Chapter 174 Departure
In the bamboo grove, Xiong Ba's breath is long and high-pitched, like a tiger howling in a deep valley, or like a dragon singing for nine days, and it takes half a stick of incense before it gradually goes out.

Xu Feng watched Xiongba's howl, and was also secretly surprised. It seems that Xiongba should not be underestimated.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you?" With a slightly anxious voice, Youruo broke into the bamboo forest. At this time, Xiongba's roar stopped, his face was rosy, and when he saw his daughter, he smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I talked to Feng'er Carefree, I haven't been this happy for a long time, so I couldn't help but yell, haha."

Then he turned his head and looked at Xu Fengdao, "Feng'er, although it's early in the morning, I'm so happy, come and accompany me to have a drink or two."

Xu Feng had no choice but to cup his hands and said, "Then Feng'er can only accompany you."

"Daddy, brother Feng, how can you two be like this, drinking early in the morning is not good for your health, no, I won't let you drink."

Xiongba was walking in front, You Ruo wanted to go up and grab her father to act coquettishly, Xu Feng stretched out his hand to stop her, and said softly: "You Ruo, it's okay, I promise you will only have a drink, the boss is really happy today, I It’s been a long time since I saw his smile today.”

You Ruo gave up her plan to stop it when she heard the words, and then she heard what Xu Feng said, and then she remembered that since her father lived in seclusion in this country, even though he was with him, he looked very calm every day, with a smile on his face , but she always felt that something was missing, something seemed to cover her father, and she only found out today that her father was not really happy.

She felt sad when she thought of this, and suddenly thought of how she had never been really happy in the past few years?The one I love is nowhere to be seen. Although I can make up for the regrets of my childhood by making up for my childhood regrets under my father's lap, I still lack the person I love the most.

And since Brother Feng arrived, why hasn't he changed?It is the kind of change that comes from the soul, just like a flower, although it is usually open, but a little listless, a little bit listless, until it meets the spring rain, it can bloom its true youth and beauty.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly glanced at the people around her. From this angle, she could see his perfect side face. The morning light coated his face with a layer of golden light, and the fluff on his face was covered with It was clearly visible in the golden light, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, if only he could look at him like this forever.

Xu Feng noticed the gaze from beside him, so he turned his head to look at You Ruo and said with a smile, "What are you looking at, little girl? Don't look at the road while walking, be careful not to fall."

Seeing that she was discovered, You Ruo quickly withdrew her gaze, her face was stained with pink, and said angrily: "You are so beautiful, I didn't look at you, I was thinking that you and Daddy must have something to hide from me, hurry up!" tell me."

Xu Feng was taken aback, thinking that You Ruo had already felt it?But no matter what, I couldn't admit it, so I said: "Miss, you really wronged me, how could I hide something from you, there is absolutely nothing."

"Hmph, you're not here, I don't want to hear it if you don't tell me."

As he spoke, he overtook Xu Feng by a few steps, and angrily led him away.

Looking at You Ruo's slender back who left in a fit of anger, her hair fluttered slightly due to her hasty walk, but Xu Feng felt very uncomfortable, because the calm had been broken by him, and the next thing might be his own. She can't control it, will she have such a willful opportunity in the future?
If not, then I deprived her of it. In the past, she was imprisoned on a small island in the middle of the lake, and because I couldn't bear it, I rescued her, and changed her destiny abruptly, thinking that she would live her life forever happiness.

But now, it was me again, who came to break her peace with my own hands. Is it really a reincarnation of fate, after all, she is doomed to have an unfortunate life? She secretly gritted her teeth and made a decision in her heart. No matter what the outcome of this trip is, I must finally guarantee that Xiongba's life.

In the days that followed, Xu Feng and Xiongba successively negotiated the specific details of various follow-up actions. Neither of them was a reckless person. Like everyone else, calmly discussing various feasible solutions with Xu Feng.

Half a month later, everything was finally negotiated. The final plan of the two is that Xu Feng is responsible for bringing back the Xueyin knife and the peerless sword, and of course their master. After all, Feng and Yun have a deep hatred with Xiongba, so they decided after careful consideration Let Xu Feng handle these two.

As for the remaining five weapons and five people, Xiong Ba took over and he was responsible for taking care of these five people.

"Feng'er, then it's settled. You can set off tomorrow. I've already told you the place where Feng Heyun lives in seclusion. Also, according to our original plan, you will take Youruo to find Feng and Yun together. , so I can act better."

"Okay, then let You Ruo and I talk about this matter."

At noon, in the flower garden of the yard, You Ruo was carefully pruning the flowers and plants, Xu Feng walked over, looked at You Ruo among the thousands of flowers, and saw her serious appearance, suddenly felt that You Ruo was really beautiful, You Ruo After trimming the side buds of a peony, a butterfly was startled and fluttered its wings. She also put down the scissors and happily played with the butterfly.

Xu Feng was stunned for a while, and You Ruo laughed for a while, then turned around to see him, and said happily: "Brother Feng, aren't you discussing martial arts with Daddy? Why are you here?"

"Me, I want to see what you are doing, You Ruo. I'm afraid you will be alone. I didn't expect that I was overthinking. You and the butterfly can have a good time, haha."

As he spoke, he opened the chaimen of the flower garden, walked in, looked at the flowers and plants in the garden, and could see that each plant had poured the owner's painstaking efforts into it, and from these flowers and plants, one could also see how pure the heart of the owner was.

You Ruo waited for Xu Feng to walk in, like a little girl showing off her masterpiece, pointing to the flowers and said: "How about it, it's not bad! Some of these are varieties that I cultivated by myself, and there are many flowers in this world. Unique, you can feast your eyes today."

"Yes, yes, today I really opened my eyes, You Ruo, you are too powerful."

"Hmph, that is."

As You Ruo said, she lowered her head and began to repair a mutated comfrey. The scissors opened and closed like a dance, and this rotten comfrey gradually took shape, as if With the strength of character and delicacy of the master.

Xu Feng watched from the side, and was full of admiration. He really didn't expect You Ruo to have such skillful hands. After watching for a while, he remembered his purpose of looking for You Ruo, so he tentatively said: "You Ruo, you and The leader has lived here for almost five or six years."

"Yeah, what's the matter, why did you say this all of a sudden?" You Ruo answered casually without stopping.

"Well, I was thinking, do you want to see your Senior Brother Shuang, Senior Brother Yun and Senior Brother Feng?"

"Senior Brother Shuang, Senior Brother Yun, and Senior Brother Feng?" You Ruo hurriedly put down the work in hand, straightened up and said, "Brother Feng, do you have any news about them? I really miss them, really I haven't seen them for a long time, and I don't know how they are doing."

"Well, I do have news about them. I heard that Senior Brother Yun and Senior Brother Feng have already married. They seem to have children already?"

"Wow, really? Really? That's great, Brother Feng, tell me where they are, let's go see them." You Ruo excitedly grabbed Xu Feng's arm and jumped.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, I just want to take you to meet them, and the leader has agreed, he asked me to take you to meet them."

"Okay, okay," You Ruo clapped her hands happily, but suddenly remembered that she and Brother Feng had gone away, what should Dad do if he stayed here alone, so he asked, "Then Dad, will he go with us?"

"Uh, the old gang leader said he wouldn't go. After all, there might still be some estrangement between him and Feng Yun."

You Ruo knew this was the truth, and she also knew in her heart that with her father's temper, it was impossible to see the three senior brothers.

During dinner, Xiongba confirmed the itinerary of the two on the table, and gave some instructions to the two, You Ruo said worriedly: "Father, then I will leave with Brother Feng, can you take care of yourself alone?"

Xiongba laughed, stroked his beard and said: "Girl, I know you love me, but I can still take care of myself. Is it possible that your father can starve myself to death? When I was young, I walked alone in the rivers and lakes. What happened?" experienced."

So after breakfast the next day, Xu Feng took You Ruo, bid farewell to Xiong Ba, and embarked on a journey to find Feng Heyun.

(End of this chapter)

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