Chapter 178
Xu Feng followed in the footsteps of the brothers in front, and Qin Shuang said with a smile: "Brother Xu Feng, you are hurting the little girl by smiling back at you. Maybe the little girl will never forget you in the future. Are you going to treat her?" Responsible?"

"Eldest brother, don't make fun of me anymore. I originally responded politely, but I didn't expect this to happen."

Everyone came to the field talking and laughing, just as Qin Shuang said, everyone is a martial arts practitioner, and their physical strength is different from ordinary people. This kind of ordinary farm work does not challenge them at all. Everyone just treats it as an entertainment. Activities, or activities of self-cultivation, only when you personally touch the land, touch the crops, sow and weed, and then watch the seeds you planted grow and mature a few months later, and finally eat them in your mouth, people will Gain a great sense of satisfaction.

This kind of satisfaction is difficult to achieve with any other things, and sometimes people feel unbelievable in a trance. This is actually the growth process of life, and it is like a miracle. Many people believe in God and pursue miracles everywhere. I hope that the gods will show up, but who knows that the real miracle is around us?And it is visible every day.

isn't it?A seed, bury it in the soil, and then water and fertilize it, it can actually undergo various changes, grow up, bloom, and bear fruit, and these only happen in a few short months.

Therefore, in agricultural society, farmers have the most sincere belief in the land, because they know the divine power of the land under their feet best.

And Nie Feng and the others, as warriors, by being close to the land, are also a kind of cultivation of their own martial arts heart. When practicing martial arts to the highest level, sometimes it is not just a simple move, but the understanding of the Tao of everyone in the competition. If the understanding of the nature of heaven and earth can go further, there will be a chance to break through the limit of martial arts, and step into the realm of innate from acquired.

However, in the ordinary world and ordinary warriors, no matter how well they comprehend the way of heaven and earth and cultivate their xinxing, they may not be able to break through, but it is different in this world of wind and cloud. It is very possible in this world. There are divine beasts such as dragons and fire unicorns in the world, and there will be buggy characters like Di Shitian in the later stage, so everything is still possible.

After working, when I returned home, Youruo and Chuchu had already prepared the meals. The two children couldn't help but started stealing food from the sidelines. Xu Feng's heart was also full of warmth. This kind of life is actually very happy. All living beings, Isn't the pursuit of most people's life such a simple happiness?

But in the troubled times, this kind of life has become a longing, and only this isolated paradise can enjoy such happiness.

But Xu Feng knew that his own way was not like this. Although he wanted to miss this kind of warmth, he wanted to pursue a wider world, the truth of this world, and what was behind the Dao of that day.

In this vast world, in the vast universe, there are too many unknown things. Since I got this mobile phone system to help me open such a door, I have already peeped into the corner of the world outside the door. If I want to return to peace, it is already Impossible. The flame in his heart has been ignited, and he can't turn back, but he doesn't regret it either.

Everyone has their own way of life and their own choices, or as Buddhism says, everyone has their own destiny.

In the next few days, Xu Feng followed Bu Jingyun and the others to do activities together, either drinking and competing in martial arts, working in the fields together, hunting in the mountains, or taking two brats to catch fish in the water.

As for You Ruo, she also wore the same skirt with Ermeng and Chu Chusi. The three girls ate and slept together, and then exchanged the little things between their daughters.

In short, after these few days, both Xu Feng and You Ruo have fully integrated into this paradise, and Xu Feng didn't mention the dragon slaying during this period.

He has already thought about it, and there is no need to worry about this matter. After all, Xiongba needs to find more people, so it should take a while, and he can take it slowly.

And this place is indeed a paradise, You Ruo is also very happy here, Xu Feng also wants to make her happy for a while.

He planned to wait until the time was right, and then find an opportunity to avoid You Ruo, Meng, and Chu Chu, and only talk about it with Qin Shuang and his three brothers. As for You Ruo in the end, his plan was to let You Ruo stay here, The road ahead is too dangerous, it is not suitable to take You Ruo with him.

In this way, several people spent a happy and unforgettable month in this small village. During this time, Xu Feng and the people in the village also got to know each other. The people here are very simple and easy to get along with. and wonderful.

But no matter how beautiful things are, there will always be an end. There are no exceptions in this world. There is no flower that is invincible, and there is no spring that lasts forever. Beauty is more precious because of its ephemerality.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Xu Feng went to the field with Qin Shuang and the three of them after breakfast early in the morning as usual.

After arriving in the field, Nie Feng couldn't wait to roll up his sleeves and start weeding. Bu Jingyun seldom talked, so he also kept his head down and weeded silently.

Seeing this, Xu Feng hurriedly said: "Three senior brothers, don't be too busy working, I have something to tell you."

Nie Feng smiled and said, "Brother Xu Feng, just talk about what you have to say. Wouldn't it be better to talk while you're working, so there's no delay."

Xu Feng thought for a while and didn't say anything more, so he rolled up his sleeves and joined the ranks of work.After working for a while, he slowly said: "Three senior brothers, I am here to bring You Ruo to see you this time. On the one hand, I really want to see you, but in fact, I have something more to come to you of."

Speaking of this, Xu Feng paused, wanting to see how the three senior brothers reacted.

Qin Shuang waited for a while, seeing that Xu Feng didn't speak, so he smiled and said, "Go on, let's listen!" Xu Feng smiled awkwardly, and continued, "Three senior brothers, I actually came here this time to tell you A piece of news. The thing is like this, the three senior brothers also know that although Xiong Ba has retired, the world is not peaceful, and the common people in the world are still suffering.

But after all, this is still our Central Plains people's own business.But some time ago, I got news that in the small country of Dongying located overseas in the east, there is a martial arts sect called Jue Wu Jingong, whose master is Jue Wu Shen, who has strong martial arts and has become indestructible. The news I got is that he is planning to lead the Absolute Shrine to invade us when we have no leader in the Central Plains. "

(End of this chapter)

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