The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 179 The Last Road

Chapter 179 The Last Road

"What? When did this happen?" Qin Shuang asked in surprise, and stopped what she was doing.

"I got the news about half a year ago, according to the person who gave me the information at the time. It is estimated that Absolutely Wushen should take action within a year."

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun also stopped their work, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared, and their expressions became a little dignified.Nie Feng said: "If that Juewushen really has become an indestructible body like Brother Xu Feng you said, it will be a big trouble. There should be no one in our Central Plains who is his opponent."

"I think so too, and another very important point is that this nature is different from the civil strife in our Central Plains. There is absolutely no god. If a foreign race succeeds in invading our Central Plains, we will be subjugated. And if a foreign race invades, innocent people will surely They will be massacred and oppressed and ruled by foreigners."

After a pause, Xu Feng continued: "So my opinion is that we martial arts people in the Central Plains must unite in order to have any hope of resisting Juewushen."

After listening to Xu Feng's words, no one spoke for a while, obviously thinking about absorbing the news.After a long time, Bu Jingyun said slowly, "Are you sure this news is true and reliable?"

"Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't have come all the way to find the three senior brothers. This matter is related to the common people in the world. How dare I play tricks. I have already confirmed it repeatedly." Xu Feng said firmly.

Bu Jingyun remained silent again after hearing this, while Qin Shuang on the side said: "It seems that it is not too late, but even if we add up, we will never be the opponent of Absolute Wushen in a short time, and we need to find more A lot of martial arts righteous people can do it together."

"But now the martial arts in the Central Plains are in a mess, completely scattered and leaderless. I'm afraid it may be very difficult to unite everyone." Nie Feng said worriedly.

After thinking for a while, Nie Feng continued: "Let's not talk about the difficulty of gathering the scattered sand, even if we can really unite them all, is it possible to win against Jue Wushen? King Kong is not bad for magic, I believe Yun Brothers, you have also heard the legend of it, it is one of the top martial arts in the rumors, there is even a legend that no one has practiced it since ancient times, so no one knows how powerful it is."

The three fell into deep contemplation again, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious. Everyone was thinking about Nie Feng's analysis just now, and desperately mobilized their brains to think about countermeasures.

Seeing this, Xu Feng knew that the three senior brothers must have believed his words, and he had already made plans in his heart, and said, "Three senior brothers, I have actually considered all these aspects when I first got the news. The three senior brothers were also clueless, I thought about it for a long time, and finally found that if there is one person in this world who can reunite the heroes, that person is——Xiongba."

When it came to the words Xiongba, Xu Feng stopped and did not continue. He wanted to see the reaction of the three people to the name. After all, this name meant too much to Fengyun and the others. Xiongba was not only their It can be said that he played the role of father, but later Xiongba became their biggest enemy, and the three brothers turned against Xiongba together.

The ups and downs of this may only be understood by the parties concerned, and although Xu Feng persuaded the two parties to let go of their hatred, Xiong Ba retired from the arena and Feng Yun retired from the arena, but in the minds of the parties involved, has all this really been let go?
But after a while, the three of them seemed to have no reaction. Xu Feng was a little surprised at first, but then he understood that no matter whether the three of them let go of it or not, as far as they are concerned, they must have thought of it. Only Xiongba can do it. Gathered the heroes of the world, so kept silent.

Seeing this, Xu Feng continued: "After I went to find the leader Xiong, I told him about this matter, and I wanted to ask him to come out and gather all the heroes in the world to resist the invasion of Jue Wushen. At first, the leader was very reluctant. I have been declining me all the time, but later, under my insistence, he told the truth, he said that his martial arts have been abandoned, and it is still unknown whether the heroes of the world will listen to him after he left the mountain, and more importantly, he clearly knows that the body of King Kong is indestructible He felt that even if he united with the Central Plains martial arts, he would not be the opponent of Absolute Wushen, so he didn't want to make unnecessary struggles."

Qin Shuang couldn't help it when he heard this, and said, "What? Lian Master..." He blurted out Master, immediately realized something was wrong, and paused: "Is there no way for Lian Xiong... to bully him? Since He thinks that uniting all the heroes in the world will not be the opponent of Jue Wushen, so we can only kill him? I don't care, even if we are sure to lose, I will fight against Jue Wushen to the death!"

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun didn't speak, but looking at their expressions, it was obvious that they were thinking the same thing as Qin Shuang.

"Elder brother, I admire your bloodiness. We martial arts practitioners will not be frightened by difficulties. At that time, I also expressed a similar meaning to the gang leader. After hearing this, he was silent for a long time, and then he said that there is no way at all. , at least he knows there is another way to try..."

In the following time, Xu Feng talked about the legend about the dragon and about the dragon slaying. Originally, he told Xiongba about it, but now he said it through Xiongba's mouth. This is what he and Xiongba discussed. Yes, so as to increase the credibility.

Xu Feng sometimes feels that it is not easy for him. In order to achieve his goal, he has been telling lies recently, but he can only comfort himself. Lying is better than direct beating and killing. At least there is no need to kill people temporarily, and strict For example, he can be regarded as a white lie. After all, he did not lie in big aspects, but implemented them. For example, Juewushen will indeed invade the Central Plains, and Shenlong is indeed their way of life. This is enough.

He finished all the things about the dragon in one breath, and then analyzed the pros and cons of it, and finally said: "The thing is like this, now the only way we can defeat Absolute God is to unite Masters from the Central Plains, go to slaughter the dragon together, and after we get the dragon yuan, we will have the capital to fight against Juewushen."

After listening to what Xu Feng said, the three of them didn't make a sound, and they didn't even change their standing movements. Their eyes were all focused on the distant sky. In the field, the four of them each occupied a corner, holding a hoe in their hands, looking at each other speechlessly. .

The wind blows gently, the lowing of cows can be heard in the distance, and the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs can be heard faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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