Chapter 160 Fire Demon
As the capital of China, Yanjing is not as prosperous as Jiangcheng, and the university that Xu Youtong was admitted to was Yenching University, which ranked top 2 among universities in the country.

Xu Feng personally accompanied her to Yanjing, and accompanied her to go through all kinds of freshman admission procedures. After that, he didn't want to go back to Jiangcheng for the time being, so he bought a courtyard house in the old city center and lived in it. down.

Everything in Jiangcheng is over, and Yanjing is a new city and the ancient capital of China, Xu Feng wants to experience this city well.

Yanjing is not only the capital of the empire, but also the ancient capital of thousands of years. There are many cultural relics and abundant tourism resources. Xu Feng wandered around alone without any worries, but there were actually many things that he had personally seen in ancient times. so beautiful.

After all, nothing can stand the baptism of time. Many architectural relics are restored by modern people, and Xu Feng himself traveled to the ancient world several times and saw the buildings of those times with his own eyes.

So these palaces and ancient buildings in Yanjing are not very attractive to him. After seeing a few places, Xu Feng lost interest.

His younger sister was studying at school, and there was nothing he needed to help with, so after a rest, Xu Feng was ready to go to the next world.

After traveling through so many different worlds, Xu Feng is now very experienced. At the beginning, he didn't understand the pros and cons of it at all. For example, he chose to go to the zombie world in the second world. , Now that I think about it, it's really quite dangerous.

But when he just had the ability to time travel, he didn't think too much about it. If he were to choose now, he would definitely not make such a choice.

In the last world of Jade Immortals, he had obtained very good cultivation techniques. In fact, if he practiced well next time, his strength would gradually increase, but Xu Feng felt a little urgent in his heart. He wanted to break through faster and increase his strength faster. Because he remembered the promise he had made to a girl, and when he thought of that there was a person waiting for him to go back in that different world, he couldn't help but work hard.

Waiting is the most painful thing, and he wants to pick her up as quickly as possible.

After thinking about it for a while, the world Xu Feng decided to go to was the Fengyun World he had been to before.

After training in Zhu Xianzhong, his strength has grown a lot now, and he will be more confident in going to Fengyun, and more importantly, Fengyun has what he needs.

After making complete preparations, Xu Feng performed a series of operations with ease, re-entering Fengyun, and the system collected more system coins than last time, a total of [-].

With the deduction of [-] system coins, Xu Fengren disappeared in his home in Yanjing Courtyard in a burst of space fluctuations.

In a wilderness with no one around, a black spot suddenly landed in the sky, getting bigger and faster, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, it was Xu Feng.

"Oh, my ass, Brother System, what are you doing? Why did you throw me from the sky this time? Are you not afraid that I will die?"

"Sorry, miscalculation."

Xu Feng had no choice but to continue rubbing his butt, and slowly got up from the ground. Every time he was in the wilderness, he was used to it, and he already knew how to deal with this situation.

He looked around for a while, roughly distinguished the direction, and after choosing a direction, he began to walk straight forward. With his current skills, no matter whether it was a mountain or a river, he could not stop him.

After walking like this for a long time, when it was dark, he came to a small village. When he saw the few lights in the village, Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, at least he didn't have to sleep in the wilderness tonight.

He knocked on the door of a house at the head of the village, and soon an old man with white hair came to open the door. Hearing that Xu Feng wanted to stay overnight, the old man did not refuse and let him in.

There were only two elderly people in this family. Xu Feng couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw it. You must know that in ancient times, every family would have many children. After all, in an agricultural society, labor force is the productivity. How come there are only two elderly people in this family.

But it's not good to rashly ask people about their privacy. The old couple are very kind and enthusiastic, and they wanted to warm up a meal for Xu Feng, but he refused.

After resting for one night like this, after Xu Feng had breakfast the next day, he was about to leave, but before he left, he still couldn't help but asked curiously: "You two old people, the younger generation would take the liberty to ask. Are you two old people? Where are your children?"

When the old man and his wife heard this, their expressions darkened, and finally the old man said slowly: "Our old couple originally had a son. When he was 20 years old, my wife and I were going to find him a son." Wife, I have already found the girl’s house, and I’m waiting to pass the door, but my son went up to the mountain to cut firewood that day, but he never... never came back.”

When the old man spoke, he couldn't help himself, his voice was a little choked up, and the old woman was on the side, even shedding tears, obviously they missed their son again.

Xu Feng didn't expect to inadvertently provoke the sadness of the two old people, and felt very sorry, so he had to comfort the two old people.

After the old man calmed down, he continued: "After my son disappeared, people in our village searched for it for several days, but found nothing. On the contrary, since then, people in the village have disappeared every once in a while."

"Ah, how did this happen? Then you don't know what's going on until now?" Xu Feng asked with concern.

"Later, there were rumors in the village that there was a fire demon in the back mountain, and the missing people were eaten by the fire demon. Later, no one dared to go to the back mountain, but occasionally people in the village still disappeared. Alas ..."

"Fire demon...?"

Xu Feng couldn't help being very puzzled. From the words of the old man, it can be found that this fire demon is indeed elusive, and actually eats humans. You must know that this is not a world of fairy tales. This is Fengyun, or it belongs to the category of martial arts. Monsters or something?

It stands to reason that this matter has nothing to do with Xu Feng. He re-entered Fengyun World this time mainly for the thing that can quickly improve his cultivation, and maybe it also has the effect of longevity. This thing is Longyuan.

But the people in the village in front of him are threatened by the "Fire Demon" and will die every once in a while. Now that I have encountered it, it is difficult to turn a blind eye.

And now that his cultivation base has improved a lot, there should be no danger of threatening him. After weighing it, Xu Feng decided to stay and help the villagers deal with the "fire demon" first.

When the old couple heard that Xu Feng was going up to the back mountain alone to eliminate harm for their whole village, they were shocked and speechless, but after they realized it, they tried their best to stop it.

"Little brother, you can't go. If you go, you will die. You should go quickly. Don't go to the back mountain."

 I don't have a eunuch!The update was suddenly interrupted, making all book lovers wait, and I was really scared in my heart!
  But it is indeed a force majeure factor. On that day last week, I was thinking about the plot at home. Suddenly, someone came to inform me to put out the fire. It turned out that my dad set fire to the weeds in his field in the field. I didn’t want the wind to be special. It is big, the fire takes advantage of the wind, and it burns bigger and bigger, and it will burn to the nearby mountain. If the mountain is burned, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it may not necessarily go to jail.So at that time, I took the branch and went to start a fire. The family members were dispatched. Finally, the fire was extinguished and it did not burn to the mountain. But sadly, my hands were burned by the fire during the process!I went to the hospital to bandage, and my hands were covered with blisters, so I couldn't use my hands!The meals are all fed by the family.

  After a few days of self-cultivation, I finally got better. I tried it today, and my right hand can slowly use the mobile phone to code, so I quickly coded a chapter. By the way, I will explain it to everyone. I apologize again and resume the update. happy!
(End of this chapter)

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