Chapter 167 Rejection
Seeing the woman who fell to the ground in the distance, and the eyes full of anticipation and glittering with tears, he walked towards her unconsciously. He couldn't be so cold-blooded. downside?
Xu Feng didn't know that in his future life, he would suffer a lot because of this character, but also, at the last moment, it was also it that made him persevere in the end.

"How is it, are you okay? Did you fall somewhere?"

When You Ruo heard this familiar voice, and then looked at the person who was close at hand, she couldn't stop crying, even crying so hard that her vision was already blurred, and she couldn't see clearly. It's windy.

Seeing You Ruo crying so hard suddenly, Xu Feng thought that she was really hurt somewhere, so he couldn't help becoming more nervous, a little hesitant, and just asked.

You Ruo saw how concerned and nervous he was, and couldn't help feeling beautiful again, and slowly stopped crying, and said in a choked voice: "Feng... Brother, it's really you, why are you avoiding me?"

"This..., haha, I don't want to disturb the peaceful life of you and the leader. I saw you standing outside the yard, and it is enough to know that you are doing well."

You Ruo couldn't help feeling sad again when he heard the words, did Brother Feng never understand his own thoughts?He couldn't help murmuring softly: "How do you know that I'm living a good life... No... You... I... How can I live a good life..."

Although she was very quiet, how could it escape Xu Feng's ears, but it was hardest to bear the grace of a beauty, and it was impossible for her to give her happiness, so just pretend she didn't hear it.

So he changed the topic and said: "You Ruo, don't lie on the ground, why did you fall and hurt yourself? Check it quickly."

You Ruo's eyes dimmed, and he had already indirectly expressed his intentions, and it was impossible for Brother Feng not to hear, but now he pretended not to hear, was he rejecting himself?
Thinking of this, I was a little sad and angry after all, pouted and said angrily: "It's okay! I don't need your concern!"

As she said that, she stood up abruptly from the ground, and wanted to turn around and run away, because she confessed to her face and was declined, which is really embarrassing.

But before he took a step, he couldn't help but let out a scream, and rushed straight out. The ground was approaching quickly, and he was about to fall into the mud.

But none of this happened. The moment You Ruo fell down, Xu Feng instinctively stepped forward, hugged her, and turned around a few times before losing his strength.

The posture of the two of them at this time is very ambiguous and intimate. Xu Feng put his right hand around You Ruo's small waist, and the two looked at each other. Time seemed to stand still, and the atmosphere in the air seemed a little awkward.

It took Youruo a long time to realize that he was angry, why he fell so quickly, so he wanted to struggle to stand up from Xu Feng's arms again, but he tried several times but failed, instead, because of the struggle, he and Xu Feng got closer. close contact.

Two blushes floated on her face, and she said angrily, "Let me go!"

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "Youruo, I let you go, and you fell down again. Depending on the situation, your left foot should be broken and you can't walk anymore, so don't struggle."

You Ruo thought to herself that she was really useless, but she didn't expect to actually hurt her leg. It seems that her kung fu in the past few years has been wasted, and she was injured by such a light fall.

In fact, with You Ruo's martial arts, she really wouldn't get hurt because of this stumble, but this is a normal situation. At that time, she was immersed in chasing Xu Feng. When she found that she couldn't catch up, she She was already desperate physically and mentally, so when she fell down, she didn't resist at all, nor did she relieve her strength, so she was naturally injured.

After all, You Ruo was thinking of her daughter, and it was really embarrassing for her to be self-defeating at the moment, but she still refused to be outdone and said, "Even if I break a leg, I can still walk by myself."

As she said that, she really got up from Xu Feng's arms, and then hopped and walked on one foot.

Xu Feng knew that Youruo was angry because he didn't respond to her, so he was not surprised by her sudden change of attitude, but seeing her struggling on one foot, he still couldn't watch it, and felt very distressed.

Going forward to catch up, he said: "You Ruo, don't be angry with me. It's my fault that I didn't see you when I came. Punish me as you like, but now you should let me carry you back anyway. Go back early. I can treat your wounds."

"Don't worry about me, I can go back with one foot."

"You can go back, but how indecent it is, a big girl dances like this, oh, it seems that someone is coming from afar..."


When You Ruo heard the words, she immediately stopped and did not dare to move. After all, she still loves beauty, and there are villagers who pass by occasionally in this secluded countryside.

Xu Feng saw that this aggressive trick worked, and his psychology was funny. It seemed that the only way to deal with girls was to take advantage of their beauty-loving psychology.

Walking up to You Ruo, squatting down, said: "Come on, I'll carry you back, I think your feet need to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the treatment will be delayed and it won't be beautiful to leave a disability."

You Ruo was still a little bit tangled, but in order not to change the cripple, he had no choice but to admit defeat for the time being.

Xu Feng only felt a softness sticking to his back, and a burst of fragrance spread to his nose, so he gently supported it with his backhand, got up and went home.

Carrying a person on his back is negligible to Xu Feng, but the gentle warm and wet sniffing on his neck still makes his body feel warm and hot all over.

You Ruo lay on Xu Feng's back, although she was angry and didn't speak, but her heart was very sweet at the moment, and even the previous haze was swept away.

She figured it out, although Brother Feng didn't respond to her for the time being, it doesn't mean he doesn't like me, it doesn't mean that he cares about me so much.

It doesn't matter, just give me time and keep working hard, one day he will like me.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but waved her small fist towards the sky, secretly making up her mind.

After thinking about it, he thought that he was being carried by the person he loved at the moment, his heart was warm, and he couldn't help but gently rest his head on Xu Feng's back, how broad these shoulders are.

Of course Xu Feng didn't know the psychological drama behind him, he thought she was tired and fell asleep, and he walked more smoothly.

You Ruo, who was on her back, thought quietly, how wonderful it would be if this journey never ends.

Unfortunately, that is unrealistic.

After a stick of incense, he returned home and pushed open the courtyard door. Xiongba was still clinging to the sunspots. Looking at the chessboard, he heard Xu Feng push the courtyard door open. He didn't look back, but smiled lightly: "I knew you would back."

Xu Feng said hello to him, then put You Ruo on the stone bench beside him, and got up to find the ointment.

"Father, my daughter is hurt! You don't care about me." You Ruo couldn't help but coquettishly said.

"Haha, isn't this someone caring about you for dad? I'm giving him a chance to show off."

(End of this chapter)

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