Chapter 164

Xu Feng recklessly manipulated the Longquan sword, summoned half of the soul of the peerless sword sleeping in it with his mind, and the moment the Longquan sword hit the fire unicorn's stomach, it suddenly exploded!

The fire unicorn didn't care about it at first, so it didn't have the slightest defense. This blow was the most powerful blow that Xu Feng used so far. The terrifying flames erupted from the Longquan sword, and finally broke through the fire unicorn's defense. It pierced into its belly, and hot blood sprayed out from the wound.

And at the same time, the fire unicorn's black fire attack and pounce will also fall on Xu Feng, and all escape routes will be blocked by it. Suddenly, his body fell to the ground, and he rushed forward, directly under Huo Qilin's belly.

The Fire Qilin did seal off all the escape routes, but it couldn't stop Xu Feng from rushing forward. Xu Feng used advance as a retreat, rushed forward and entered under the Qilin, perfectly avoiding all the attacks of the Fire Qilin.

However, Xu Feng had a quick wit and rushed into the Qilin's belly with a narrow escape, but he was doused with Qilin's blood because at this time, the Huo Qilin's abdomen was pierced by the Longquan sword, and the blood was rushing out, while Xu Feng He rushed in just at this time, and the blood spurted out was poured all over his head and face.

Xu Feng immediately felt the heat on his head, face and body. The temperature of the unicorn's blood was so high that it was as hot as magma spewing from the ground. Huo Qilin was seriously injured, but it was definitely not enough to kill it. As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you, Xu Feng knew that he had to kill Huo Qilin in one go.

At this time, Huo Qilin was fatally injured, and let out earth-shattering roars and wailings. It seemed that it had finally realized the power of this seemingly insignificant human being in front of it.

Of course, Xu Feng couldn't let the tiger go back to the mountain at this time. Just as Huo Qilin raised his leg, he jumped up, grabbed the Longquan sword stuck in its abdomen, and then pushed down hard. He wanted to cut Huo Qilin's abdomen directly!
Although the fire unicorn's defense was perverted, a hole had already been opened. In this way, Xu Feng pulled hard, and as expected, a gash was cut in its stomach. The fire unicorn immediately stopped in pain, and then howled in pain.

It seemed to understand that it couldn't get away, so after another scream, it suddenly turned around violently, threw Xu Feng far away, and then rushed towards Xu Feng like crazy, it seemed that it wanted to die Before going forward, Xu Feng must also be dragged along, so that the person who hurt it can be buried with him.

Even though he had suffered such severe injuries, and the wound on his abdomen was bleeding continuously, he went crazy, and the strength he unleashed in his last dying struggle was still very terrifying.

Xu Feng was thrown, but before he landed, Huo Qilin had arrived, and a claw directly threw himself on him. Xu Feng couldn't use his strength in the air, so he could only raise his arms as much as possible to block the blow.

With a sound of "bang", Xu Feng was directly sent flying, his body smashed a hole in the cave wall, and then rolled to the ground, one of his hands was directly broken and could no longer be used. After many times of strengthening, Huo Qilin's blow would directly smash his arm into pieces.

Gritting his teeth to endure the pain, Xu Feng didn't dare to stay, and immediately dodged the next attack of Huo Qilin. He dodged with all his strength now, without making any resistance, because he knew that this was Huo Qilin's dying counterattack, and there was no need to go Fighting against it, not to mention that its abdomen is bleeding continuously, and it will not stop at all. As long as I keep dodging, the fire unicorn will be slowly consumed to death. I just need to hold on, and I must not fall before the fire unicorn .

But even though he thought so and did the same thing, the strength of the fire unicorn, which fought back before death, more than doubled, even though he tried his best to dodge, he couldn't completely dodge all its attacks, his body was constantly injured, and the injured If his speed is further reduced, it will become more and more difficult to avoid the fire unicorn's attack.

The situation continued to deteriorate, Xu Feng's head and face were covered with blood, some of which were vomited by himself, and some were spattered by Huo Qilin's blood, which can be said to be horrible.

"No, if this continues, I really won't be able to hold on anymore. Do I really want to die together with this beast? No!"

Xu Feng knew that he could no longer dodge, and had to fight back!

But what cards do you have left?How should I fight back?
His brain was running at high speed, like a supercomputer, quickly analyzing various possibilities. Since his strength has been continuously improved, Xu Feng's brain computing ability has also been continuously improved, and he immediately thought of a feasible plan.

So after dodging the Huo Qilin's claws again in embarrassment, Xu Feng gathered all his thoughts and controlled the Longquan Sword still stuck in the Huo Qilin's abdomen. The invisible spirit contacted the Longquan Sword, and then gave it an order ——Explode!
The fire unicorn is preparing to pounce again, and it is about to run out of fuel. This may be its last blow, so it desperately squeezed out the last bit of potential in its body, and pounced on this hateful human in front with all its strength. die!

Xu Feng has never tried a self-detonating sword weapon. As far as the Longquan sword is concerned, it may already be a weapon close to the magic weapon level. This command exhausted all his spiritual thoughts, and his body has already reached its limit. Relying on his own spirit and perseverance to hold on, after exhausting his mental strength, he immediately felt that his body collapsed, and he had no strength to move at all, so he could only watch helplessly as the fire unicorn rushed towards him, unable to dodge.

Under such circumstances, when Fire Qilin's claws were less than half a foot away from him, and when he closed his eyes in despair, a loud "bang" burst out abruptly, slowly The wind only felt a wave of air, pushing him away, and hit the cave wall on one side again.

In the process of being pushed into the air, Xu Feng opened his eyes and saw an unforgettable scene. The air wave was produced by the explosion of the Longquan sword. A huge circle of flame suddenly rose from the abdomen of the fire unicorn. The intense heat and air waves directly blasted the Fire Qilin into pieces.

With the air waves, fresh blood and flesh also covered Xu Feng's body. Xu Feng really didn't expect the Longquan Sword to be so powerful when it exploded. Although it disappeared like the Fire Qilin, he lost a powerful weapon, but because of this Taking a life is worth it no matter what.

The air wave also caused a great impact on Xu Feng, his head was dizzy for a while, and his body was already overwhelmed. Now that the enemy had been eliminated, he also closed his eyes and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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