Chapter 177 Looking back and smiling

Xu Feng is helpless, it is deeply helpless at this moment, these people really deserve to be aggressive, why do they challenge themselves one by one, now this Bu Jingyun has to try, then will he win or not ?Do you want to win easily, or do you pretend to win after fighting for a while?

After thinking about it in my heart, I thought that I came to Fengyun this time to persuade them to go to slaughter the dragon together. It is impossible to hide this kind of thing, so I can only tell the truth, and to tell the truth, Fengyun will go with me. There is only one way, and that is to convince them with the righteousness of the nation and the happiness of the common people in the world.

Jue Wushen's invasion is definitely a useful excuse. Based on his understanding of Feng and Yun, Xu Feng is sure that they will not refuse this matter, but they really want to survive the world in their hearts, and Xiongba is just For him to return to the peak, as for myself, it was just for that Long Yuan.

Then I can't be too strong at this moment, otherwise how can I convince them that Juewushen is a big threat?
So in the next competition, Xu Feng intentionally waterproofed it. After all, his realm was much higher than Bu Jingyun's, so even if he released the water, none of the three people present could tell. After the move, Xu Feng pretended to catch a flaw accidentally, and won a small victory with half a move. Bu Jingyun stopped immediately. He knew that he had lost, so he naturally stopped entanglement.

Nie Feng and Qin Shuang, who were watching the battle, sighed again, "Lian Yun is not your opponent. Brother Xu Feng, have you encountered any adventures in recent years?"

Xu Feng laughed, "It's just a coincidence, it's a coincidence."

It was getting late at this time, and the girls had already prepared the meal. Everyone helped to move it to the long table in the yard. The rice is of course also excellent.

Seven people and two children, everyone sat together happily, and laughter came from the table from time to time, it was really like a big family, Xu Feng was also a little touched, he couldn't help thinking that he hadn't been with his parents and family like this for a long time Have a happy meal, sometimes happiness can really be very simple.

There were a lot of people at the table, and there were two little ghost heads, and it was inconvenient to talk about his plans when he first arrived, so Xu Feng didn't mention a word. Everyone had a good night of drinking, and then went back to rest.

The three courtyards lined up side by side had plenty of rooms, and they were all packed in the afternoon. You Ruo had arranged for the two girls, so Xu Feng said goodbye to everyone and went back to his room to rest.

Although he drank a lot of wine, for Xu Feng at this time, things like wine could no longer paralyze him. If necessary, no matter how much wine he drank, he would not get drunk, but tonight because he thought of his family, He deliberately didn't use any strength to resist the alcohol, so at the moment his head was really heavy, so he fell down and fell asleep on the bed, his body felt unspeakably comfortable, and he didn't have to think about it anymore. Especially down-to-earth.


The next day, Xu Feng woke up naturally from sleep, to be precise, he was woken up by the sunlight outside the window. This feeling of sleeping until the sunlight woke him up was really good, full of energy, as if he had gained a new life , and there is no such state of being unable to wake up, and he just got up from the bed.

Opening the window, I couldn't help but stretched a lot, and then took a deep breath towards Zhaoxia. This breath was really deep, and lasted for about half a stick of incense. If you look carefully, you will find With the dancing of the sun, a stream of lavender particles continuously entered Xu Feng's breath.

This is a practice method unique to those who are cultivators. The essence of heaven and earth is the purest in the morning of the day, so whether it is a mortal warrior or a cultivator, he will ask to get up early.

After Xu Feng had finished absorbing it all at once, the door was pushed open, Chu Chu came in with a basin of water and said, "You got up, wash your face quickly, and get ready for dinner."

He hurriedly stepped forward to pick it up, and said, "Sister-in-law, how dare you bother you with this matter? I won't dare to do it in the future, it really breaks me."

A simple bun was tied on Chu Chu's head, some hair was loose at the temples, and she exuded a seductive aura unique to young women. Xu Feng didn't dare to look at it, so he took the water and was ready to wash his face.

"Then you wash first, remember to come to eat right away, I'm leaving first." Chuchu said, and walked out Yingying.

After breakfast, Nie Feng, Qin Shuang, and Bu Jingyun all picked up their farm tools and were about to go to the fields to do farm work. You Ruo said in surprise, "Senior Brother, why are you going?"

Nie Feng was wearing the most common coarse clothes, and said with a smile: "Go to work in the fields, we live here in seclusion, of course we have to support ourselves, You Ruo, you can stay at home with Chuchu and the others, we Go and come back, soon."

"But..." You Ruo waited for a long time, but still didn't say anything. At first, she really couldn't accept that her senior brothers were all romantic figures in the martial arts world, and they would go to the fields to do farm work by themselves one day?
But then I thought about it, there is nothing wrong with this, this is the real peaceful life, aren't I and my father also self-sufficient?Immediately relieved.

Xu Feng was not too surprised, but he really admired the three of them in his heart. As expected of the real unrestrained and romantic, this kind of life closest to the land can really return to peace, unlike some people who find a country to live in seclusion. But it's just for show.

He also took a farm tool from behind the door, Xu Feng shouted: "Three brothers, wait for me, I will go with you."

Nie Feng's voice came from far ahead: "Come on quickly."

Xu Feng turned his head and said to You Ruo: "Then I went with the three senior brothers, and you can stay at home with your sisters-in-law." After saying that, he chased after her.

You Ruo was taken aback, and suddenly shouted: "Brother Feng, don't leave me behind, I want to go with you too."

Second Meng covered her mouth with a smile, grabbed You Ruo who was about to run away, and said, "Little Junior Sister, come with us to wash clothes by the stream, don't go with these men."


In the end, You Ruo resentfully did not follow.

On the other side, Xu Feng's footsteps are naturally easy, and he easily caught up with the three senior brothers in front. When the three saw Xu Feng catching up, Qin Shuang glanced at him and joked: "Brother Xu Feng, you Wear such nice clothes, come down to the ground with us, and don't get your clothes dirty later."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, the things outside the clothes can work with the brothers, so what about the clothes."

Nie Feng smiled and said: "Brother Xu Feng, you should stop going to the fields later, there is very little work, and the three of us are all martial arts practitioners, this work is nothing to us, it will be done in a while, besides I don't think you can do farm work."

"Senior Brother Feng, I still know how to do farm work. Don't worry about it anymore. Let's see how I perform later." Xu Feng was not lying. In the modern world, he has been doing farm work with his parents since he was a child. As a child born in a farm family, he still has a natural sense of intimacy and familiarity with everything on the land.

All four of them are jade trees facing the wind. Walking together among the fields in this peaceful small mountain village is simply a beautiful scenery that is rarely seen in a thousand years.

When passing by the stream, the girls in the village who were laundering their clothes let out bursts of exclamation and cheers.

And Nie Feng and the others are obviously used to these things, passing by very calmly, but it is the first time Xu Feng has received such admiration, and he feels a little embarrassed in his heart. He turned around and smiled gratefully at the girls who were washing their clothes. Unexpectedly He turned around and smiled, which caused an even bigger commotion.

The girls raised their voices an octave higher, and what was even more exaggerated was that two of them were too excited and surprised, and one of them was unsteady on their feet, and fell directly into the stream in front of them, their clothes were completely wet.

Xu Feng was taken aback, and his instinctive reaction was to save them. If someone died because of one of his smiles, it would be a big game.

Fortunately, the stream was very shallow, and before Xu Feng could move, the girls who had fallen got up by themselves, but their clothes were wet by the water, and the scenery inside could be vaguely seen.

Although these girls are not peerless youth, but fortunately they are at their young age, and possess the unique purity and simplicity here, like uncarved jade, they are still very beautiful.

The girls' clothes were wet, so they were naturally very shy, so they didn't wash their clothes, and ran home in a hurry, covering their faces.

Seeing this, Xu Feng turned around and followed the footsteps of the senior brothers in front.

(End of this chapter)

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