Chapter 173 Seven Weapons

You Ruo had already cooked the meal at home, just at this time Xu Feng and Xiong Ba returned to the yard, You Ruo wiped his hands on the green skirt, and said with a sweet smile: "Daddy, Brother Feng, you go Where is it?"

Xiongba laughed: "Feng'er wants me to show him some moves. Although I have lost my martial arts now, I haven't lost my knowledge of martial arts, so I went to the small bamboo forest outside the courtyard to let him demonstrate."

Seeing this, Xu Feng quickly picked up the topic and said: "Yes, yes, the advice from the leader of the gang really solved my doubts for many years at once. In the future, there are things I don't understand in martial arts, so I have to ask the leader of the gang more. Please don't blame the wind for disturbing your meditation."

Xiong Ba smiled and shook his head, without speaking, You Ruo looked at the two men in front of him who praised each other, one was his biological father, the other was the man he loved the most, now it is obvious that they get along very well, what a rare thing this is .

She couldn't stop being sweet in her heart, and a smirk unconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth, thinking about the life of the family in the future, maybe in a few years, Brother Hefeng will have another child, then there will be more cheers in the yard Laughing.

So I couldn't help laughing foolishly, but suddenly I remembered that I was a girl, and I was ashamed to think about these things about giving birth, my face flushed with shame, and when I looked up, I found that my father and Xu Feng were looking at me, and even more so. Unable to restrain himself, he turned and ran into the house.

Xu Feng naturally looked puzzled, after all, he couldn't guess what these little girls were thinking.

Early the next morning, Xiongba stopped Xu Feng who had just washed up, and said: "Feng'er, the plan for a day is in the morning, especially for those who learn martial arts. Let's go, let's go to the small bamboo forest, and I will give you some pointers." A few doubts left by yesterday."

Xu Feng naturally laughed, talked to You Ruo, and followed Xiongba to the small bamboo forest. Of course, he knew that things must not be that simple. Xiongba must be looking for him to ask something he didn't tell him yesterday.

It seems that there is really hope this time. Xiongba's heart has been successfully teased by Shenlong. After all, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, who would be willing to give up?Especially for a former hero like Xiongba.

In the bamboo forest, the green bamboo leaves are dancing lightly with the wind, Xiong Ba’s toga with big sleeves, the sleeves are also blown by the wind and dancing with the wind, he is facing Xu Feng with his back, he is still arrogant and has an inexplicable aura field released.

"Feng'er, you said yesterday that you have a way to slay a dragon. Tell me quickly. I don't think the matter of slaying a dragon can be delayed. Since the Wujue Shrine in Dongpu has been plotting against me in the Central Plains for a long time, then we must I have to act quickly, I thought about it all night last night, although I am now in the state of mind of idle clouds and wild cranes, I see all the disputes in this world aside."

"But the Dongying people are different. They are not my race. If they come in, my people in the Central Plains will definitely be in dire straits. To be slaughtered by them, I can't do it."

After quietly listening to Xiongba's inner monologue, Xu Feng is well aware of Xiongba's true inner thoughts. To be honest, Xiongba is more likely to plan for his own comeback. As for the world How could Xiongba really care about the life and death of common people?
Even if it is one of your own people who treats your own people, in a war, will you be soft?The incident of fighting in the same room has been staged countless times in this world.

"Master, Feng'er is really touched. How many people in the martial arts world can understand your great belief? But you still choose to help the world. Even for the sake of your belief, Feng'er will definitely help you Find Shenlong, and help you restore your skills, unify the world, and resist foreign aggression."

"Feng'er, with your help, I will definitely feel much more relaxed. Don't worry, after a hundred years, this world will of course belong to you. I know you like You Ruo. I promise you here, as long as you help me get Longyuan, I will definitely marry You Ruo to you."

Hearing this, Xu Feng felt a slight pain in his heart. Is Youruo still a pawn in Xiongba's heart after all?Xiong Ba doesn't know, he doesn't have that kind of thought about You Ruo at all, he has always regarded You Ruo as his younger sister.

But Xiongba wants to trade with his daughter, wants to use Youruo to restrain himself, it is a pity that Xiongba miscalculated this time, but the pity is the girl who doesn't know anything.

Xiongba saw that Xu Feng didn't answer, and there seemed to be an awkward smile on his face, thinking that he had guessed Xu Feng's thoughts, he laughed and said: "Feng'er, I know you are shy, it's okay, I understand your thoughts, When the time comes, the old man will definitely let you get what you want. But now can you tell the old man how to slay the dragon?"

Shaking his head, Xu Feng didn't think about You Ruo for the time being, he had to rely on Xiong Ba's power to finish the dragon slaying.

"Master, in fact, this dragon slaying technique, I also saw it in an incomplete ancient book by accident. It said that the godly power of the dragon should not be offended. No matter how high the martial arts are, it is useless to the dragon. hurt a hair on it."

"But the book also said that there is only one way in this world to defeat Shenlong, and that is to gather all seven weapons!"

"Seven Weapons?" Xiong Ba's eyes widened, and he arrived after a long time, "I think I know all about the weapons in the world, but I have never heard of this weapon named "Seven Weapons"."

"Master, it's normal that you haven't heard of it," Xu Feng said with a light smile, "because the 'Seven Weapons' is not the name of a single weapon, but a combination of the seven most powerful weapons in the world today."

"The combination of the seven most powerful weapons?" Xiong Ba's face was filled with joy, "Then it's really much simpler! ?”

"It is indeed written in this book," Xu Feng changed the subject, "Actually, weapons are not difficult. It says that not only must there be seven weapons, but more importantly, there must be people who can fully exert the power of these weapons."

"That's not difficult, the old man naturally has a solution, Feng'er, please tell me which seven weapons are it?"

"Okay," Xu Feng said slowly, "These seven weapons are Peerless Sword, Fire Lin Sword, Hero Sword, Heavenly Sin, Heavenly Blade, Greedy Wolf, and Shocking Silence."

"Just these seven? Hahahaha, that's great. These old men have fought against their masters. It might be a little troublesome to get them all together, but it shouldn't be a big problem," Xiong Ba mused, "Feng'er, It’s not too late to slay the dragon, let’s start to act now, and then you listen to my arrangement, I have a way to connect them and their masters, and catch them all!”

As Xiongba said, he clenched his fist and made a noise like popping beans, then raised his head to the sky and screamed, and the bamboo leaves fell to the ground one after another!

 I am back

(End of this chapter)

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