Chapter 171
After hearing this, Xiongba groaned, and he didn't speak for a long time. Obviously, his heart must be very entangled at the moment. At this moment, outside the bamboo forest, You Ruo's calling came from a distance, "Daddy, Brother Feng, you Where are you, have you eaten~"

Xu Feng had no choice but to walk out of the small bamboo forest with Xiongba. Although Xiongba didn't finally agree this time, it has already made great progress. Next time, he should work hard on his own, and it should be interesting.

You Ruo cooked a sumptuous dinner, a large table of dishes, I have to say that the little girl's cooking skills are pretty good, although they are all home-cooked ingredients, but the taste is incomparably delicious.

Because things had progressed, Xu Feng's appetite improved. He ate several bowls of rice in a row, and he was full of praise for You Ruo's cooking skills. After hearing the compliment, You Ruo couldn't hide his joy.

But Xiongba on the other side seemed to be preoccupied, and didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food.

You Ruo saw it, and said concerned: "Father, don't the dishes your daughter cooks suit your taste?"

Hearing the voice, Xiongba seemed to wake up from some kind of thought, turned his head to look at his daughter, and said with a smile: "You Ruo, the food is delicious, but I'm not feeling well today, okay, I'm full, you eat first Bar."

After saying that, he put down the bowls and chopsticks, stood up, You Ruo quickly followed suit, and said nervously: "Father, why are you feeling unwell, does it matter or not, should you go see a doctor."

Xiongba chuckled lightly and shook his head, "No, it's nothing serious, maybe it was because the wind was too loud outside last night and he didn't sleep well, don't worry, I'm going to rest, you guys can eat."

After finishing speaking, he went straight back to the bedroom, You Ruo watched him leave, his face was still full of nervousness, obviously still very worried, after sitting down slowly, he looked at Xu Feng and said: "Brother Feng, you just talked to Daddy What are you talking about outside? Is he all right?"

"Huh?" Xu Feng had a big mouthful of rice in his mouth, and he swallowed it after a while, of course he knew what happened to Xiongba, but he couldn't tell You Ruoyan about it.

"Don't worry, the leader is fine. Maybe he really didn't rest. I just asked the leader about Go skills outside."

"Really?" Hearing what Xu Feng said, You Ruo was a little relieved.

"It's okay, eat it quickly, or the dishes will be cold later." Xu Feng said, personally picked up a chopstick of vegetables and put them in You Ruo's bowl, and said with a smile, "Eat more vegetables, for beauty."

You Ruo asked curiously: "Beauty? Brother Feng, what do you mean?"

"Uh, haha, it means becoming beautiful."


In the next few days, Xu Feng knew that he should not be too impatient and wanted to give Xiong Ba some time to think, so he didn't talk to him again.

Life in the country is actually full of happiness in peace, and there is a feeling of tranquility. The sky here is particularly blue, the kind of blue that does not have a trace of modern industrial pollution.

The night here is a pure night, black and pure, without any extra light sources. Because of this, the sky full of stars is clearer than ever.

In this way, follow the rhythm of time, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, enjoy the most primitive and pure beauty, the heart will calm down, and the human mind will gradually be freed from countless complicated desires, slowly Slowly return to the heart, back to the self, so that people have time to really pay attention to their own hearts.

Now is the time when spring and summer are handing over. Xu Feng looked at the flowers and plants in the yard, repaired them, and used grafting techniques to graft a few fruit trees. These wild fruit trees should be old in a few years It will bear sweet and delicious fruit.

On this day, Xu Feng was weeding the flowers in the yard, You Ruo was taking a nap in the room, unexpectedly Xiong Ba came to find him on his own initiative.

Seeing Xiongba approaching, Xu Feng stopped what he was doing, he knew that this time it should be reliable, it seems that Xiongba must have figured it out.

Putting down the flower hoe, followed Xiongba out of the yard, and came to the small bamboo forest again. After standing still, Xiongba spoke first this time: "Fenger, I have been thinking carefully about what you said these days. I have thought a lot, and finally I I think what Feng Er said is right, the world is still in dire straits, although I really want to accompany You Ruo, but can I just ignore the world because of my own selfishness?"

"I figured it out, no, if this goes on, I won't live in peace of mind, I think Youruo will understand me one day."

After hearing this, Xu Feng's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "So the leader, you have decided to come out of the arena again?"

"No, I want you to answer a few questions for me. If you can't be sure about these questions, then even if I come back, there is no hope."

"What's the question, you can ask the leader."

Xiongba stared at Xu Feng, and said slowly: "The first question, what is the real purpose of you coming to me this time and letting me go out of the mountain? I don't believe it."

Xu Feng was not surprised. After all, Xiongba is a generation of heroes. It is impossible for him to hide his thoughts from him all the time, and in the later stage, he will rely on Xiongba to slay dragons. It is impossible not to disclose this information.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, leader. Of course, for the people of the world is also my goal, but it's true that it's not my only goal."

"Master, let me tell you the truth. We in the Central Plains are fighting endlessly, but we don't know that it has aroused the voyeurism of overseas Dongying people. I got the news that Dongying has a peerless master who is rising at the moment. If the Central Plains martial arts are not unified again, it will be terrible for us." The Wulin will be stolen by the Dongying people."

"Dongying?" Xiongba pondered, and murmured: "This Dongying is indeed not to be underestimated, but it is impossible to say that it is a small country that can occupy our Central Plains."

Xu Feng shook his head. Xiongba's thoughts represent the thoughts of most people in the Central Plains. No wonder the Central Plains will be bullied by the small country of Dongying, whether it is in the world of Fengyun or in the real world.

"Boss, although Dongpu is small, our Central Plains is a mess. If we are of one mind, of course we will not be afraid of a small country of Quer. That's why I want to ask you to come out of the rivers and lakes and stop all this."

"According to the news Feng'er got, it was Dongpu's Wushen Jue Palace who conspired against me this time. The owner of the palace, Jue Wushen, has already been refined into a vajra shield, and on this basis, he has built an immortal golden body. We in the Central Plains may Nobody can stop him right now."

"Juewushen?" Xiongba murmured, he couldn't help but began to believe in Xu Feng, and his face became serious, "If this Juewushen really cultivated the immortal golden body, it would be really troublesome, even if the old man's martial arts If it is not lost, I am afraid that I am not sure about dealing with the immortal golden body."

After pondering for a moment, Xiong Ba raised his head and looked at Xu Feng and said, "Okay, then I will ask you the second question now, why are you confident that the old man can clean up this mess?"

(End of this chapter)

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