Chapter 180 Persuasion
I don't know how long it took, but no one spoke in the room of the three, and everything seemed to be still.

What broke this situation was You Ruo's voice calling them to go home for dinner.Qin Shuang said, "Let's go back to eat first, let's discuss this matter next time." So everyone went back together first.

Xu Feng knew that it might be difficult for the three of them to accept this matter at once, so he was not in a hurry, but he was confident in his heart that things would eventually go as he wished.

In the next few days, Qin Shuang, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun didn't talk to Xu Feng about this matter anymore, and Xu Feng didn't take the initiative to find them again.

As time went by, Xu Feng became more and more confident, because if the three of them refused to agree, they would have rejected it a long time ago, and there is no answer until now, which can only show that the three of them are thinking about it. The result is more beneficial to yourself.

Sure enough, on the morning of the fourth day, the same four of them went out to work together.

When walking on the road, Nie Feng couldn't wait to say: "Brother Xu Feng, I have discussed with Senior Brother and Senior Brother Yun in the past three days. We believe you in this matter. Since the Absolutely Invading God The Central Plains has become a fact. Then the only way at present is to use the power of the dragon you mentioned, so we are going to go with you."

After finishing speaking, he paused, and then said: "But the three of us can't all go, so we decided to let Senior Brother Shuang stay to take care of Chuchu, Meng and the children. Senior Brother Yun and I will go with you."

Xu Feng thought this was the best, and said, "Since the three senior brothers have discussed it, I have no objection. The two sister-in-laws and the two little nephews really need someone to take care of them. In addition, I also want to keep You Ruo here. "

Nie Feng nodded after hearing this, and Xu Feng then said: "There is one more thing, how should we explain this to my sister-in-law and the others? Youruo and I didn't talk about the dragon slaying and the invasion of the Wujue Shrine. Yes, I kept it from her all along."

"We have also discussed this matter, and we decided to keep it from them for the time being, and we don't want them to worry about us."

"Okay, that's the decision. By the way, Senior Brother Feng, when should we start?"

"It's not too late, but how to tell Meng and the others that I haven't figured out an excuse yet, let's discuss it in the morning."

While speaking, the four of them had already arrived in the field.

Everyone was also weeding without saying a word, silently thinking about how to tell this white lie to Chu Chu and the others.

Xu Feng is also thinking about this matter. If he wants Senior Brother Shuang to stay and take Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng away alone, he must find a seamless excuse to hide it from Chu Chu and Second Meng. This lie is not so easy to make up. .

After a long time, the three people still had no voice. It might be more difficult for Bu Jingyun to tell a lie, and it would be more difficult for Qin Shuang, an honest person, to lie. In the end, this matter will actually fall on Xu Feng.

There is no way, Xu Feng had to mobilize all his brain cells, like a machine running at full capacity to run his brain at high speed, quickly retrieve all the relevant knowledge in his mind, and think about this white lie.

After coming over for a while, Xu Feng already had a clue, and said, "Three senior brothers, see if this method will work. Let's just say that a big devil has appeared in the Jianghu. Opponents, so to be on the safe side, everyone is going to go together, but considering the safety of the children, let the big brother Qin Shuang stay to protect you. In fact, this is not a lie, there is absolutely no god, it is this big devil. Let's tell them that this demon is not that powerful, and you two, Senior Brother Feng and Senior Brother Yun, will definitely be able to eliminate this demon very quickly."

The three of them nodded silently after listening, obviously agreeing with Xu Feng's statement.

So he finished work and went home. At the dinner table at noon, Bu Jingyun slowly opened his mouth. This was what the three of them had discussed before. After all, it was more credible for Bu Jingyun to say this kind of thing.

Bu Jingyun said: "I have something to tell everyone."

As soon as he spoke, everyone sat upright and listened to him.

"A few days ago, I got news. Another demon appeared in the rivers and lakes to plunder. He has done a lot of evil and has already harmed many places. We are going to go out to see if we can stop it."

"We discussed it. I will go with Junior Brother Feng and Brother Xu Feng, and let Senior Brother stay and take care of you."

Chuchu was the first to speak out after listening: "Brother Yun, when did this happen? Why don't I know? Will it be dangerous for you to go?"

Bu Jingyun said in a rare and gentle voice: "Chuchu, don't worry, the three of us will go together, even if there is any accident, we will be able to escape unscathed, you don't have to worry."

Sitting next to Nie Feng, Ermeng just shook Nie Feng's hand gently and didn't speak. There was worry in her eyes, but it was obvious that she believed in Nie Feng.

And You Ruo looked at Xu Feng and said loudly: "I'm going too, I'm going too, how can you not take me with such a good thing?"

Nie Feng smiled bitterly and said: "You Ruo, this is not a joke, you stay here first, stay with your sisters-in-law, Brother Feng and I will deal with this big devil, and then come back to pick you up, okay? "

But You Ruo's young lady lost her temper and became unreasonable, shouting: "No, I must go with you, you can't leave me behind."

Xu Feng is really helpless, it seems that You Ruo really has a deep affection for him, but he is destined to let her down.Besides, You Ruo must not be taken with you on this matter, so he ruthlessly stopped him and said, "You Ruo, this time it's really not a joke, that devil's martial arts are unfathomable, if you live with us, we may I don't have time to take care of you, if you have a problem, how can I explain to the boss and the old man?"

Hearing what he said, You Ruo knew that Xu Feng was determined not to take her, so she lowered her head and remained silent without speaking.

Qin Shuang watched from the side, and said at this time: "Junior sister, just listen to brother Xu Feng, you just wait here for them to come back. With the two junior brothers Fengyun and Xu Feng together, nothing will happen. Yes. And if you want to go with them, it will distract them from taking care of you, which may cause problems."

You Ruo suddenly raised her head and said in a crying voice: "I know you all think I'm a burden, so I won't burden you any more." Then she got up with tears and ran out the door quickly.

Xu Feng stood up and wanted to catch up, but was held down by a slender hand. He turned his head and saw that it was the second dream.

Second Meng shook his head at him, and said softly: "Don't go there now, I'll follow up and have a look, I will try to persuade Sister You Ruo."

Xu Feng said: "Then I will trouble you."

Although You Ruo is very reluctant, she finally accepts this reality under Second Meng's persuasion.

the next morning.Xu Feng bid farewell to everyone together with Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, and left this quiet village, this paradise—the only pure land in this troubled world.

(End of this chapter)

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