The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 162 Fighting Fire Unicorn

Chapter 162 Fighting Fire Unicorn

It's been a long time, will everyone forget the previous plot?Let's have a thoughtful review of the past for Tangerine.

Xu Feng returned from the world of Jade Immortals and obtained the fourth volume of the Book of Heaven. He also practiced Taiji Xuanqing Dao to the fourth level, and his overall strength has entered the level of foundation building. After returning to the real world, he completely liquidated all the enmity he had with the Song family. The grievances and grievances can be regarded as a break with all the past, and then he sent his sister to Yanjing to go to college.He began to enter the world of Fengyun for the second time, and the story continued...


Xu Feng's reaction speed was fast, and his figure changed, avoiding the raging sea of ​​flames.

Footsteps stepped on the cave wall, flew to the other side of the cave and landed. Turning around, the flames subsided, and indeed a monster as tall as Zhang Xu was staring at him with wide-open eyes.

It is surrounded by flames, and the flames float on the surface of its body more than a foot high, like wearing a flame armor, with unfathomable pressure in its majesty.

Xu Feng looked at the Huo Qilin and felt its breath. This was not the first time he had been in close contact with it, but standing in front of it, he still felt nervous physically and mentally. Sweating slightly, he couldn't help thinking: Can he really defeat the monster in front of him?Or is it wiser to turn and run?
When he was looking at the fire unicorn, it was also staring at him with its big copper bell eyes.And puffing air from his nostrils, he slowly approached step by step.

Just when Xu Feng was wondering whether to fight or run away, the fire unicorn seemed to have figured out his strength. Its footsteps that were slowly approaching suddenly accelerated, and its figure turned into an illusion. There was only a big fireball moving fast in the air. The big fireball was hitting Xu Feng at an incredible speed.

Xu Feng's body had been on high alert for a long time, and all his skills were kept in the best condition. As soon as the fire unicorn made a move, his body reacted instinctively, and like a ray of light, he left the place and bounced towards the cave roof.

And the fireball transformed by the fire unicorn moving at such a high speed can turn around in an instant at such a fast speed, and also closely follow it and rush towards the top of the cave.

Of course Xu Feng saw everything in his eyes, and he also changed direction quickly, so a man and a beast started chasing in this natural cave.

The Huo Qilin was very fast, and could only see a ball of fire, while Xu Feng's speed was not enough, and he could only see a white ball of light while moving at high speed.

So the whole scene is like a big fireball chasing a small light ball, as if it can't wait to catch up and devour it. The small light ball seems extremely dangerous, and it was almost swallowed by the fireball several times, but it was always wrong. Then, the little light group can always escape from death at unexpected angles.

Xu Feng, who was on the move, was of course not prepared to run away like this forever. He was originally struggling with running away or a decisive battle, but now the Fire Qilin had forced him to make a choice, and the only way out was to fight.

In fact, he used the time of the chase to formulate a detailed plan to deal with the fire unicorn in his mind. Although the fire unicorn is a mythical beast, it is a beast after all. As a human being, he must use his resourcefulness to fight a beast .

During the chase, Xu Feng already had some calculations in his mind, so after escaping from the Huo Qilin's claws again, he accelerated suddenly, opened the distance, and then turned back suddenly, and then accelerated towards the Huo Qilin .

During the acceleration, the Longquan sword appeared in Xu Feng's hand.

Fire Qilin was originally chasing Xu Feng at high speed, but when Xu Feng suddenly turned and rushed towards it, it didn't react at all, and it was too late to adjust itself, so it only saw the two balls that were originally chasing. turned into a collision.

This collision was like two planets colliding, sparks splashed in all directions, separated instantly, and then stopped at both ends of the cave respectively.

On the east side of the cave, the fire unicorn landed on the ground, turned around slowly, and saw that its eyes, which were originally as big as copper bells, seemed to have grown even bigger at this moment, and the eyes turned fiery red, burning with raging anger. The flames surrounding its body jumped from a height of one foot to a height of three feet.

But if you look closely, you will find that on its left front paw, the flame is very weak, and bright red blood flows out of it.

Obviously, it was injured in the confrontation just now!
Holding the sword in his right hand, Xu Feng stood still and stared at the Huo Qilin at the other end of the cave. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a drop of bright red blood on the tip of the sword, slowly slipping down, and then dripping onto the ground.

In the first round of confrontation, Huo Qilin was caught off guard by turning around unexpectedly. At high speed, the Longquan sword struck Huo Qilin's head, and in the crisis, Huo Qilin stretched out its right front paw to resist.

Although it was injured, Xu Feng felt very sorry, because that attack just now was the best chance. He was going to kill it with one blow, but obviously he underestimated Fire Qilin. Impossible.

And looking at the blood-red eyes like two lanterns in the distance, Xu Feng knew that he had completely angered Huo Qilin, and now there was no way out, he could only fight it to the death.

Although he was facing the Fire Qilin, Xu Feng felt the pressure no less than that of any master. He even felt that this was the strongest opponent he had faced so far. , there is no such horror.

The confrontation seemed long, but in fact it was just a split second. The fire unicorn rushed towards Xu Feng like a ray of fire, followed by a high-pitched roar, which sounded like a lion's roar and a tiger's roar. Xu Feng only felt a burst of dizziness in his head.

After such a short period of dizziness, the fire unicorn was already in front of him, and a claw with extreme anger swung down like lightning, the air seemed to be torn apart by this claw, bringing bursts of sonic booms.

Waking up from the dizziness, Xu Feng had no time to defend against the terrifying claw coming from his face, so he fell down on the ground and rolled away quickly, but was still injured by the claw air. A big hole was torn.

The Fire Qilin didn't give Xu Feng a chance to catch his breath, and immediately grabbed him with another claw. Xu Feng had no choice but to turn over on the ground again, and kept dodging.

The fire unicorn's attacks were as dense as raindrops, Xu Feng fell to the ground, and unexpectedly had no chance to stand up again.

He had no choice but to keep rolling around on the ground in a state of embarrassment, and slowly he found that lying on the ground was not bad, it could even be said to be a big advantage, because lying on the ground, the back could not be defended, and from the ground, he could cut the unicorn Its four legs can also attack its weakly defended abdomen.

Then I saw Xu Feng on the ground like a snake, constantly rolling and moving, extremely flexible, and occasionally finding an opportunity, he would quickly make a move and stab the fire unicorn's abdomen with a sword.

Slowly, Huo Qilin's offensive slowed down, and he had to guard against Xu Feng's counterattack.

One person and one beast fought like this for quite a while, but finally Xu Feng couldn't hold on any longer, because moving on the ground would take too much energy, and fighting for a long time would still be bad for him.

And this fire unicorn is being pushed into a hurry, and it should also explode its innate skills, that is, the violent blood of the unicorn blood, which will improve the overall strength. Feng is going to take advantage of his spare strength and go all out to make a quick decision!

 Book friends, I didn’t expect that it’s been so long since the last update. I’m really sorry. I want to say sorry to everyone, but I, Hu Hansan, are back and continue to fight!How many brothers are there?

(End of this chapter)

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