Chapter 158
Everything was moving in the direction Xu Feng had planned. The scandals broke out intensively, the entire Song Group's reputation was damaged, and the stock plummeted as a result. Every step was what he expected.

But these were not all. No matter how the stock fell, there was only one way to hit Song Tianhua completely and make him sad in the end, and that was to snatch his most important thing and make it his own.

Just imagine, suddenly one day, the things you are most proud of and most worthy of showing off in your life become someone else's overnight. This is probably the most sad and hopeless thing.

What Xu Feng wants to do now is this, he wants to turn Song Tianhua, the rich second generation, the most worth showing off, that is, the so-called Song Group of his family, into his own!

When I came to the company, a whole week had passed, and Lu Manxue showed up at the office on time.

She is dressed in a white collar, with a white shirt on her upper body and a tight skirt on her lower body. She is pure and sexy, very charming.

As soon as Xu Feng came to the company, he began to order her to do things: "Remember what I said last week, after a week of rest, there is something important for you to do, and now is the time."

Lu Manxue said with anticipation and excitement on her small face: "Boss, if you have anything to do, just ask, and I promise to finish it."

"Very good," Xu Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Actually, what I want you to do is very simple, that is, from now on, keep buying the stocks of Song Group for me, as much as there is in the market, don't hesitate !"

"Ah? Boss, are you want to buy that...Song Group's stock...?" Lu Manxue stuttered in surprise, "I heard that the Song Group's stock price has plummeted due to recent scandals. , Boss, are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

"Don't think about it, just buy the shares of the Song Group, just do it, remember! Buy as much as you have!"

Lu Manxue had no choice. After all, Xu Feng was the boss. Although she couldn't figure out what was the use of buying the stock of a company that was plummeting, she could only do as required.

Although Xu Feng's company is just a leather bag company, its cash reserve is not inferior to any big company at all. After all, the last time he went abroad, all the money he got from selling gold to the local rich in Saudi Arabia was in this leather bag company. On the account, Lu Manxue used it arbitrarily.

After explaining the matter, Xu Feng left. After all, Lu Manxue is a top student in economics, and buying a stock is not the easiest job.

Xu Feng didn't need to worry about the next thing, he just watched the situation silently and waited for the final result.

And it was summer vacation time at this time, Xu Youtong, Xu Feng's younger sister, happened to be taking the college entrance examination in June, her grades had already come out, her volunteers had been filled out, and she was at home with nothing to do.

Xu Feng happened to be back at this time, so she asked to come to Jiangcheng to play with him, but at that time, because she had just come back and was busy laying and collecting nets, she had no time to accompany her, so she refused.

Now that he has time, he drove home himself and took his younger sister Xu Youtong to Jiangcheng.

All the way to the villa, when Xu Feng opened the door and Xu Youtong got out of the car and saw the mansion in front of him, he was surprised: "Brother, is this really your house?"

"That's right, is that still fake? Silly girl~" Xu Feng said and patted her head lovingly.

"This...this is too big...too luxurious...Brother, you are amazing, haha."

Xu Youtong laughed like a silver bell as he spoke, and ran happily into the villa.

Xu Feng followed behind and also entered the house. Seeing his sister happily touching here and there, he was also full of happiness in his heart. It was his greatest wish to make his family happy.

After being excited for a long time, Xu Youtong's heart began to calm down slowly. He sat in the living room with his brother Xu Feng, and the two chatted about interesting things about their childhood.

"Sister, which city did you volunteer to go to university this time? Which school did you apply for?"

"Ah, I... I applied for economics and economics, and the school is in Yanjing."

"It's actually the capital. That's great. Then I'll go to Yanjing with you. It just so happens that I haven't been to China's capital yet."

In the next few days, Xu Feng took his younger sister to visit all the fun places in Jiangcheng, but he didn't take his younger sister to places that were too far away and the journey took more than a day. After all, there was one more important thing waiting for him deal with it.

Xu Feng has been paying attention to the news. After he sent all the materials to the police station, one day two weeks later, the local TV broadcasted a picture of Song and his son being handcuffed and taken away by the police.

Looking at Song Tianhua, who looked haggard and ended the curtain in the picture, Xu Feng knew that everything was really over.

As for Lu Manxue, he also gave him good news that 40.00% of the Song Group's shares had been acquired.

With 40.00% of the shares, it is already the largest shareholder that deserves it.

This news spread like wildfire, and the headlines of the media were "Song Group caused serious damage, an unknown small company acquired Song", "Song's father and son both fell, and the country changed hands" "..."

One week after the arrest of Song's father and son, the entire Song Group's shareholder meeting was held again, and Xu Feng naturally appeared as the number one.

At the meeting, there were actually not many old shareholders. After all, Song's stock had fallen so sharply that all the old shareholders had sold off.

But no matter what, the board of directors was held as scheduled, and at the end of the meeting, Xu Feng, who was no surprise, was elected the chairman of the board.

This is also expected by Xu Feng, after all, he owns 40.00% of the stock.

The first thing Xu Feng did after becoming the chairman of the board was to change the name of the Song Group to the Xu Group. The Song Group no longer exists in the world.

And Xu Feng's ultimate goal was also achieved, not only sending Song Tianhua to prison, but also turning his Song Group into his own Xu Group, nothing could be happier than this.

After settling this grievance, Xu Feng's mood is much lighter and brighter, like a peasant who turned himself into a master in the old society and finally moved to the mountain that has been pressing on him, it is difficult to think about it or not.

As for the Xu Group in his hands, Xu Feng had no experience in managing such a large group, nor did he have any interest in it, so he transferred Lu Manxue over and made her a senior general manager to manage the company on his behalf. .

In addition, Xu Feng selected one of the directors as the CEO of the group to help him manage the entire group.

Due to the previous crimes involved in the Song Group, Xu Group had to start from scratch in many aspects, and Xu Feng has always emphasized that Xu Group is a brand new company.

All the senior executives of the original group were expelled by Xu Feng, because they must all belong to the Song family before, and there would be hidden dangers if they stayed.

He will leave the rest to Lu Manxue and the newly appointed CEO, and let them start rebuilding.

(End of this chapter)

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