Chapter 157
After returning home, Xu Feng began to study the materials obtained from Liu Dadong with all his heart. Now he doesn't want to procrastinate any longer. He wants to resolve the grievances with the Song family as soon as possible, and there is no point in procrastinating any longer.

Moreover, he is not very interested in everything in the real world now, and the reason why he still remembers the enmity with the Song family has nothing to do with his ex-girlfriend Ye Xiner.

Now Xu Feng wants to solve the Song Group, not because he wants to get Ye Xiner back, absolutely not, but because of Song Tianhua's discrimination and insult to him, the assassination, and Lin Dong's revenge for him matter.

These things happened one after another, and Xu Feng had already lost his patience.Song Tianhua had already offended him thoroughly and destroyed the Song Group before he could vent his anger, even saying it wasn't enough.

In the face of people who have hurt him, Xu Feng has never been a magnanimous person, not to mention that he has this ability now, so he doesn't want to hold back. Now that everything is ready, it is a good time to do it. May have long nights and dreams.

Looking through these secret materials carefully, Xu Feng found that the Song Group was really not an ordinary gangster, or the birth of a capitalist, who didn't bring blood and crime?
In particular, the first generation of companies developed at a time when the market was not yet mature and regulated. It can be said that as long as there are no companies that started at that time, none of them are clean. It depends on whether someone will pull these things out.

What's more, the Song Group's group has never stopped their secret activities over the years, and their hands and feet have never been clean.

After reading all the materials, Xu Feng not only had a deeper understanding of the Song Group, but also became more confident in his heart to bring them down.

And among these news, there was a scandal about Song Tianhua's father raising Xiaosan outside, and there were all kinds of picture evidence.

After Xu Feng thought about it, he found one of the most influential local newspapers in Jiangcheng, and sent all the information anonymously. These newspapers were eager for big news all day long, so they were naturally ecstatic about the materials Xu Feng sent. .

The next day, this news appeared on the local headlines in Jiangcheng. The Song Group is quite well-known in Jiangcheng. Ordinary people already have a curiosity-seeking mentality, so this news quickly caused a sensation. The entire Jiangcheng was almost Everyone knows about Bao Xiaosan, chairman of the Song Group.

Although these scandals will not cause substantial damage to the Song Group, they will definitely have an impact on the reputation of their company.

Another one, in China, although keeping a mistress is a matter of one's personal morality, many times, people will automatically connect to the issue of character, and then deny everything about a person.

So many times, whether it's officialdom or business struggles, many people will first focus on a person's personal morality and style, that is, sex and women, so as to completely ruin a person's reputation.

Xu Feng happened to find such a piece of information in the information, so he used this weapon naturally.

And in a certain luxury villa in Jiangcheng, Song Tianhua was holding a newspaper in his hand, looking at the shocking words on the headlines and roaring like thunder: "You trash! I don't care what method you use, you must give me the negative side of this matter." Minimize the impact!"

And similarly, in another villa, Song Tianhua's father, who was also frowning at this time, was kneeling on the ground, looking at the woman in front of him and begging for mercy: "Honey, it's all my fault, I'll go and talk to that mistress right away." Break up, I promise I will never associate with her again."

Even though he said so, what he hated the most in his heart at this time was the whistleblower. He was really out of anger, and a family that was good was almost torn apart because of this scandal.

Xu Feng, who was hiding behind the scenes, observed the changing situation on the field like a chess player.

This scandal lasted for about a week, and as a listed company, Song Group's stock was naturally affected, and there was a big drop.

But these were not enough for Xu Feng. Everything had just begun, and when the matter was about to cool down, Xu Feng compiled another piece of material about the Song Group.

This time, it was no longer a sex scandal, but something about the violations of regulations and disciplines that occurred during the operation of the Song Group.

This time he switched to another newspaper, and also sent the letter anonymously.

The same ferocious news, coupled with the fact that the Song Group has become the focus due to the sex scandal, and the newspaper has received so much evidence of violations of discipline, it is naturally very excited.

All the editors and reporters were busy writing and revising the manuscript. On the next morning, a blockbuster was dropped on the lake again, and Jiangcheng was boiling again.

All the headlines in the media are "Song Group's sex scandal and then the shady scene, how deep is this group?" "Dig deep into the Song Group and see the crimes of real estate!" "..." and other shocking headlines.

This wave of bombs is different from the previous sex scandal, because it involves many commercial immoral behaviors and violations of discipline, which is a fatal blow to Song Group's reputation.

And Xu Feng didn't stop there, and basically released a blockbuster every two days, each time it was a different media, with one wave after another, Xu Feng continued to fuel the flames behind him, making everything move towards develop in the direction he wants.

But the Song Group, without the slightest preparation, was caught off guard and had no chance to fight back.

These scandals broke out continuously and intensively, and the stocks of the entire Song Group began to plummet.

And this is exactly what Xu Feng wanted to achieve. He sold all the stocks that he had bought with Fang Liqin for more than 1 million yuan, which further exacerbated the crazy decline of the entire Song Corporation's stocks.

In addition, Xu Feng not only sent the materials about the Song Group to the media, but also sent a copy to the police, because many of them were actually involved in crimes.

After the police received the information, they immediately joined forces with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Jiangcheng City to investigate the entire Song Group.

As a result, although everything has not yet been concluded, the public and the media are already overwhelmingly critical of the Song Group, and the reputation of the entire group is even worse.

The insults from the public, the crazy drop in stocks, and the investigation by the police all made Song Tianhua confused. At the beginning, he would throw a tantrum in the villa, throwing things at everything, but slowly, the situation deteriorated step by step. , but he was still powerless.

In the end, he seemed to give up resistance and shut himself in the room all day long.

And there is another saying, "The wall is falling and everyone pushes it. Seeing the Song Group being tainted, its competitors ran out to add insult to injury, regardless of whether they had it or not, and began to pour dirty water on the Song Group. These are not Xu Fengneng." I'm in control.

(End of this chapter)

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