Chapter 168 Cooking
Xu Feng found some herbal medicine, rolled up You Ruo's trousers, and was about to apply the medicine to her. Unexpectedly, his action made You Ruo blush, and he wanted to bury his head in his chest and see no one.

This kind of intimate contact between men and women may feel normal to Xu Feng, a person in the modern world, but to people in Fengyun World, it is still a breakthrough in ethics, no wonder You Ruo is shy.

"The foot looks like it has sprained its muscles and bones, and it is already a little red and swollen. After applying the medicine, I should rest well for a few days and don't move around."

As Xu Feng said, he had already stood up. In fact, he didn't have any experience in dealing with this kind of injury. He went into the room and searched around, and found a bottle that was written as a medicine for traumatic injuries, so he took it out and rubbed it on You Ruo.

"No, I can't work if I don't move around. I have to cook, or we'll all starve to death."

You Ruo said, supporting the stone table with one hand, and was about to stand up. Xu Feng was standing next to her, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold her down, saying: "Isn't there still me here? I'll cook for you. "

"You? Brother Feng, can you cook?"

"Haha, let's try it." Xu Feng thought to himself that he would have to drive the ducks to the shelves. Now there are only three people, it is impossible to ask Xiongba to cook, and that is even more unimaginable.

Next, for You Ruo's convenience, Xu Feng found a wooden stick from the woodpile in the yard and made her a crutch so that she could jump up and down with the help of the crutch.

It was still early, and there was no need to cook at this time. Xiongba on the side had been in an invisible state until Xu Feng dealt with You Ruo, and he said, "Feng'er, come, play a game of chess with me."

Of course Xu Feng didn't dare to refuse, so he had to go over and sit opposite Xiongba, but looking at the black and white pieces on the table, he had to honestly say: "Boss, my level of chess skills is very poor, please don't be offended."

This is not Xu Feng's modesty. In fact, he has only taken an elective course about Go in college, which is completely an amateur level.

"It's okay, it's better than the old man playing against himself, and it's more interesting to play left and right, come on."

As they spoke, the two started playing chess with black and white hands in their hands. You Ruo also sat on the stone bench next to them, watching the two play chess, but it was obvious that her eyes stayed on Xu Feng's face most of the time. And with a silly smile, she really felt that the picture in front of her was very beautiful. These two men are the most important people in her life. It would be great if they could live in such a harmonious way forever, and even have children in the future... …

Thinking of the child... She blushed again and felt a little embarrassed, but thinking that no one would notice her at this moment, she couldn't help but smirk again.

Xu Feng was concentrating on playing chess with Xiongba, and didn't notice You Ruo's fiery eyes at all. Xiongba's chess moves were very similar to his personality, open and close, full of domineering, although Xu Feng was a beginner Level, but I don't know if the improvement of the cultivation base has caused the brain to become more active, and the computing power of the brain has become much stronger, so it is actually decent, and it didn't fall behind for a while.

At the beginning, Xiongba didn't take Xu Feng seriously, he just wanted someone to play chess with him, but as Xu Feng became more and more unexpected, his expression became serious, but his eyes were clearly shining with excitement, and he played chess with him. What chess players love most is meeting their opponents. Only when you play chess with a master can you truly feel that kind of happiness.

The two went on like this, Xu Feng often had unexpected performances, and he lasted for an unexpectedly long time, but in the end he still lost to Xiongba and lost four halves.

After playing a set, Xiong Ba's interest remained undiminished, he immediately pushed the plate and pulled Xu Feng to continue the next set, Xu Feng had no choice but to accompany him.

In the second set, Xu Feng still lost, three and a half.

In the third set, Xu Feng lost with two pieces.

In the fourth set, Xu Feng lost, half son!

After the four sets were played, Xiong Ba was completely shocked. Although Xu Feng still didn't beat him in the end, he really felt the terrifying learning ability of the young man on the opposite side, what kind of monster this is.

In the first game, although he persisted for a long time, it surprised him, but judging from the way of chess, Xiongba knew that Xu Feng was not lying, he really just learned the theory of chess, but in every subsequent game, the young man It can be said that he has grown rapidly, and even in the last game, he had a very difficult time winning. If there is another game, maybe he will lose?

Xiong Ba couldn't wait to verify how much potential the young man in front of him had, so he continued to push, saying, "Feng'er, let's come again!"

Xu Feng also discovered the changes in himself, and he could only attribute it to the development of his brain power. Perhaps because of the improvement of his cultivation base, his brain area was broadened. Reversi is still a game of intelligence after all.

But I really don't want to play anymore, if I win Xiongba in the end, it will not end well.

Just at this moment, You Ruo's voice sounded at the right time, and she said in a coquettish voice: "Father, you still go down, your daughter is about to starve to death, you can let Brother Feng cook for us. "

Xiong Ba wanted to persist, but when he saw You Ruo's lovable face, he had no choice but to put down his chess pieces and laughed.

Xu Feng was relieved, and took the opportunity to stand up. It turned out that four games of chess had been played, and it was really dusk at this time.

You Ruo leaned on a cane and said, "Come with me, I'll take you to the kitchen and supervise your cooking."

The ingredients in the kitchen are very complete, and they are all dishes of this season, but Xu Feng's saying that he can cook is really nonsense. The only thing he has done by himself is to cook instant noodles.

In front of a lot of things in the kitchen, her eyes were completely darkened. You Ruo stood by and looked at Xu Feng's bewildered look, and smiled narrowly on purpose: "Brother Feng, why don't you do anything? I was injured today. Now, my stomach is really hungry now, if you don’t believe me, it’s already gurgling, hurry up and do it.”

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away, I'll do it right away."

But as he said this, he walked around the kitchen again and again, but still didn't know what to do. It seemed that he should cook the rice first, right?

Seeing that the teasing is almost done, You Ruo said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Feng, let me teach you, just follow what I tell you to do."

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's great, actually... I don't know how to do it..."

"Let's wash the rice first. The rice is in the vat over there. Then light a fire. Adding two scoops of water is enough."

"Then prepare to wash the vegetables and cut them up for later use..."

Following You Ruo's instructions, Xu Feng gradually made it look good. After spending more than an hour, he finally cooked three dishes, and the rice was cooked just right.

Under the lights, the three of them had a very warm dinner. It was the first time for Xu Feng to eat the food he cooked with his own hands, and he felt that the taste was not bad.

Xiongba also couldn't help but praised that it was good, You Ruo snorted and said: "This is because my master taught me well, but it is still far behind me, I can barely eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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