Chapter 165

I don't know how long it took, Xu Feng felt his soul sinking and floating in a dark abyss, as if time stopped flowing, and there was nothingness around him, and he was floating in this nothingness, this feeling made him special Uncomfortable, he ran forward desperately, trying to find a support, even if it was any gravel, or anything else, as long as it was a real thing.

But it was useless, no matter how he ran, the surrounding environment did not change in any way, there was no wind, no light, nothing, Xu Feng couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and murmured: Am I already dead?Is this the home of my soul?

Sure enough, he was still too impulsive. Although his skills had improved a lot, he still didn't recognize himself. He actually went to fight with Huo Qilin for the sake of killing the villagers, and finally lost his life, although Qilin should have been killed by himself.

Is it just dead?It was a bit sudden, why didn't I have any psychological preparation at all, life is really fragile, but I really still have a lot of things I want to do that haven't been completed.

Scenes of the past are constantly floating in my mind. When I was a child, I was carefree in the village, playing with my friends, digging birds from trees, and catching fish in the water. At that time, the world was their playground. After seeing the rise, I slowly realized the importance of reading.

At the beginning, he stopped his playful and active heart, and devoted himself to his studies. After all, God pays off his hard work, and his hard work will eventually pay off. He was admitted to university, and then he fell into a short period of university, until he got a mobile phone system, and his life entered A whole new level, a whole new worldview and world opens up before your eyes.

All in all, but is it all over now?Are you already dead?

A strong unwillingness suddenly surged in Xu Feng's heart, and the desire to survive from the source of life spewed out like a volcanic eruption. Suddenly, a hot current rushed from the position of the dantian to his mind throughout his chest, and he couldn't help but roared up to the sky. The flames spread out at the speed of light.

Where the sound wave passed, the originally eternal void suddenly trembled slightly. Slowly, the entire void world formed cracks with the vibration. Once the cracks were formed, they expanded rapidly, and the whole world disappeared like a shattered mirror in a blink of an eye.

When the void world was shattered, Xu Feng heard an unwilling roar, it was the voice of the fire unicorn, but unfortunately, the voice only disappeared for a short moment, and at the same time, Xu Feng felt his eyes slow down. Slowly I can see the light.

The light became stronger and stronger, and Xu Feng's eyes slowly opened. He found that he was still lying in the cave. The feeling did not follow, but was very flexible.

So Xu Feng simply stood up like a carp, felt his body well, only to find that all the wounds on his body had healed, and there was nothing wrong with it, the skin burned by the fire unicorn, the scars It also disappeared miraculously.

Turning his head and looking to the other side, Huo Qilin had already been completely destroyed by the self-destruction of the Longquan Sword. He breathed a sigh of relief and remembered the dream before he woke up just now, the realm of nothingness. If he could not break through, he would eventually Will die here.

When the realm of nothingness was shattered, I vaguely heard the unwilling wailing of the fire unicorn. Could it be that it cast a spell of resentment when it was dying to trap its own soul?

But there will be no answer, the unicorn is dead, it is a divine beast after all, and it is normal to have some unknown secret skills, after clearing his mind, Xu Feng is ready to leave here.

But when he was about to move, a long-lost system voice sounded in his mind, "Congratulations on getting the talent of the unicorn beast - violent blood"

Xu Feng was taken aback, Qilin's talent skills?bloody?Why is it so familiar? Wait, isn't this the crazy blood of Nie Feng in Fengyun?
Nie Feng's family has always inherited this crazy blood, because his ancestor Nie Ying was once contaminated with unicorn blood, and he also acquired this skill. How much is on him, it seems that this is how he got the talent of violent blood by coincidence.

But wait, this crazy blood seems to have a big flaw. Although it can make people explode ten times their strength in an instant, after using it, it will also mutate itself into a demon, and eventually become an inhuman unicorn. Xu Feng didn't want this.

"Sister System, will there be any side effects after I use this unicorn's talent? I won't lose my sanity and become a monster by then, right? If so, I won't use this skill, it's just useless. "

"will not."

The system seemed too lazy to say anything to Xu Feng, Xu Feng also felt it, and the frequency of its appearance seemed to be reduced, and he tried to be as concise as possible when talking to himself, and sometimes he almost forgot its existence.

But that's good too, Xu Feng doesn't want to keep communicating with an unknown creature in his mind, it's good to be concise, it's enough for him to get the information he wants.

Now that he got the affirmative answer from the system, Xu Feng is naturally relieved. It seems that what he got should be regarded as the perfect version of crazy blood. It can explode ten times its strength without losing its sanity. Isn't it equivalent to a humanoid unicorn? ?

Thinking about it, he was still a little excited, and the corners of Xu Feng's mouth turned up unconsciously, so that in the future, he would be equivalent to having an absolute killer move, and his life-saving ability would be improved again.

Putting away his flustered mood, Xu Feng started to walk out. He had stayed in this cave long enough.

There are a lot of passages connecting the cave, Xu Feng no longer remembers which is the road he came from, because all of them are exactly the same, so he has no choice but to choose one at random and walk down, but soon, it takes about a stick of incense Afterwards, there was another fork in the road, and so on and so on. Every time you walk, there will be several forks in the road. This cave is like a big natural labyrinth.

But Xu Feng can't control that much anymore, he doesn't want to go back to that small village the same way, as long as he can go out, his destination is not a small village in the first place.

So with his strong body sense, he felt the almost negligible air flow in the cave, and walked in the direction of the air flow. After walking like this for three days and three nights, an ordinary person would definitely be hungry I can't walk anymore.

Although Xu Feng's physical ability is no longer that of a mortal, he still feels a little panic in his heart. After all, he has been walking for three days. How can this cave be so long? The unicorn is so good at digging holes. Could it be an earthworm?

Just when he was wondering, Xu Feng suddenly felt that there seemed to be some changes in the air, and there seemed to be some water vapor, which made Xu Feng very excited. Is there water vapor?It seemed that he was not far from the exit, so he quickened his pace and chased along the air.

After running for a long time, it became more and more open, the water vapor in the air became thicker and brighter, and the light became brighter and brighter. After turning a corner again, the front was really an exit.

Xu Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a person who had been sentenced to life imprisonment was finally released from prison. At this moment, he calmed down and walked towards the exit step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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