Chapter 159
After handing over the company's affairs to Lu Manxue, Xu Feng became the hands-off shopkeeper, and lived every day with ease.

When the most hated person goes to prison, the vengeance will be avenged. Even if you want to be happy, it is hard to be happy, but as the saying goes, you have to let a person die to understand. Xu Feng went to the prison to visit Song Tianhua.

Due to the large amount of money involved in the case, the final verdict has not yet come out, but the minimum will not be less than three years.

And Song Tianhua was also very surprised that the person visiting the prison was Xu Feng. He said with an ugly face through the glass: "What are you doing here? Are you here to see my joke?"

Xu Feng smiled slightly, and said softly: "You really have self-knowledge, I did come to see your jokes, haha."

Song Tianhua's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and said: "I am just temporarily down, don't be too happy, I will definitely make a comeback.

"Really? It's a pity that I won't give you this chance."

Xu Feng said with a laugh and said, "By the way, I want to tell you some good news. I planned everything behind you today, and now your Song Group is called the Xu Group. Are you very happy?"

"I! I want...I want to kill you!" Song Tianhua said excitedly and stood up, the iron chains clanking, his eyes wide open.

The prison guards inside saw Song Tianhua's agitation, so they cut off their chat, and then Song Tianhua was forced to leave by the prison guards. He struggled fiercely, keeping his eyes fixed on Xu Feng.

It's a pity that Xu Feng didn't seem to care at all, he just waved at Song Tianhua with a smile on his face, which stimulated Song Tianhua even more, but unfortunately he was pulled in in the end.

This visit to the prison was considered a complete success. Xu Feng's purpose was to disgust Song Tianhua, and now the effect has been achieved. Seeing his furious and powerless appearance, Xu Feng really felt happy.

And the face-to-face slaps were all to avenge the time when he was insulted. Xu Feng has always been a person who holds grudges, a person with clear grievances and grievances.

After coming out of the prison, standing at the door, he let out a long sigh of relief. Although it was less than two years, his life has changed so much.

The experience of this period of time is sometimes like a dream when I think about it, but today I really saw my enemy in prison in prison uniform, Xu Feng knew it was real.

Two years was also the stage of my fledgling, and now I have finally passed it.

When Xu Feng was hurting the spring and the autumn, he found a car parked at the gate of the prison. The door was opened, and a figure got out of the car. After just one glance, Xu Feng recognized it.

The visitor also found Xu Feng, and was obviously taken aback for a moment. The two just looked at each other in silence, neither of them spoke first.

It was his ex-girlfriend Ye Xiner who came out of the car. Xu Feng found that he was able to look at her calmly now, and there was no emotional fluctuation in his heart. Time changed everything after all.

When we were separated, we cried out in the rain, the heart-wrenching pain I thought I would never forget, but now it all fades away.

Although it was two years, but with the time spent in another world, Xu Feng's mental age is absolutely mature from this moment.

After being deadlocked and silent for a while, Xu Feng knew that he had put it down, so he walked towards his car, not intending to say hello to Ye Xiner.

But when he walked past Ye Xiner, Ye Xiner's voice came over, "You didn't want to say a word to me?"

Xu Feng paused, but in the end he didn't say anything, and wanted to continue walking.

"Why, you don't even dare to talk to me now? Do you still like me? Do you think you can chase me again after you overthrow the Song Group?"

Xu Feng stopped again, but still didn't say anything. Seeing him stop, Ye Xiner stepped forward and continued to speak sharply: "I advise you to give up your heart, I can't be with you You compounded."

Xu Feng turned his head slowly, looked at Ye Xiner who was close at hand, smelled the familiar body fragrance, stared into her eyes, looked at this familiar face, it was hard for him not to think of the university and her time together.

But the person with the same face in front of him is so different from the one at that time, everything has changed, Ye Xiner is no longer that Ye Xiner.

With a sudden smile, Xu Feng said slowly: "I really let go of everything I used to. I brought down the Song Group, and I have nothing to do with you. Please don't think too much."

After finishing speaking, Xu Feng didn't care about Ye Xiner's expression, he turned around and left without looking back, no matter how Ye Xiner shouted behind him, he didn't stay any longer.

After getting in the car and returning home, Xu Feng didn't want to have anything to do with Song Tianhua and Ye Xin'er anymore, and all of this has been completely reversed with him.

After completing this major event, it was really a lot easier, and he didn't need him for the company's affairs. He just watched various TV dramas and novels in the villa, making theoretical preparations for the next time travel, and also choosing the next world. the process of.

Of course, this time I won’t leave soon, because my younger sister will start college soon. Xu Feng’s plan is to personally send his younger sister to university before starting the next time travel. rest.

It was summer vacation time, Tang Shining was also on vacation, and she also came to Xu Feng's villa. During the Chinese New Year, Xu Feng took Tang Shining home. Xu Youtong had met Tang Shining before, so when she saw Tang Shining, she was like a sister-in-law shouted out.

At that time Xu Feng was drinking tea, and he sprayed out a sip of water. Tang Shining also blushed, but she didn't say anything. There was even a happy expression on her little face. She pulled Xu Youtong and started chatting among girls. .

The two of them seemed to have endless topics to talk about, and they couldn't stop talking. Xu Feng was on the side, and couldn't get in the mouth.

The three of them lived together. During this period, Xu Feng accompanied them to go shopping, and then helped them carry things and run errands.

Otherwise, they would travel nearby, and Xu Feng would be their free driver, but Xu Feng didn't complain, after all, one was his own sister and the other was his...friend.

Just like that, the summer vacation was quickly spent in the joyful play of the three of them.

As for the Xu Group, during this period, under the management of Lu Manxue and another person Du Cheng, it was also on the right track. Xu Feng officially handed over the operation of the company to them, and he himself was named as the chairman of the board. .

Things in Jiangcheng were handled well, and it happened that it was time for Xu Youtong to start school, so Xu Feng personally sent her to Yanjing, the imperial capital of China.

(End of this chapter)

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