The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 170 The Bamboo Forest Conspiracy

Chapter 170 The Bamboo Forest Conspiracy
Xu Feng himself couldn't answer this question, or rather Yingying Yueyue, he already had the answer in his heart, but he just looked at the person in front of him and didn't dare to face that choice.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter with you? Why are you in a daze?" You Ruo looked at Xu Feng and stared at him, as if he was thinking deeply, but it seemed that the focus of his eyes was not on him. In those black pupils, It seems like an abyss, deep black and invisible.

For some reason, her heart was covered with a layer of sadness for no reason, as if something bad was going to happen in the future.

But this emotion was only fleeting, shaking his head, You Ruo stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Xu Feng's eyes, and shouted: "Brother Feng!"

"Ah, haha, sorry, I was in a trance just now."

Xu Feng already had calculations in his heart, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, he shouldn't be so indecisive anymore, let's act.


On this day, You Ruo was making dinner, Xu Feng asked Xiongba out, went out of the courtyard, and arrived in a small bamboo forest at the entrance of the courtyard, knowing that it was far enough away that You Ruo would not hear him.

After standing still, Xu Feng turned around, looked at Xiongba, looked straight into his eyes, stared at him firmly, Xiongba put his hands behind his back, but looked calm and breezy, looked at Xu Feng, lightly He chuckled lightly and said, "Feng'er, why are you staring at me like this? Is there a flower on my face?"

But Xu Feng didn't talk to him this time, nor did he have a smile on his face, but kept staring into Xiongba's eyes with a serious face.

The smile on Xiongba's face also slowly disappeared, and an aura suddenly rose from him, like a tiger that has been smiling and hiding, when you see it is harmless to humans and animals, you think it is a little flower As for the cat, a tiger is a tiger after all. When it smiles and shows its fangs, the majesty of the king of beasts will naturally come back to it.

What Xu Feng wanted was to force the tiger, Xiong Ba, to reveal his real body. Now that his goal had been achieved, he would follow his own plan to a direct showdown.

"Guangzhu, you should have understood my reason for coming during this period of time."

"Why are you here? Feng'er, didn't you come to see You Ruo?" Although Xiong Ba was full of majesty, he was still sloppy.

"Of course I came to see You Ruo, but the boss, I'm here to help you. I know you've been on guard against me, but I've never been with Fengyun from the beginning to the end. I really want to come here this time." Sincerely helping the leader, I want you to come out of the mountain again."

Hearing this, Xiongba's eyes flickered fiercely, and he said with a smile: "Going out of the mountain again? Feng'er, I'm very satisfied here, I want to be with You Ruo, I've already let go of the affairs of the rivers and lakes."

"Master, I know that you want to accompany You Ruo, but what is the situation in Jianghu now? Ever since Feng Yun overthrew you old man for his own selfishness, the Tianxiahui has no leader since then, and the entire martial arts world has lost your restraint. Going back to the era when the jungle was prey to the jungle, you killed me and I killed you all day long, and the internal fighting continued, so many heroes died tragically under the sword."

Xu Feng's language became more and more intense: "These dead people, behind each of them, there is a family. They all have wives and children. Unfortunately, countless families have been broken like this. Countless wives have lost their husbands and children. Losing my father, all of this is due to the lack of unity, the endless vendettas in the rivers and lakes, and the tragic death of many heroes, all of which need someone to end it."

Hearing these words, Xiongba's expression finally changed slowly, and the way he looked at Xu Feng also slowly changed.

Xu Feng stared at Xiongba, with tears in his eyes, and said: "Guangzhu, I know that when you established the Tianxiahui and unified the martial arts, you just wanted to end this endless dispute. As a member of the Tianxiahui, I really felt that way. Very good, but seeing that your great cause has been realized, but it was destroyed by the wind and cloud."

"Master, today's martial arts world needs you, and there are tens of thousands of people who need you to save."

Xiongba's expression had completely softened. He looked at Xu Feng, stretched out a hand to put on his shoulder, and patted it. His eyes seemed to be a little wet, and he blinked desperately to force it back, saying: "Feng'er, okay?" Well, the old man didn’t expect that there is such a confidant as you in the world, everyone in the world regards me as a scourge, and they don’t understand me, Feng’er, good!”

Speaking of the end, the voice of a generation of heroes was a little choked up, and he couldn't help thinking of those past events back then, his great career in the world, and how close he was to success...

Xu Feng looked at Xiongba, and knew that what he said had already had an effect, and the long paragraph he said just now was not entirely for the sake of ingratiating Xiongba.

When he watched Fengyun when he was a child, he actually had this idea vaguely, is Xiongba bad?Has he done anything unforgivable?
Bu Jingyun's family was killed by an unknown underling in the world. This can only be said to be a lack of strict control, and Nie Feng's father was in a fair duel. In the end, he was killed by Huo Qilin because of saving Nie Feng. kill.

From the perspective of Xu Feng, a modern person, what Xiongba does must be beneficial to the entire world of martial arts in the long run. No matter what era it is, wars and disputes will only hurt ordinary people. Only unity, even if it is Unification, which is not so satisfactory, is much better than division.

So what he said just now can actually be said to be Xu Feng's sincere understanding of Xiongba, but unexpectedly he really moved Xiongba, which means that Xiongba's ideal is the same as what he thinks.

If that's the case, then it's easy to handle, and continue to do the work of Xiong Ba with this point.

"Master, Feng'er begs you on behalf of those people who are suffering. Only when you come out of the mountain again and clean up the world of martial arts can we end this troubled world and give them a peaceful and happy life."

At this time, Xiongba's defensiveness has gradually disappeared, but it is obvious that he has not made up his mind, "Feng'er, things are not as easy as you think. It was easier said than done to start everything."

He sighed again as he spoke, "What's more, Wuming has actually sent people to spy on our father and daughter all the time. If I want to come back, I guess he will be the first person who refuses to agree."

Xu Feng wanted to have something to do, and finally Xiong Ba was tempted, and he quickly said: "Master, of course Feng'er has considered what you said, but I believe that as long as you are really willing to go out, everything can be solved. Feng'er is the first one." Support you."

Xiongba patted Xu Feng's shoulder with a wry smile, and said, "Feng'er, I know what you mean, but this matter is too difficult, it cannot be done by just the two of us."

"Sect Leader, of course Feng'er knows about it, but there are still many people from the Tianxiahui who sincerely support the Sect Leader like Feng'er. As long as you step up and call out, they will definitely flock to you."

 A book friend asked the Q group, there is an introduction interface for the book, and I will announce it again here: [-], [-], [-].

(End of this chapter)

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