Chapter 181 Collection
Xu Feng set off with Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, and rushed towards the place where he and Xiongba had agreed to meet. Along the way, he saw that the people in the Central Plains were in dire straits, and a large area of ​​land was barren. To a household smoke.

Xu Feng had seen these scenes all the way before he came, and he was still very moved when he saw them again, and he still had the thought in his heart, "I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times".

But Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun saw this for the first time. Since the decisive battle with Xiongba, they have been living in seclusion in that paradise, and they have not understood the outside world for a long time.

Seeing this tragic situation at the moment, their emotions can be said to be very complicated. When Xiong ruled the world martial arts, although he was very cruel and sometimes talked about it, there are still many civilians in the underground, at least they can live. Can barely survive.

But now?This chaotic world, this ruined wall with no one in it, is this the result of their overthrow of Xiongba?Could it be that they did something wrong in the first place?

At this moment, in their hearts, there is a battle between heaven and man, some cannot bear to see the tragedy before them, and some have doubts about the consequences of what they were determined to do at the beginning.

So the three of them didn't say anything along the way, they just hurried on in silence, and when encountering some refugees, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun always tried their best to help them.


At the same time, somewhere in the Central Plains, a young man wearing a fiery red cloak was sitting on the second floor of a restaurant on the side of the street drinking alcohol, but his eyes were looking at the passers-by on the street below. And full of evil aura, no one dared to sit down at the several tables around him.

He didn't seem to care about the eyes of others, and poured himself a drink, with a wicked smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

But at this time, a person came up from downstairs, dressed in a very weird way, his whole body was tightly wrapped, and he wore a bamboo hat on his head. After walking around, seeing the man in red, he walked over without any hesitation.

Moreover, there were several empty tables next to him, but he didn't seem to notice it. He sat directly opposite the man in red, and put the sword in his hand on the table. His voice was crisp and clear, breaking the silent atmosphere.

Then he didn't move any further, just sat there with his head down, continued to cover his face with the bamboo hat, and didn't speak.

But the man in red on the opposite side was still drinking wine calmly, watching the scenery on the street outside the window, as if none of this happened, he completely ignored the person opposite.

The two of them maintained this strange balance for a while, neither of them made any next move, but there seemed to be something pervading in the air.

It's like the sultry heat in the air and the ubiquitous pressure in the air before a heavy rain.

There were a few other diners on the second floor. Seeing this atmosphere, who would dare to stay longer? They finished eating and slipped away quickly. After a while, only the two of them were left on the entire second floor.

At this time, the waiter in the shop next to him has been walking around. It is impossible for him not to go up to treat a new customer, but the atmosphere is really too depressing. He is afraid that if he goes up and says the wrong thing carelessly, his life will be lost. up.

So he has been waiting and hesitating, but seeing that the other diners on the second floor are all gone, and the two people saw that they didn't make a move, so he swallowed, gritted his teeth and walked up. He was afraid that if he didn't go up to ask again, he was afraid Even if the mysterious person is also angry, he will still be in big trouble.

"Guest officer, what would you like to eat?"

Xiao Er desperately suppressed the fear in his heart, squeezed out a smiling face and asked the masked man, but even so his voice was still visibly trembling.

It's a pity that after the questioning, the mysterious man didn't respond for a long time, so Xiao Er could only ask in a trembling voice again: "Guest officer, if you don't need it, then the villain will step down... step down."

Seeing that the mysterious man didn't respond, he breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around and quickly leave this place of right and wrong, but suddenly felt his body lighten, and the man flew out of the window, and his eyes could see that the sky was blue In the blink of an eye, there was a sound of Peng, and the waiter had fallen to his death on the street outside the door.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the people on the street ran away in fright.

At this time, the mysterious man who kept his head down and covered his face with a bamboo hat finally raised his head slowly: "It's really noisy, it's not winking."

The young man in red still had the same evil smile on his lips. He had just finished a sip of wine, put down his glass and said, "People kindly ask you if you eat, but you want people's lives for no reason. You are really an unreasonable monster. .”

"How good are you? It's just that you are better at pretending than me."

The man in red didn't refute, but said flatly: "You came here today to find something to do with me. If you fart, just let it go. Now that you have killed someone, I don't want to cause trouble. If you don't tell me, I will leave."

"It's not me looking for you, but the lord wants to see you?"

"My lord?" The man in red, his eyes narrowed, murmured, "Has Xiongba finally come out of the mountain again?"

"Come on, come with me, to see the lord."

The man in red raised his head, drank the last glass of wine, stood up without saying anything, took a fiery red long sword from the table beside him, and left with the mysterious man.


In a monastery, on the main hall in the courtyard, a middle-aged monk was sitting knocking on a wooden fish.

Suddenly, an arrow was shot from outside, the arrow was obviously shot with a strong bow, the speed was very fast, and it aimed at the monk's left chest, obviously wanting his life.

If this were an ordinary monk, his soul would have returned to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss long ago, but the one who knocked on the wooden fish seemed to have eyes on his back. When the arrow was still a few inches away from his back, he caught it with his backhand it.

He was knocking on the wooden fish with his eyes closed, now he held the arrow in front of his eyes, opened his eyes, and saw a letter tied to the front end of the arrow.

The monk was not surprised either. He reached out and took down the letter, then opened it and read it.

Not long after reading the letter, the monk explained the things in the temple and left alone.


This scene was performed in different places, by different characters, and in various ways. They all received the message, and then they all got up and set off without hesitation.

Naturally, these people are the other five of the seven weapons that Xiongba is in charge of contacting. Xiongba didn't know what method he used, but in a short period of time, he let these gangsters set out from their lair obediently one by one, toward the agreed Good place to go.

(End of this chapter)

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