Chapter 161 Familiarity

Although the villagers stopped them out of good intentions, Xu Feng finally persuaded them and came to the back mountain of the village alone. He said it was the back mountain, but in fact it was still some distance away from the village. There is nothing out of the ordinary, a very ordinary mountain.

Xu Feng did not relax his vigilance, and walked up the mountain cautiously. There were ordinary trees growing on the mountain, and the forest was not dense, and there was a small path, which should be the path that the villagers used to go up the mountain to cut firewood. It was barren, with some shrubs and weeds growing.

After walking for a while, there was nothing abnormal, everything was calm, but gradually his body began to feel hot and dry. At first Xu Feng thought it was because he had been walking for a long time, and his body was getting warm normally.

But later, the feeling of heat became stronger and stronger, and Xu Feng knew that something was wrong, and related to the "fire demon" that the villagers said, could there really be a "fire demon" on this mountain?
Thinking of this, Xu Feng became more and more curious, but he didn't have a trace of fear. He walked to the place with the strongest heat sensation. If there is really a fire demon, then the heat must be emitted by it.

After walking like this for about half an hour, passing through a forest, a clearing suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and just beyond the clearing, a cave appeared on a mountain wall.

When he saw the entrance of the cave, Xu Feng's feeling told him that the source of the heat came from the cave.

Walking slowly to the front of the cave, he looked at the entrance of the cave. The whole entrance of the cave was about one zhang in radius, which was very spacious, but what was even more strange was that when Xu Feng looked at the entrance of the cave, he felt an indescribable sense of familiarity.

It was obviously the first time I saw this hole, so where did this strange sense of familiarity come from?Could it be that he had seen something similar in a dream before?

Shaking his head, he really couldn't remember where he had seen it, so Xu Feng had no choice but to stop pursuing this feeling for the time being, but looked inside the cave. The cave was so deep that he couldn't see the end at a glance, and the sun couldn't shine inside.

Standing at the entrance of this cave, one can clearly feel the abnormal heat coming out of the cave in front of you.

Then there is no doubt that the fire demon is in this cave. Xu Feng hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go inside to find out. After all, he had already made a promise to the villagers, and the words and water poured out must be fulfilled. .

Raise the security of the whole body to the extreme, and then take out the soul-destroying rod from the portable space, and then slowly walk towards the cave.

After walking for a while, I found that the cave is very spacious and the air is very dry. Even breathing seems to carry hot and dry air. This feeling is very familiar to Xu Feng. He has definitely experienced it before. Similar places!

I felt a sense of familiarity from the entrance of the cave, and now it is not a coincidence, but the most honest memory of my body, which shows that I have indeed been to a similar place before.

So Xu Feng stopped, and began to think carefully, thinking about it before acting would make him much safer.

Searching and eliminating layer by layer in memory, it is related to fire, and it is also a cave, and associating this is the world of wind and cloud, three words suddenly popped up in Xu Feng's mind-Huo Qilin!

In this way, Xu Feng thought about it carefully, and the sense of familiarity here was exactly the same as the feeling when he first entered Lingyun Grotto, no wonder it was so familiar!

And if it is really a fire unicorn, wouldn't it mean that the "fire demon" that those villagers talk about is the fire unicorn?

This makes sense, but the fire unicorn is obviously in the Lingyun Cave next to the Leshan Giant Buddha, so why did it come here again?I haven't heard that there are two fire unicorns in Fengyun.

I can't figure out the joints here, but at least I can be sure that there is really a fire unicorn in this cave.

Since the fire demon is the fire unicorn, is it still necessary for him to go in and kill the villagers?

The last time I was with Nie Feng, I really experienced its power. It can be said that I escaped from death under its mouth. Now, although I have experienced a lot of experience in the world of Jade Immortals, I have already mastered the method of self-cultivation. He has the most ferocious soldier, Dementor, but together, will he be the opponent of Huo Qilin?
Xu Feng kept asking himself a series of questions in his mind, but he didn't have the answers to these questions himself. Although the fire unicorn is one of the four great beasts in this situation, it seems that it is not so far away and invincible .

After all, in the original book, Nie Feng, who became a demon, killed the Huo Qilin. How is his current strength compared to Nie Feng who became a demon?

Xu Feng found that he still had hope of beating Huo Qilin, and even if he really couldn't beat Huo Qilin, with his current strength, running away shouldn't be a problem anymore.

So in the end Xu Feng decided to continue walking, even if it was Fire Qilin, he had to meet it.

Not only is it a promise to the villagers, but more importantly, there may be blood Bodhi in this cave. After all, there is a high probability that there will be a place where there is a fire unicorn. Blood Bodhi is a good thing, even if it is for it. Well worth the risk.

So Xu Feng continued to walk into the depths of the cave, and the Dementor in his hand emitted a faint green light, illuminating the darkness in the cave.

The cave was unexpectedly long, and Xu Feng actually walked for more than half an hour, but the cave was still endless.

"Damn, is this fire unicorn an earthworm? It's unscientific to be able to make holes like this."

Xu Feng muttered, and walked for about a quarter of an hour, and suddenly his eyes widened, and he came to a natural cave. There are many holes on the four walls, and Xu Feng walked out of one of them.

This is somewhat similar to Lingyun Grotto, but after looking at it for a week, Xu Feng is sure that this is definitely not the cave of Lingyun Grotto, after all, he didn't see the skeleton here.

But when his eyes swept across the southeast corner of the cave, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he let out a soft cry of happiness, because he really saw the blood bodhi!

In the southeast corner, green vines are climbing on the cave wall like a creeper. The green vines are really beautiful, but what is even more beautiful is the bright red dotted among the green, which is the ripe blood bodhi fruit. !
Xu Feng walked forward quickly without hesitation, and quickly reached out to pick them off. There were five fruits in total, and he put them all in his portable space.

Only the treasure you get is your own. After all, no one knows when the accident will happen, not to mention that there may be the mythical beast Fire Qilin in it.

Sure enough, just as he breathed a sigh of relief after picking it, the familiar heat wave quickly approached here from a certain cave on the cave wall, a red sea of ​​fire gushed out of the cave, and the fire unicorn came!
 I'm really sorry for the latest update, it may be very unstable, please bear with me, but I will definitely write when I have time!

(End of this chapter)

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