were filled with dazzling light in an instant.

Just in front of Xu Feng, under the cliff, there is a cliff like a mirror, hanging straight down, more than seven feet high and four feet wide. The material of the mountain wall is like jade but not jade. They are all in this jade wall.

"Wordless Jade Bi!"

Seeing the legendary jade bi, Xu Feng couldn't help being a little excited. Looking at it, he had to marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

But after the shock, Xu Feng began to think about where the legendary heavenly book was, but after studying it for a long time, there was nothing to start with. The entire wordless jade disc remained unchanged. How can the heavenly book be revealed?
Without a clue, he began to recall the situation in the book, hoping to find some clues.

In the book, the reason why Zhang Xiaofan came to the uncharacterized jade bi is that Abbot Pu Hong wanted to use the Buddha energy in the uncharacterized jade bi to get rid of the evil spirit on Zhang Xiaofan.

But in the end it failed, and it caused Yubi's violent reaction, which led to the heavenly scriptures appearing on it.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng's heart skipped a beat, wondering if it was the evil spirit that caused the Heavenly Book to appear?It just so happens that the deadly weapon, the Dementor Rod, is in his hand, so take it out and try it out.

Take out the Soul Absorber, read the mantra, and drive it to emit a dark green light, which diffuses towards the immeasurable jade.

As soon as the soul-hunting came out, the fierce aura was indeed victorious. The green light reached the jade bi, but entered the jade bi without any hindrance.

After the faint green light entered the jade bi, the jade bi gradually changed, a golden light appeared out of thin air, the golden light and the green light unexpectedly started fighting.

Just as the two colors of light were fighting endlessly, the light was flashing randomly, and there were many visions, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the sky dimmed.

Storms from all directions rolled in, and on the smooth jade wall with no characters, from top to bottom, a row of big characters appeared, little by little, like deep carvings. In addition, there were countless golden ancient and difficult to understand The font, like boiling, flickers and dances among the golden and red lights of the jade wall, making people dazzled.

It turned out to be a success, Xu Feng was so excited that he couldn't speak. Looking at the countless golden and clumsy fonts on the jade wall without words, all his energy was attracted by those words.

He is sure that what is flashing on the wordless jade wall at this moment is definitely the fourth volume of "Book of Heaven"!
On the jade wall, sometimes auspiciousness rises, and sometimes dark red flashes. The solemn golden light is mixed with a strange and unpredictable red light, which makes people feel breathless.

But after reading it for a long time, Xu Feng found one thing sadly, that is, he didn't know any of those words!
These characters are ancient characters that I have never seen before, and I can't help but guess. Xu Feng is completely dumbfounded. He saw the book of heaven, but he didn't know the characters. Entering is the most disturbing thing.

Xu Feng felt hopeless for the first time. Could it be that God really didn't want him to get this bible?
(End of this chapter)

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