Chapter 176 Competition
"Brother Xu Feng?"

The extremely fast figure was none other than Nie Feng, and when he heard Xu Feng's voice, he recognized him immediately, and then saw You Ruo beside him, and said, "You Ruo, you're here too, haha , so you are here, I heard Aunt Zhang yelling just now, and thought that the Qiu family came to seek revenge."

As he said that, he walked up to give Xu Feng a big hug, and You Ruo at the side snorted and said, "Senior Brother Feng, you are too bullying, you didn't recognize him immediately."

Nie Feng smiled awkwardly and said, "My fault, senior brother here apologizes to you."

"Feng, don't you want to introduce us?" Second Meng's voice on the side said quietly.

"Ah, that's right, I forgot." Nie Feng patted his forehead, then pointed to Xu Feng and the two of them and said, "This is my brother Xu Feng, and this is Junior Sister You Ruo, who is... Master's daughter .”

Then he introduced Er Meng and said: "This is my wife, Er Meng." Then he pointed to Chu Chu and said, "This is Chu Chu."

After the introduction, Xu Feng and You Ruo followed Nie Feng and the others to the village. After a short walk, a tall man came out. It was Bu Jingyun. Of course, everyone exchanged pleasantries.

Then we arrived at the three connected courtyards in the northeast corner of the village. In one of the courtyards, a man was playing with two children. Why are you here?"

"Brother, let's come to see you, wow, these two children are so cute, what are their names?"

This person is the elder brother Qin Shuang, and the two children are the sons of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, both of whom gave birth to sons.

After exchanging pleasantries with everyone, they began to prepare dinner. You Ruo soon got to know Er Meng and Chu Chu very well, and the three of them were as close as girlfriends who had known each other for many years.

While the two children were still fighting in the yard, Xu Feng, Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun, and Nie Feng sat in the pavilion in the yard together. The good brothers hadn't seen each other for many years, and naturally only wine could express their differences. friendship, everyone drank happily with a jar of wine.

Then they each talked about their situation after parting. Of course, Shuang, Yun, and Feng have always been together, so the three of them talked together. In fact, Xu Feng has not been in this world at all for the past few years, so he just fabricated it casually. some.

"Senior Brother Shuang, Senior Brother Yun and Senior Brother Feng have all found their own happiness, are you still alone?" Xu Feng asked curiously.

Qin Shuang smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, I plan to live alone in this life."

"Senior Brother Shuang, life is very long, you should think about it for yourself, some things have to be let go after all." Xu Feng didn't know what to say, this kind of thing is very personal, and others can't talk about it .

Qin Shuang smiled and said: "Don't talk about me, why are you still alone? I think You Ruo should be very affectionate towards you. Don't let her down."

Now it's Xu Feng's turn to be embarrassed, he didn't expect to be sent to the army, and thinking of You Ruo felt sad again, he couldn't give her happiness after all, so he could only pretend to be embarrassed and smiled and didn't respond positively.

Bu Jingyun has always been known as the cold-faced king, and he has always seldom talked, just drinking silently.

On the contrary, Nie Feng has always had the best friendship with Xu Fengfeng. While drinking, he led Xu Feng to talk a lot, and the two discussed many things about martial arts.

"Brother Xu Feng, I didn't have time to ask you at the entrance of the village just now. Your martial arts have really improved a lot. I'm afraid I won't be your opponent anymore, haha."

"Where, where." Xu Feng smiled, "You didn't use all your strength at the time, but I did."

Qin Shuang quickly asked what was the matter. After all, they were both martial arts students. When it came to martial arts cultivation, they were all enthusiastic. Nie Feng then told the scene at the entrance of the village just now. When he heard that the two had exchanged palms, Nie Feng retreated After three steps, and Xu Feng stayed still, even Bu Jingyun, who had been drinking silently, changed his face.

After hearing this, Qin Shuang couldn't hold back anymore, took a sip of wine, stood up abruptly and said, "Brother Xu Feng, come and let's compete."

Xu Feng smiled awkwardly and said, "Senior brother Shuang, how can I fight you, no way."

"Are you looking down on me?" Qin Shuang said deliberately with a downcast face.

"How could it be, senior brother Shuang, my martial arts is really inferior to the three senior brothers, I..."

"Okay, big man, don't be inked. Our three brothers usually play every day. Otherwise, our legs and feet will be degenerated. Come quickly."

Xu Feng had no choice but to stand up and fight.

The two walked to the middle of the yard and stood still, and the two little ghosts naturally hid far away to the side.

Qin Shuang made a starting gesture, and then punched him, without a word of nonsense.

With this punch, the sound of a sonic boom could be heard, the air was torn apart by it, and a ring of high pressure was blasted towards Xu Feng like a high-pressure cannonball.

Xu Feng nodded silently in his heart, thinking that the power of this move is very good, it is worthy of being the head of the three major disciples of Xiongba, and it can obviously be felt that it has improved a lot compared to previous years.

But he is not afraid in his heart. After all, during the days of leaving, he has already practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao to drive things in the world of Jade Immortals. In other words, Xu Feng at this time has left the category of ordinary martial arts. Whether it is true energy or life level, they have entered the innate way from the acquired state.

Judging by the strength of the cultivation world, it is equivalent to having already cultivated in the foundation building stage. The true energy in the body, whether it is density or purity, cannot be compared with the internal force cultivated by acquired warriors.

Qin Shuang's fist reached Xu Feng's face in an instant, but Xu Feng remained motionless. Nie Feng, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but sweat for him, and Qin Shuang also thought that Xu Feng was unwilling to confront him. Hit, but it's a pity that I can't retract my fist at this time.

Seeing that this punch was about to hit Xu Feng's face directly, Xu Feng suddenly moved at the critical moment, and he stretched out his palm lightly, as if slowly but surely resisting Qin Shuang's punch, Then everything was still, there was no sound, and there was no response.

This punch was like a mud cow entering the sea, without making a sound.

Qin Shuang was stunned for a moment. Only then did he truly realize Xu Feng's terror in his heart, but he was very unwilling. He knew the power of his punch very well. He really didn't believe that anyone could take his punch so lightly. Fist, but all this happened in front of his eyes.

He knew that he had lost, and he had lost completely. His martial arts should be far, far behind Xu Feng in front of him.

So after changing the expression on his face several times, he put down his fist, but the expression on his face did not appear lonely, but sincerely clasped his fist and said: "Brother Xu Feng, it seems that Junior Brother Feng still underestimated you, I admire you, I didn't expect this You have improved so rapidly over the past few years."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Senior Brother Shuang, you are being polite."

The two returned to their smiling faces, and were about to return to the wine table when Bu Jingyun, who had been silent all this time, came out and said:

"I'll try."

(End of this chapter)

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