The most powerful mobile phone ever

Chapter 182 The Nameless Town

Chapter 182 The Nameless Town
This is an unnamed small town by the sea. It is sparsely populated and few outsiders come to this place. There is only one dilapidated inn in the town. A little wild cat curled up and occasionally stretched itself.

There is only a bluestone street less than [-] meters long in the town. This is what Xu Feng and Bu Jingyun saw when they came here.

This small town is really too small. In order to find this place, the three of them took a lot of detours. Although this place is the place Xu Feng and Xiongba made an appointment with, it was actually the place designated by Xiongba. Pian Continent is definitely not as familiar as Xiongba.

At that time, he just told Xiongba the approximate location of the dragon, and then Xiongba found this small town by the sea based on the information provided by Xu Feng.

The place where the dragon is located is an unnamed island on the East China Sea. Xu Feng can check the route to that island in his mind at any time, so even if he told the male Tyrannosaurus that he was on the island in this sea area, Beyond the East China Sea, there are more than tens of thousands of small islands, and it is up to him to find them in the end.

The agreement between Xu Feng and Xiongba is to meet in this small town first, and then Xiongba will bring a boat over, and everyone will go out to sea to search for the dragon together.

Naturally, the three of them can only live in the only inn in the town. Xiaoer took a few people to the room to rest. Xu Feng observed the store and found that he should be the first to arrive. It seems that the people Xiongba was looking for have not come yet. .

It took more than a month to walk all the way, and the journey was exhausting, and the three of them didn't have a good rest, so although the environment of this inn is simple, Xu Feng and Nie Fengbu Jingyun fell asleep as soon as they lay down on the bed. Take a break.

This sleep lasted until the next morning, when the sunlight outside the window came in, the dust floated in the air, dancing in the light beams, Xu Feng stretched his waist, and came back to life full of blood.

Pushing the door and going out, I found that Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng also walked out of the door together, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and went downstairs together.

The shop is really small, there is nothing to eat in the morning, so Xu Feng just ordered something casually, and then he and Nie Feng were eating. The lighting in the shop is very bad, and a few people are sitting at the table facing the door superior.

While eating, he suddenly felt dark. Xu Feng looked up and found a person walking in from the door. Ordinary people could not see the backlight clearly, but Xu Feng's eyes were not affected at all, and he could still see it clearly. A person's face and clothing.

Dressed in red, there is always a mocking and evil smile on the corner of his mouth, the sword in his hand is getting more and more blood red, and his body exudes a strong bloodthirsty aura, who else can it be if it is not Duanlang?
But what surprised Xu Feng was that when Duanlang appeared, his dementor actually responded. Although he put away the dementor, he had already connected with it, and he could clearly feel it. At this moment, the dementor has awakened, and there is a tendency to restlessness.

Xu Feng had no choice but to comfort it with his mind, and it took him a long time to calm it down again. He guessed that the Fire Lin Sword should have caused the restlessness of the dementor. After all, from the information he has learned, the Fire Lin Sword is also a bloodthirsty sword. Duan Lang was once backlashed by the Fire Scale Sword, and it can even be said that he turned black in the end, or it may be due to the long-term subtle influence of the Fire Scale Sword, which caused his temperament to gradually deteriorate.

However, no matter what the Fire Lin Sword is, it is nothing compared to Dementor. As a mysterious magic weapon of unknown level, Dementor is combined with Blood-devouring Orb in Zhuxian, but it is the most powerful One of the instruments.

If he hadn't used the ability of the system to completely suppress the dementor and confirmed that it would not affect him, Xu Feng would not dare to use it. After all, his cultivation base is too low at this time, and it is difficult to resist its influence.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun obviously also noticed the person standing at the door, and Duanlang at the door was of course the first to see the three people sitting inside, so he stood at the door for a while, not knowing what to do Is good.

Although he is very arrogant, he also knows that when Feng and Yun are together, he will never be their opponent. As for Xu Feng beside him, he doesn't know Xu Feng's strength, after all, he has never seen Xu Feng make a move , so he didn't take Xu Feng seriously.

It was Nie Feng who broke the calm first. He stood up in surprise: "Lang, how could it be you? How did you come to this place?"

Nie Feng's heart is always the most fraternal and gentle. He has always had special feelings for Duanlang. Although Duanlang has failed him and betrayed him time and time again, seeing this childhood friend appearing in front of him makes him Still a bit of a surprise and surprise.

"Why do you come here, that's why I'm here." Duanlangren is very smart, after the initial surprise, he guessed that since he can see these people in this remote town, he must be the same as himself, being dominated by Xiong summoned.

Thinking of this, he calmed down. Although he had old grievances with Bu Jingyun, seeing Nie Feng's attitude, he knew that the two of them would not trouble him, so he resumed his mask.

After a sneer, he walked into the inn, found a table in the corner and sat down.

From the beginning to the end, Bu Jingyun acted as if he hadn't seen this person, and ate on his own. As expected of an ice cube face, no one would ever be able to see anything from his face.

Nie Feng originally wanted to ask Duan Lang to have dinner with him, but seeing Brother Yun's attitude, he had no choice but to give up.

And Xu Feng didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, because he was trying to appease his dementor. Looking at the dementor, if he released it, he might kill the fire lin sword directly.

It seems that these evil things are not pleasing to each other, and they want to devour them when they see the same kind. Maybe this is a way for evil things to evolve?
The morning meal was finished in this weird atmosphere. After the meal, Xu Feng proposed to go to the seaside to have a look. After all, it is always right to familiarize yourself with the terrain first, and I don’t know if there is a port in this place. When the time comes, don’t rely on Xiongba’s boat. Can't reach the shore.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng also agreed, so the three of them left the inn together, but Duanlang didn't follow.

The three of them walked along the way, because of the knightly attire and the weapons on their bodies, so the locals avoided them when they saw it. The town is really very close to the sea, but only a few miles away.

But leading to the sea, there is only a narrow path, both sides are full of shrubs and mangroves, Xu Feng knew that there was no way, there must be no port, even if there is no road to the sea, how could there be a port?

Xu Feng suddenly felt that he was too whimsical. It is strange that such a small town has a port, but he still decided to go to the seaside to have a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

 Coincidentally, today, August [-]st, I have written Chapter [-], haha, book friends, vote for a reward, I will be resurrected with full blood.

(End of this chapter)

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