Chapter 175

The two left the countryside, went to a nearby town, bought two good horses, and then set off on the journey. Xiongba, the place where Feng Yunshuang lived in seclusion, had already informed, and Xu Feng estimated that they would arrive in half a month, so Not in a hurry.

Going with You Ruo all the way, when he encounters interesting places along the way, he will also take the initiative to ask to stop and have a good time with her. He always has guilt for You Ruo in his heart. So having this last chance to accompany her, Xu Feng was naturally willing to do it.

And when You Ruo first started, because her mind was still worrying about her father who was alone at home, she was a little worried when she was free. Afterwards, the scenery along the way was beautiful, so she fully opened her heart, and her whole person seemed brighter, let alone with herself. Those who travel with you are the people you love the most.

All the way to play, the scenery along the way is really beautiful, local customs, and famous mountains and rivers, Xu Feng himself is also a feast for the eyes, but it can be seen that this world is not a real peaceful world, the real prosperous towns are still a small number, most of them The place is very depressed, and there are often bandits blocking the road and robbery on the road, but Xu Feng and the two are naturally not afraid. Those bandits are usually refugees, and at most they know how to work like a three-legged cat. No matter how many there are, it is useless of.

If they encounter bandits robbing others, the two will try their best to help, but later on, seeing too many such chaos and the depression of the village, the mood of the two of them gradually no longer has fun. Although the mountains and rivers are beautiful and unparalleled, But people living in this world can't live and work in peace and contentment, so how can they have the mood to appreciate it?

So when they got to the back, Xu Feng and You Ruo hurried on the road without stopping, and after a few days, the two arrived at a paradise with beautiful mountains and rivers.

This place is among the mountains. It may be because it is too remote and the roads and traffic are inconvenient. Instead, it was able to escape the turmoil. Between the valleys, dotted with dots of cottages, on the slopes of the valley, there are criss-cross paths , Occasionally there was the sound of cock crowing and dog barking.

Seeing the scenery here, You Ruo said pleasantly: "This is really a good place. Once you arrive here, your heart will calm down. Brother Yun and the others really know how to choose a place."

Xu Feng smiled slightly, then drove his horse and walked in. The mountain road was winding, and even though it was a village that was close in front of him, he had to walk for several hours before he was able to enter.

At the entrance of the village, a few young children were playing and playing under an old tree. There was a well under the old tree, and a small stream flowed beside it. Several women were washing clothes by the stream.

Xu Feng and You Ruo dismounted, and then led the horses to the base of the tree. He was looking for a child to ask if he knew where Fengyun lived, but he didn't expect that the children probably had never seen anyone from outside, and they were afraid. So when they saw them, they scattered.

You Ruo was furious, chased after a few steps and shouted loudly: "Little devil, stop for me, what are you running, will I eat you? Stop for me."

"Forget it, You Ruo, it's useless, probably because people here rarely see outsiders." Xu Feng said as he let go of the reins, pointed to the stream and said, "Let's go there and ask those girls who wash clothes."

When the two walked to the stream, Xu Feng noticed that there were three people washing clothes, one of them was an ordinary village woman in her 50s, but the other two were young women in her 20s, and their appearances were astonishing. She is beautiful, with creamy skin, not like an ordinary village woman at all, but a fairy left behind in the mortal world. Although she is wearing rough clothes, she can't hide her youthfulness. Xu Feng probably already has a guess in his mind.

The three of them also noticed Xu Feng and the others, and stopped what they were doing. Xu Feng took a step forward and said, "Excuse me, I'm imagining a few girls to inquire about a few people. I wonder if it's convenient."

"Where did you come from? How did you come to us?" One of the young girls, with big round eyes, stared at Xu Feng with a hint of vigilance and asked.

Xu Feng knew that the girl probably doubted his identity, so he said: "We came here to find some old friends. We found out that they live in seclusion here, so we found this place. May I ask girl, do you know if there are foreigners living here? ?”

The big-eyed girl really wanted to talk, and a girl with a beautiful face next to her spoke, with a soft and pleasant voice, "I'm sorry, we don't have any foreigners here, they are all ordinary people who have been living here."

Speaking of which, the girl turned around and held the big-eyed girl and wanted to leave, but You Ruo happened to be on the side, so she blocked their way: "You two are lying, I think the temperament of the two of you is not ordinary people, how could the people in this place ? Tell me where Senior Brother Yun and Senior Brother Feng are!"

But the beautiful girl didn't want to stop, she turned her hand and threw You Ruo away, her technique was neat and neat, and her skill was extraordinary at first glance. After breaking free from You Ruo, she pulled the big-eyed woman and wanted to run away, but You Ruo herself There was a temper of a young lady, and being broken from her body by others aroused her competitive heart, so she quickly reached out and put her hands on the shoulders of the beautiful girls, trying to stop them from leaving.

In this way, the two began to fight, and Xu Feng didn't have time to stop it, and he also wanted to let You Ruo test the depth of the two of them, so he stood aside and didn't move.

But the village woman in her 50s or [-]s next to her became anxious, speaking a dialect with a strong accent, and shouted: "I have been beaten, I have been beaten, everyone, come and help."

While shouting, she ran quickly towards the village. Seeing that she was an ordinary person, Xu Feng didn't stop her.

On the other side, the two of them had already fought fiercely. The woman with big eyes didn't seem to know martial arts, and she stood on the side with an anxious expression on her face, while the beautiful woman was as light as a swallow, with an elegant posture. Xu Feng looked at it for a while He knew that his martial arts should be higher than You Ruo's.

At this moment, he had already figured it out in his mind, it seemed that this beautiful woman should be the second dream, and that cute girl with big eyes, who didn't know martial arts, should be Chu Chu.

Now that their identities have been confirmed, they have found Feng Heyun. Xu Feng was about to speak out to stop You Ruo and tell her not to fight, but before he could speak, he saw a figure in the distance approaching like an arrow. However, his speed was even many times faster than the arrow, and he came in front of him from hundreds of steps away in the blink of an eye, and hit You Ruo's back with his palm.

Xu Feng knew that it was useless to make a sound, the speed of the sound was too slow, so he jumped forward. His movement speed was even faster than that of the person who came just now, and a series of phantoms had already formed.

With a sound of "Boom", Xu Feng intercepted the visitor's palm that hit You Ruo, and the two palms intersected. The visitor took three steps back to stand still, but Xu Feng stood there as if he was completely incapable. Same thing.

In this way, the fight between Second Meng and You Ruo stopped, and the repelled person was about to step forward to fight again, when Xu Feng said, "Senior Brother Feng, it's us!"

(End of this chapter)

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