Chapter 183
When everyone came to the beach, it turned out to be a pristine beach as they imagined. Where is there any port? Nie Feng suddenly asked, "What's over there?"

Xu Feng followed his voice and looked over. It turned out that there were three or four small fishing boats beside a large rock on the seashore. The three of them walked over and found that the fishing boats were in good condition. They should have been put here by fishermen. In the season, or the weather is bad, no fishermen go to sea.

"If there are fishing boats, it will be easy. We can just take these fishing boats and get on the big boat."

Xu Feng looked around again, and found that there were mangroves growing on the coast, as well as various unknown small shrubs, and many birds were flying up and down. where there are no ships on the sea.

No other accidents were found, and the three of them returned to the inn. The next thing to do was to wait for everyone to arrive.

At noon on the third day, also at noon, a tall and burly man came outside the door, holding a five-foot-long strange sword in his hand, his aura was very strong, Xu Feng was the first Seeing him, he even felt that the aura he exuded was comparable to that of Xiongba, but he had never seen this person before.

This person didn't intend to communicate with them either. After he came in, he asked the waiter to open a room, and then went upstairs. In the next few days, his meal was also sent upstairs by the waiter, and Xu Feng didn't see him. He came down again.

After asking Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, they didn't know this person either. Xu Feng already had a rough guess in his mind. After all, he had gathered four people and there were three left.

On the fourth day, a monk walked into the small town. His arrival made the people in the small town feel a bit of novelty, and he looked like an eminent monk, so after he stayed in the inn, there were local monks every day. People come to him to do things.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun both knew this monk, it was Huai Kong. The weapon he used was the Sin of Heaven, also known as "Human Beast", the most powerful weapon in the world.If the person holding the weapon does not have enough internal strength, it will backfire on the person holding the weapon.

However, Huaikong himself is a person of righteousness, and he can be regarded as an eminent Buddhist monk. Under Nie Feng's introduction, Xu Feng can be regarded as befriending this hero of righteousness.

In this way, there were only two remaining out of the seven, but the last remaining two, everyone thought they would arrive soon, but they didn't expect to wait for several days, and finally arrived on the afternoon of the fifth day Late.

One of them, Xu Feng recognized at a glance, was Wuming Mythology of Wulin.And the person who came with him was also tall and burly, and he was a bit older. While walking, he was arguing with Wuming and didn't know what to say.

When Xu Feng and the others saw Wuming, they came out to greet Wuming, after all, Wuming was an old senior in Jianghu, and he had helped both Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, Nie Feng went up and cupped his hands and said, "Senior Wuming, I didn't expect you to come in person. "

With a warm smile on Wuming's face, he said: "Yes, you are here too." He greeted everyone, then turned around and introduced the person next to him: "You probably don't know this one, let me introduce you." For a moment, his name is Huang Ying."

Nie Feng cupped his hands and said, "Senior Huangying..."

But before he could finish his sentence, the old man, who was older than Wuming, just snorted, ignored Xu Feng and the others, pushed everyone away and walked into the shop.

There was no surprise in Xu Feng's heart. He heard that Huang Ying was a martial idiot. In the original novel, he had been pestering Wuming to compete with him. Generally, such people have a strange temper.

The weapon used by Huang Ying is Jing Ji, a knife. It is said that no one has been able to pull it out for a hundred years after the knife was cast. Huangying pulled out with tenacious skill, achieving the unity of human and sword.

So far, all seven people have arrived, so the middle-aged man who came after Duanlang, who has the aura of dominance, is probably Pojun.

The weapon used by Po Jun is called Greedy Wolf, which is regarded as a vicious sword. The wounds of this sword will continue to burst open.

The Seven Weapons and the Seven Samurai have all been assembled, everything is ready, the only thing left is the east wind, and the next thing is to wait for Xiongba's boat to arrive, and then we can set off.

Xu Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation and excitement in his heart. This was an action that consumed a lot of his heart and energy. It was his second time to enter Fengyun World, all for the purpose of slaying the dragon and the dragon element.

To be honest, he is also very curious about dragons. No one has ever seen the legendary dragon, and he is no exception. Although the people he convened are all the top experts in the world, if the dragon is really the legendary As for that kind of auspicious beast, it is an existence that flies into the sky and hides from the ground, calling the wind and calling the rain. Even in the world of Xianxia, ​​the dragon is one of the most powerful creatures.

But no matter what, you have to give it a try, not to mention that since Di Shitian can slay dragons with seven warriors, he can definitely do it himself, and he will respond immediately when the time comes.

In a small inn in a remote town in the East China Sea, there lived a group of people with the highest military value in the Central Plains today, and most of these people had grievances with each other. One can imagine the atmosphere in this small inn. how is it.

The only waiter in the store is naturally a good person. He can see that none of these people can be provoked by him, and any one of them can easily kill him. Therefore, he also uses his help to serve these old men every day. I tried my best to squeeze my smiling face desperately.

Fortunately, although the atmosphere was weird, it reached a balance. After a few days, nothing happened in the end. Apart from thinking about the dragon slaying, Xu Feng was also practicing hard at other times.

Over the years, no matter whether he was in another world or in this world, whenever he had time, he practiced.

Having been to too many worlds and seeing too many life and death, Xu Feng understands a truth, only being strong is the foundation of everything and the capital of everything.

In the anticipation of everyone, in the early morning of this day, Xu Feng had just finished his breakfast when he heard a cannon shot outside the door. He walked out of the inn, and there was a trace left by a colorful signal bomb in the sky in the distance.

This is the signal from Xiongba to him, Xiongba has finally come, and everyone is waiting for him.

Xu Feng returned to the inn, just at this time the other people also heard the sound of the signal flare, and they all walked out of their rooms.

"Everyone, Lord Xiong has sent a signal, he has arrived, let's clean up, let's go now."

(End of this chapter)

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