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Chapter 169: Torture Your Heart

Chapter 169: Torture Your Heart
The next day, Xu Feng got up early in the morning and took the initiative to make breakfast. Xiongba also got up early, but You Ruo probably injured his leg and didn't get up.

After it was done, he came to the yard and saw Xiongba was doing a set of boxing slowly, as if he was exercising his body. Xu Feng stood and looked at it for a while, and found that it was a very common boxing style, and he couldn't see Xiongba's internal strength has been restored.

Before Xiongba lived in seclusion, he had already abolished all his cultivation in front of Wuming. If he could test whether Xiongba still had internal strength at this time, he would know whether he was really willing to live in seclusion, or whether he had other thoughts in his heart.

If Xiongba himself is not reconciled, then with a little guidance, it is easy for him to come out of the mountain again.

Now is a good time, You Ruo is not here, it is an opportunity to have a good chat with Xiong Ba, in front of You Ruo, Xu Feng will definitely not talk about those topics, and Xiong Ba probably will be the same.

Stretching, pretending to say hello, he walked over and said, "Master, you practice boxing, it's really a sword that never grows old."

Xiongba had just finished punching a set of punches, stopped his hands and stood up, picked up a towel from the table next to him and wiped off the sweat on his hands and forehead, and said with a smile: "The treasured sword is not old, it's just practicing and exercising, it's old , the world now belongs to you young people.”

"Guild Master, don't say that, Feng'er thinks you are really young, and looking at the Jianghu, no one has the prestige of you as Guild Master. To be honest, since you left Tianxiahui, Guild Master, the whole martial arts world has been in chaos again. During the constant internal strife, sometimes I think, it would be great if you were still the leader."

"Haha, I'm not interested in Jiang Hu anymore, now I just want to stay here quietly with You Ruo, okay, Feng'er, let's not talk about this."

Xu Feng has been carefully staring at Xiongba's face to see if he is sincere when he said these words, but unfortunately Xiongba is worthy of being an old fox for many years, he hides it so well, Xu Feng can't see anything from his face at all .

When the atmosphere between the two was delicate, You Ruo's voice came, "Father, brother Feng, you two got up so early, why didn't you call me, and made me sleep late."

Xu Feng knew that he had to find another chance to test Xiongba in the future, so he turned around and walked towards You Ruo, and said with a smile, "I see that you are injured, so I want you to sleep more, so that you can recover quickly."

"Hmph, what are you and dad talking about?"

"It's nothing, I'll ask the leader about my doubts about martial arts, okay, let's go have breakfast, I've already made it."

For the next time, Xu Feng stayed temporarily, because You Ruo was injured and he had to take care of her, and he had to figure out Xiongba's true thoughts, which was related to his plan to slay the dragon.

Most of the time, the three of them are together, and it is difficult to find an opportunity to communicate with Xiongba alone, and even if there is an opportunity like this morning, Xiongba will cleverly avoid key questions, just saying that he does not ask about the affairs of the world up.

After trying a few times, Xu Feng knew that this might be a long-term battle. He absolutely did not believe that Xiongba had no ambition to come back. Yes, then it may only be that the old fox hides too deeply, or it may be that he is not at ease with himself.

As a result, she could only slowly look for opportunities. You Ruo's feet were completely healed after about a week. Seeing that Xu Feng had no intention of leaving, she just stayed like this. How happy, she thought to pray silently, never leave again.

Living in the fields in the countryside, the surrounding scenery is very good, and the time is very peaceful. I grow some food by myself, and it is completely enough to eat. Life is too peaceful. Every day, Xu Feng plays chess with Xiongba.

Slowly, Xu Feng became more and more certain that Xiongba had never told the truth, because this hermit life was simply too peaceful, and although he had nothing to contend with, it certainly did not fit Xiongba's personality.

It would be fine if a person lived such a life from birth, but who is Xiongba, he was once the most powerful person in this situation, power and glory were all under his feet, but now he is allowed to live such a life?Not to mention Xiongba, Xu Feng has only been here for less than a month, and he can't stand it anymore, he is so bored that he is going crazy.

In this way, Xu Feng concluded that Xiongba must be lying. In this case, there is no need to play hide-and-seek with him. Maybe he is worried about himself, thinking that he was sent by Wuming or Bu Jingyun to test him. After all, Xiongba has always been suspicious It's normal to doubt yourself.

But there is not so much time to slowly gain Xiongba's trust, so the only option is to find an opportunity to have a showdown with Xiongba directly.

But when it was time for a showdown, Xu Feng was a little hesitant, looking at You Ruo, who was smiling sweetly beside him, if he had a showdown with Xiongxiong, then this peace would be broken, and the gears would start turning. Xiongba will inevitably turn into the bloody storm of the rivers and lakes again.

Do you want to ruin a girl's simple happiness with your own hands?

Every time Xu Feng made up his mind, he finally backed down again. He thought to wait a little longer and let You Ruo spend more time with Xiongba.

It's just that with something in mind, Xu Feng's daily conversation gradually decreased, the smile on his face disappeared, and sometimes he would look at You Ruo in a daze.

You Ruo also noticed Xu Feng's change. After eating that day, under the green shade of the courtyard, You Ruo saw Xu Feng sitting there in a daze again, and couldn't help but stepped forward and sat down gently beside him: " Brother Feng, why have you come here recently? It seems that you have a lot of thoughts, are you going to leave again?"

Xu Feng looked at the girl who was blinking innocently in front of him, this girl who was like his own sister, had some decisions to make after all.

"You Ruo, I'm thinking, if one day I do something to hurt you, will you forgive me?"

You Ruo stared blankly at Xu Feng, the two of them stared at each other silently, neither of them spoke, when the wind picked up, the petals in the yard were stirred up to the sky, like a rain of flowers.

A still painting, suddenly the girl burst into a smile, breaking the stillness, "Brother Feng, your question is not right at all, how could you hurt You Ruo? Anyone in this world can hurt You Ruo, but Brother Feng, you won't."

As she spoke, she slowly moved her eyes away, looking at the petals flying in front of her, memories seemed to appear in her eyes: "When I was alone on that isolated island, I was like a wild flower blooming in no one knows where no one knows." Even if you can see me, no one can understand me, it was Brother Feng who took me out of that barren cage, took me through the rivers and lakes, and let me know the beauty of this world for the first time."

"Later, Brother Feng, you brought your father back to You Ruo. He was no longer the leader of the Tiandihui. He was only my father for the first time. So Brother Feng, You Ruo is really grateful, very grateful you."

A tear fell unconsciously, You Ruo turned to stare at Xu Feng and said, "So Brother Feng, if You Ruo believes in you, you won't hurt me."

"You Ruo, I..."

Xu Feng's mood at this time is indescribably complicated. Looking at the person in front of him, do he really want to implement such a plan?
"Will I really never hurt you?"

(End of this chapter)

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